Algebra 1
Georgia Standards of Excellence Course Descriptions
Unit 1: Students will interpret the structure of expressions and solve problems related to unit analysis. Students will address properties of rational and irrational numbers and operations with polynomials in preparation for working with quadratic functions later in the course. Content addressed in Unit 1 will provide a solid foundation for all subsequent units.
Unit 2: Building on standards from middle school, students will analyze linear functions only. Students will (1) investigate key features of graphs; (2) create, solve, and model graphically linear equations and inequalities in one and two variables; (3) create, solve, and model graphically systems of linear equations in two variables; (4) create and interpret systems of inequalities where applicable; for example, students will create a system to define the domain of a particular situation, such as a situation limited to the first quadrant; the focus is not on solving systems of inequalities; (5) rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest; (6) recognize arithmetic sequences as linear functions. Some of the Unit 2 standards will be repeated in Units 3, 4, and 5 as they also apply to quadratic and exponential functions.
Unit 3: Students will analyze quadratic functions only. Students will (1) investigate key features of graphs; (2) solve quadratic equations by taking square roots, factoring (x2 + bx + c AND ax2 + bx + c), completing the square, and using the quadratic formula; (3) compare and contrast graphs in standard, vertex, and intercept forms. Students will only work with real number solutions.
Unit 4: Students will analyze exponential functions only. Students will (1) investigate key features of graphs; (2) create, solve, and model graphically exponential equations; (3) recognize geometric sequences as exponential functions.
Unit 5: Students will compare and contrast linear, quadratic, and exponential functions in this unit.
Unit 6: Students will summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable. Students will summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables. Students will interpret linear models.
Performance Standards:
GSE mathematics resources are now available at
Douglas County School System website –
Teacher Policies and Behavior Expectations:
· Each class will begin with a warm up. The student will be responsible for completing these, as warm ups are given to prepare for the DCSS CDAs and the End of Course GA Milestones (EOC)
· In order to prepare you for quizzes and tests, homework will be given on a nightly basis.
· Homework assignments must be COMPLETELY COMPLETED!!! to earn credit (EFFORT BASED)
· In the event of an absence, YOU are responsible for bringing an excuse and getting / completing all of your makeup assignments.
· Be in your seat ready to begin when the late bell rings.
· Bring a pencil, paper, notebook, and scientific calculator to class
· Have your homework out at the beginning of class.
· Be respectful and cooperative to your teacher and classmates.
· Follow school rules stated in the student handbook.
Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:
Student learning/performance will be evaluated using a variety of assessment tools including the following: Homework and class work activities, quizzes, tasks, and tests.
Grading Plans:
Algebra 1:
Daily/HW/Informal Assessments/Quizzes 40%
Summative Assessments/Tests 40%
EOC 20%
Final Grade 100%
Strategies for Student Learning:
The best way to be successful is to be present each day and to always give your best effort. You should let your teacher know immediately if you are giving your best effort and are still struggling in this course. We will work together to find strategies that will help you be more successful. In order to learn mathematics efficiently, the student must be prepared to learn from their mistakes! Diligent attention to errors (REWORKING INCORRECT PROBLEMS) will result in steady and significant mathematical progress. DO NOT IGNORE MATH ERRORS!! Each assignment is to be completed to the best of one’s ability. Solutions should NEVER just be a single number without some explanation for how you got that answer.
No Work = No Credit
Learning Focused Strategies are research proven strategies that have a strong effect on student achievement. Therefore, in each class, students will:
· Preview new class topics to accelerate learning
· Learn through use of Collaborative Pairs, Guided Practice, and Graphic Organizers
· Learn through thinking skills activities such as compare/contrast, classifying, induction, deduction, and error analysis
· Take notes and summarize new information
· Be able to answer Essential Question(s) at the end of each lesson
· Complete homework/practice
· Represent ideas in nonlinguistic manners
· Learn cooperatively
Academic Honesty:
Cheating is defined to be the willful or deliberate unauthorized use of the work of another person for academic purposes, or inappropriate use of notes or other material in the completion of an academic assignment or test. In addition to disciplinary responses, the granting of credit for this assignment will be null and void for all parties knowingly involved.
Your Students Instructors: Swati Shah
Civil Rights Clause
The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational
programs or activities, or employment practices.