Template and Instructions for Preparation of a Final Paper for ICARAME 2011[Arial 18 pt bold]
Xxxx Yyyyy1 and Xxxx Zzzzz2[Arial 12pt bold]
1Affiliation, City, Country, E-mail [Arial 10 pt]
2Affiliation, City, Country, E-mail [Arial 10 pt]
The title should be informative and concise. Author name(s) and affiliations, as well as e-mails, are to be clearly indicated.
ABSTRACT: [Arial 12 pt all capitals] Leave two blank lines and then type the abstract of no more than 150 words. The abstract must be justified, as in this example. Use 10 pt Arial font for the text. The abstract should give a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. It should be followed by a blank line and then a list of relevant keywords. [Leave one blank line]
Keywords: Limit keywords to no more than 4 such as energy, mechanisms, etc. [Arial 10 pt, Leave two blank lines]
NOMENCLATURE [Arial 12 pt]
All terms should be listed in alphabetical order to be followed by Greek symbols. Superscripts and Subscripts should appear last. [Arial 10 pt]
cp : specific heat[J/kg.K]
P : pressure[Pa]
x,y,z : Length[m]
1. INTRODUCTION [Arial 12 pt bold capitals]
Authors are fully responsible for their papers, which should not have been published elsewhere. They must have taken necessary steps to obtain permission for using any material that might be protected by copyright. [Arial 10 pt]
Please prepare your paper in the light of the following considerations and keeping in mind the reviewers’ recommendations. Violating the present formatting rules may lead to excluding your paper from the proceedings of the conference. The final paper is to be submitted as a PDF file via the same conference portal used to submit the draft manuscripts.
The final paper should have a minimum of four (4) A4-Size pages and should not exceed eight (8) A4-Size pages, illustrations included.
2. BODY TEXT [Arial 12 pt bold capitals]
The body of the manuscript is to be organized in sections, subsections, etc. The text should be indented. [Arial 10 pt]
The heading of each section should be preceded by Arabic numerals and should be typed in capital letters, in bold with 12 pt Arial font. Do not underline the heading. The text that follows should have 10 pt Arial font.
Leave two empty lines before each heading. Do not leave any blank line between the heading and the text that follows it.
2.1 Subheading [Arial 11 pt bold]
All subheadings should have a decimal numbering as illustrated above. The subheading should be typed in title case, in bold with an 11 pt Arial font. Do not underline the subheading. The text that follows should be typed with a 10 pt Arial font.
Leave one blank line before each subheading. Do not leave any blank line between the subheading and the text that follows it.
3. DRAWINGS AND GRAPHS [Arial 12 pt bold capitals]
Drawings and graphs should be located close to their corresponding citation.
Figures and photographs must be referred to in the text as (Fig. 1). If a sentence starts with the word "figure 1" then the sentence should be written as Figure 1 shows ......
Fig.1. Clear line drawings are essential. [Arial 10]
All captions should be brief and descriptive of the illustration. All illustrations must be clear and easy to read. Leave one blank line before and after each figure/illustration.
3.1 Tables
Refer to tables by using Roman numerals. All tables must be numbered and captioned as shown in the example below.
In the body of the manuscript, the table should be referred to as, for example, Table I.
Table I:Sky conditions probability in City X for clear sky (ρcs), partly overcast sky (ρps), and fully overcast sky (ρos). [Arial 10 pt]
Month / ρcs(%) / ρps(%) / ρos(%)JAN / 5.88 / 36.88 / 57.24
FEB / 6.79 / 45.65 / 47.57
MAR / 5.48 / 40.40 / 54.12
3.2 References
In the body of the manuscript, references should be cited by numbers such as [1], or [2-5]. The references should be numbered by order of appearance in the manuscript.
3.3 Page Size
Page size must be A4 Size (210 mm x 297 mm). You must keep the text within the frame shown in this example, i.e. 162 mm x 240 mm. Under no circumstances should text or figures be outside these frame limits. The margins should be; top - 24 mm, bottom - 24 mm, left -24 mm and right - 24 mm.
The width of the columns is 76 mm and there should be a 10-mm gutter between the columns.
3.4Layout of the text
Begin at the top of the first page and type the title of the paper, in title case, Arial 18pt bold and centered.
Leave 24 pt blank between the title and the full name of the author/s. (Style: ‘title’ includes already 12 pt before and 24 pt after).
On the next lines, put the affiliations. When several authors prepare a paper, the main author should be given first and affiliations should be easy to identify.
Leave two blank lines and then type the ABSTRACT of no more than 200 words. The abstract must be indented and justified, as in this example 10mm from the Frame border described in section 3.3.
Leave one empty line and list the paper keywords.
Leave two other blank lines and type the text in two columns, justified.
Please convert all your documents to PDF format. Other formats are NOT accepted. Please refer to the conference website (paper submission guidelines) for more information on PDF conversion. If you have any trouble in doing so, our support team will be ready to help you.
The filename must be the first author full name. Files larger than 3MB should be compressed. Please follow the instructions on the conference website to upload your paper.
This guide summarizes the instructions to prepare your final paper for submission to ICARAME’11 Proceedings. Good luck with your paper. Hope to see you in Lebanon!
This research is supported by my institution.
[1]XXX, S. and YYY, E. B., 1928, Atlas of climatic conditions, Publisher, [downloaded from www.tarata.edu on Feb. 31, 2012].
[2]www.xyz.gov, [Last checked: Feb. 31, 2012].
[3]XXYYZZ, X., 1998, "Technology Cooperation Agreement Pilot Project," Status Report, Institution.
[4]TTTT, R., LLLL, J., and SSSS, B., 2010, "Vibration of solar panels due to solar wind," Proceedings of the 21st Solar Technology Conference, Location, 548-553.
[5]SSSSS, D.L., and WWWW, C.R., 2008, "Gamma rays and their health benefits," Appl. Phys. Lett., 10(2), 292-299.
[6]CCCC, M., and REEEE, D.S., 2001, Mechanical Engineering Concepts, ME Press.