Communication Guide to
Releasing Time to Care Programmes
Useful Contacts – December 2010 (v1.1)
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Borders
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
NHS Fife
NHS Forth Valley
NHS Grampian
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
NHS Highland
NHS Lanarkshire
NHS Lothian
NHS National Waiting Times Hospital
NHS Orkney
NHS Shetland
NHS Tayside
NHS Western Isles
RTC National support
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Fiona McQueenExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Mandy Yule
Health Care Director
01292 617122
Ann Gow
Assistant Director of Nursing
01292 613851
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Brigid McMaster
Assistant Clinical Nurse
01292 660835
Chris Rodden
Clinical Improvement Lead
01292 513676
RTC Lead / Susan Hannah
Clinical Improvement Lead
RTC Facilitator / Allison wood
RTC facilitator
LTCC Programme Managers / Kathleen McGuire
LTCC Programme Manager
01294 323517
Sharon Holland
LTCC Service Improvement Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Anne Gerard
NHS Borders
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Sheena WrightExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Phillip Lunts
Head of Service Improvement
01896 820728
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Julie Clelland
District Nurse
01750 23714
Catriona (Katie) McNeil
Community SN
07590 526021
RTC Lead/Facilitator / Kim Smith
Kirsten Thomas
Nichola Wheal
RTC MH Facilitator / Pauline Burns
LTCC Programme Managers / Sandra Pratt
LTC/MCNs Manager
01896 820715
MHC Programme Managers / Pauline Burns
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Hazel BorlandExecutive Nurse Director
Programme Leader for RTC Community / Joan Pollard
Service Improvement Manager
01387 241883 x33883
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Christine Lyon
Senior Nurse
01576 205520
Carol Bell
Senior Nurse
01556 505724
RTC Lead / Alice Wilson
Associate Nurse Director
RTC Facilitator / Karen Hills
RTC MH Facilitator / Julie Garton
LTCC Programme Managers / Alison Crooks
MHC Programme Managers / Linda Mckechnie
NHS Fife
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Annie BuchananExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Mary Porter
Head of Nursing, Kirkcaldy and Levenmouth CHP
01592 226467
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Nicky Connor
Lead Nurse, Kirkcaldy and Levenmouth CHP
01334 656 200
Ann Thomson
District Nurse Team Leader
01333 350449
RTC Facilitator / Anne Simpson
LTCC Programme Managers / Ingrid Hale
LTCC Programme Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Mike Kelly
NHSForth Valley
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Angela WallaceExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Margaret Duffy
Chief Operating Officer
01786 457206
Mary Orzel
Programme Director, Change & Improvement Plan
01324 624000 x 8768
RTC Lead / Helen Paterson
Associate Director of Nursing
01786 434 000 x 4145
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Glynis Gordon
Lead Nurse, Clackmannanshire CHP
0779 533 2201
Irene Warnock
07768 707641
RTC Facilitator / Jacqui Bryceland
RTC MH Facilitator / Anne Cook
LTCC Programme Managers / David Arundel
LTCC Programme Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Graham McLaren
NHS Grampian
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Jane Ormerod (ward & community hospital ward)Bill Harrison (mental health wards)
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Pam Gowans
LTC Programme Manager
01224 558565
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Rebekah Tait
Service Improvement Facilitator
0750 003 3842
Pauline Bavidge
Learning and Development Manager
01224 559745
Jaki Bird
DN team Leader and Project Manager for Redesign Aberdeen CHP
01224 558023
RTC in the Community –
Local Authority Partners / Fiona Gibson
Continuous Improvement Officer
07760 293935
Nicola Henry
Senior Care Manager
01224 264035
RTC Lead / Jenny Gibb
Head of Nursing,
Alison Hardy
RTC Facilitator / Sheila Irvine
LTCC Programme Managers / Pam Gowans
LTC Programme Manager
01224 558565
MHC Programme Managers / Bill Cowling
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Executive Lead for all RTC programmes / Rosslyn CrocketExecutive Nurse Director
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Anne Clements
Practice Development Nurse, SE Glasgow CHCP
0141 276 6762
Liz Graham
Health Visitor (Bridgeton)
0141 531 6661
Mahri Nicholls
Senior Nurse for Adult Services
0141 531 6289
Frances Millar
OD Advisor
0141 2013186
Sandra Taylor
Community Midwifery Team Manager
07799 500272
RTC Lead / Kate Benson
RTC Facilitator / Kate Cocozza
RTC MH Facilitator / Kate Eunson
LTCC Programme Manager / Karen Ross
LTCC Programme Manager
0141 314 0223
MHC Programme Managers / Joan Blackwood
Peter Kaminski
Fiona McMahon
Jill Carson
NHS Highland
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Heidi MayExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Malcolm Iredale
Director of Finance
01463 704986
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Jennifer Lobban
Project Manager/Clinical Facilitator
0777 616 1187
Sue Menzies
LTC Manager
01463 706921
Linda Skrastin
Practice development
07826 533434
Gavin Sell
LTC Manager
01463 704600
RTC Lead / Jenny Lobban
Project Manager/Clinical Facilitator
0777 616 1187
RTC Facilitator and RTC MH Facilitator / Dorothy Cripps
RTC facilitator
LTCC Programme Manager / Alexa Piltch
LTCC Programme Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Lynda Forrest
NHS Lanarkshire
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Paul WilsonExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community & RTC lead ( ward) / Margot Russell
Leadership & Intern Specialist
01698 366584
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / John Carmichael
Practice Development Facilitator
01698 723205
Ann McCluskey
Practice Development Facilitator
01698 723205
Clare McGuire
Practice Development Facilitator
01698 723205
07917 053078
RTC Facilitator / Julie Main
Karen Morrow
RTC MH Facilitator / Karen Spiers
Theresa Watson
LTCC Programme Manager / Marjorie McGinty
MHC Programme Managers / Karen Spiers
NHS Lothian
Executive Lead for all RTC programmes / Melanie HornettNurse Director
RTC Lead / Fiona Cook
Lead Practitioner - Workforce Development
0131 537 6919
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Alison Jarvis
Project Manager,Modernising Nursing in the Community
0131 465 5661 or x35661
RTC Facilitator / Catriona Drummond
RTC Facilitator
0787 242 2007
RTC Facilitator / Robert Quate
07872 422003
RTC Lead / Simon Sikora
RTC Trainer / Pat Wynne
RTC MH Lead / Andy Wills
LTCC Programme Manager / Carol Lumsden
LTCC Programme Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Kerrie Buhagiar
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Shona ChaibExecutive Nurse Director
RTC Lead / Eleanor Lang
RTC Facilitator / Lisa Davey
NHS Orkney
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Rhoda WalkerExecutive Director of Nursing
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Gerry O'Brien
Director of Finance
01856 888079
Rhoda Walker
Director of Nursing
01856 888 237
RTC Facilitator / Ian Blair
Service Redesign Project Officer
01856 888901
RTC in the Community
Lead / Karen Stevenson
District Nurse Team Lead
01856 888079
RTC in the Ward Lead / Linda Merriman
Senior Charge Nurse
01856 888216
LTCC Programme Manager / Karen Crichton
Interim CHP General Manager
01856 888153
LTCC Clinical Lead / Keith Farrer
MHC Programme Managers / John Trainor
Shirley Ward
NHS Shetland
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Kathleen CarolanExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead for RTC Community / Edna Mary Watson
Assistant Director of Nursing (Community)
01595 743377
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Thelma Jamieson
Clinical Team Leader
07779 875911
Clare Stiles
Clinical Team Leader
07799 542318
RTC lead
Janice McMahon
Associate Nurse Director
MHC Programme Managers / Kerry Russell
NHS Tayside
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Maggie SimpsonDirector of Nursing
Executive Lead / Carrie Marr
Associate Director of Change and Innovation
01382 632392
RTC Lead for RTC community / Mandy Andrew
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Wendy Reid
Service Development Manager
Deborah McSwiggan
Professional Development
Ann Bowdler
D/N Team Leader/Out of Hours coordinator
01241 430303
RTC lead / Eileen McKenna
RTC Facilitator / Kate Danskin
RTC MH Facilitator / Emma Lamont
RTCCommunityHospital Facilitator / Gail Smith
MHC Programme Managers / Caroline Paterson
Hazel Mitchell
NHS Western Isles
Executive Lead for RTC ward programmes / Nigel HobsonExecutive Nurse Director
Executive Lead / Finella Morrison
CHaSCP Lead Nurse
01851 703545x 228
RTC in the Community
Facilitator / Kathleen McCulloch
Community Nurse Team Leader
07879 291691
RTC lead , RTC Facilitator,
RTC MH Facilitator / Mary McElligot
LTCC Programme Manager / Pat Welsh
LTCC Programme Manager
MHC Programme Managers / Anne Hutchison
RTC National support
Efficiency and Productivity Programme (including Releasing Time to Care in the Community) / Carole MortonProgramme Director
0131 244 2436
Sam Atkinson
Project Manager
0131 244 5612
Releasing Time to Care – general ward, mental health ward, and community hospital ward / Harriet Hunter
Head of Improvement & Innovation
0131 244 3027
Vicky Thompson
National Programme Leader – Leading Better Care & Releasing Time to Care
07920 765 343
RTC Trainers (Ward) / David Thomson
Mental Health Projects Manager &National ICP
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
07795 061617
RTC (Community, midwifery & Neonates) / Julie Main
Project Lead – Quality Improvements
Releasing Time to Care Community Services, Maternity & Neonatal
NHS Education for Scotland
Chief Nursing Officer Directorate
(for RTC Community) / Jane Harris
Programme Manager
Modernising Nursing in the Community
0131 244 3253
Karen Shewan
AHP Officer – Primary Care
0131 244 3499
Joint Improvement Team
(for RTC community) / Margot White
JIT Associate
0131 4476450/07765 604431
David Pigott
JIT Associate