American Indians in Literature and Film: Perspectives North and South
CMLT 298
Spring 2010 TuTh 9:30
Prof. Regina Harrison
This course serves as an introduction to the indigenous peoples of the Americas: North America, Central America, and South America. With cross-disciplinary readings and viewings, the course encourages student reaction to and analysis of selected themes: the struggle for land, the ecological use of the land in sustaining indigenous cultures, scenarios of poverty and racism, stereotypes as opposed to "authenticity," spirituality, and the politics of identity. Much of the early colonial period is seen from the perspective of the European invasion. In contrast, contemporary literature and film is created by American Indians who are constructing their own versions of indigenous reality.
26 Tu
Introduction: What do we know about indigenous peoples?
28 ThCommodification
"If Only I Were an Indian" by S. Huhndorf BB
"American Indians and Environmentalism: The Problematics of the Land Ethic Stereotype" by L. Schweninger BB
Ryan Singer: "We Shall Remain" (video clip in PBS site "We Shall Remain")
Mascots: "In Whose Honor?" (video in class)
2 TuOrigins
"Conquerors and Victims" by J. González BB comparisons North and South (half of article)
4 Th "Conquerors and Victims" by J. González BB (finish article)
9 TuNorth America: Chesapeake Ecology
The Double Life of Pocahontas by J. Fritz (novelette to purchase)
*Product Analysis or Product Creation Due: Your task in this assignment is to choose an image (images) in which an American Indian has been turned into advertising a product (foods, tourism, sports, New Age religion, etc.) Analyze this image in light of our course discussions so far. OR Invent a product and use the American Indian to "sell" this product. Scan or take images off the Web to illustrate your essay.
11 ThJamestown Indigenous
James River Chiefdoms (selections) by M.D. Gallawan BB
16 TuSustainablity Case Study: Chesapeake Then and Now
Coastal Marine Conservation Ch. 5, J.M. Ray BB
18 ThCentral America: Ecological Perspectives from the Maya
I, Rigoberta Menchú (selections on land tenure) by R. Menchú (Maya) BB
When the Mountains Tremble (film selections in class viewing)
23 TuSouth America: Taming the Environment
Inca "Andean Societies" by J. V. Murra BB
"Rasu Ñiti" by J.M. Arguedas (short story) BB
"The Inca" (in class viewing of video selections)
25Th Far, Far North: DocumentingLife
Nanook of the North by R. Flaherty (film)
"Nanook and his Contemporaries" by S. Huhndorf BB
2 TuFast Runner (Inuit actors)VIEW ALL before CLASS, including extras (film for purchase or rental)
4 Th"Embedded Aesthetics" by F. Ginsburg BB (more discussion of Fast Runner)
11 ThSherman Alexie (Spokane/Coeur d'Alene): Filming and Writing
Smoke Signals by S. Alexie
23 Tu The Business of Fancy Dancing (film) by S. Alexie (in class)
25 ThShort Story/Poetry selections: S. Alexie BB
**Film Analysis Due (see instructions in BB)
30 Tu "The Toughest Indian in the World" (short story) by S. Alexie BB
"The Berdache and the Illinois Indian Tribe..." by R. Hauser BB
1 ThSexualities
Honey Mocassin by S. Niro (Mohawk) (film) in class viewing
"Her Beautiful Savage" by P. Van Lent BB
6 Tu Indigenous Autobiography: A Possibility?
Andean Lives by G. Condori Mamani and A. Quispe Guamán (Quechua/Runa)
8 ThAndean Lives by G. Condori Mamani and A. Quispe Guamán
13 Tu Andean Lives by G. Condori Mamani and A. Quispe Guamán
15 ThStoryteller by L. M. Silko (Laguna Pueblo/Mexican/Caucasian)
20 TuStoryteller by L. M. Silko
22 Th Identity Quest: Hybridity
The Doe Boyby R. Redroad (Cherokee)
**Short Story Analysis Due (see BB for instructions)
27 ThThe Personal in the Political
In the Light of Reverence (film selections for in class viewing)
"Federal Power over Indian Affairs" by S.L. Pevar BB
29 TuIncident at Ogala on L. Peltier (Cippewa) (film) (partial viewing in class)
"State Power over Indian Affairs" by S.L. Pevar BB
4 ThIncident at Ogala (film): View remainder on Google Video Part II before class
Cashing in on Culture: Indigenous Communities and Tourism (video, in class)
discussion: Governmental Agencies and Not-for-Profit Agencies
6 TuMuseums and Representation of American Indians: National Museum of the American Indian
visit NMAI before this class and write out answers to the "Guide for Viewing" found in BB
class discussion of your visit
11 ThReview for Final Exam