Preparing for Camp
Missing home is normal! It means your child has strong relationships with those they love at home and enjoy spending time with them. Everyone feels some degree of homesickness when away from a familiar environment. However, for some children, homesickness can be as painful as a stomach-ache. Consequently, we train our staff to detect its early symptoms and respond appropriately. We know from experience that a certain percentage of all campers need a day or two to work through being away from familiar settings. We also know that getting through it successfully can be a significant factor in helping children attain the degree of independence necessary to make them self-reliant individuals. Many campers feel so proud of themselves after being away from home for that first week having learned new skills, made new friends and challenged themselves, even if the first day they felt a little homesick.
Preparing for Camp
There are many things you can do to prepare your child for camp:
· Talk about the many exciting activities and opportunities your child will have at camp. Share your own excitement with your child and your confidence that they will learn and grow during their stay!
· If your child has never attended camp before “practice” by spending a weekend at a friend or family’s house, sleeping in their sleeping bag etc.
· Have your child assist with packing for camp. Many campers like to bring a familiar article of clothing, or picture of their family to help them feel more comfortable.
· Provide your child with pre-addressed, stamped envelopes or post cards to write home or to family and friends.
· You are also welcome to write your child at camp! We suggest sending mail the week before your child attends camp, as it often takes a week to arrive at camp.
Send mail to
Camper Name Session #
c/o C.Y.O. Camp Brébeuf
8434 Wellington Road 27, RR#1
Rockwood, ON
N0B 2K0
· Avoid making a “pick-up” deal with your child. Although campers often ask “what if I get homesick?” this response often becomes the only part of the conversation campers remember, and discourages them from developing their coping skills and independence. Instead, discuss and practice positive strategies your child could use if they do feel homesick.
· Except for emergencies and special circumstances, we restrict visits and phone calls during sessions. We ask you not to promise your child that they may call or return home if they experience homesickness. From experience we have found that these make homesickness worse, or even if your child is not homesick, may unfairly affect the experience of other campers in their cabin.
Inappropriate Behaviour and Bullying
Our staff are well trained to lead campers in living together in community. Cabin counsellors and staff ensure that campers are aware of expectations for behaviour at the beginning of the session and often involve campers in setting group goals for the week.
Because we have learned from experience that some children have difficulty adjusting to camp expectations, we follow specific procedures when situations of a serious disciplinary nature arise. In most instances, these incidents are dealt with successfully and resolved. However, in their stay here at camp, campers live in fairly close quarters with their cabin-mates, so an individual with an aggressively negative attitude or someone whose frustration or displeasure manifests itself in an on-going way physically (such as bullying or an abject disregard for others’ safety) or verbally (such as taunts or talking back) can have a strong negative impact on other campers’ experiences. If, in the Camp Director’s opinion, any camper’s continued presence at camp is not in their or the camp’s best interest, the camper’s stay at camp may be terminated. Naturally, a proportionate refund will be made in this event.
Please discuss these expectations with your child prior to their session at camp, and assure them that if they have any concerns their counsellor or support staff are available to help them.
Camper Wellness
Please do not pack medications in your luggage. All medications are stored in our camp wellness center and must be submitted to the coordinator at registration. If at all possible, please bring medication in original containers or clearly labelled to indicate child’s name, dosage and frequency.
If your child will be bringing an inhaler or epi-pen we suggest packing a small pouch to carry the epi-pen or inhaler.
All campers will receive brief health checks and swim tests at the beginning of the session. Please check your child thoroughly for pediculosis (head lice/nits) before their first day at camp. If campers are found to have lice or nits, a parent or guardian will be contacted to pick up the child, until they have been treated and are free from lice/nits.
Please avoid sending snacks to camp. They often attract critters to the cabins, and pose risks to our campers with allergies. Campers are served healthy and delicious meals and snacks each day, and have opportunities to purchase nut-free treats at our tuck-shop each afternoon.
Clothing and Equipment Checklist
ü 2 Hats
ü 6 T-shirts/tops
ü 2 Sweaters
ü 3 pairs of jeans or pants
ü 6 pairs of shorts
ü 6 pairs of underwear
ü 6 pairs of socks
ü 2 pairs of pajamas
ü 1 or 2 pairs of running shoes
ü 1 swimsuit (suitable for active play-small two piece bathing suits are not appropriate).
ü 2 beach towels
ü 1 Raincoat
ü 1 pillow/pillowcase
ü Old shoes (to be used for mud/water activities)
ü Sleeping bag or Blankets
ü Sunscreen
ü Flashlight
ü Insect Repellent (not aerosol spray)
ü Waterproof ground cover
ü Water bottle
Hygiene Supplies
ü Soap and container
ü 2-3 facecloths
ü 2-3 hand towels
ü Toothpaste/toothbrush
ü Shampoo and Conditioner
ü Comb and/or brush
ü Shower sandals
Optional Equipment
ü Camera/film
ü Mountain Bike (Omnivore/ Carnivores only)
ü Books/magazines
ü Stamped Envelopes/ Stationary
ü Musical Instruments
**Please do not bring cell phones, iPods, game boys or any other electronics** Camp Brebeuf will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please label all your child’s belongings. Lost and found will be held for 2 weeks only and then donated to a local agency.