August 28th 2017
Dear Parents,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your child to Deep Branch Elementary School. If you are a returning family to our school or you are enrolling for the first time, we know you will find that Deep Branch is a school with many wonderful opportunities for all students to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. We have professional staff members who work very hard all year long to assure positive growth experiences for all students.
Throughout the year, I encourage you to be actively involved in your child’s education. We have many opportunities for parents to volunteer in our school. After school has begun, you will receive information from our Volunteer Coordinator, asking for you to sign up for areas that you will be able to help us in. Please offer your assistance if possible. When parents and the school work closely together, everyone benefits.
This year, we will again be striving to become a “School of Distinction”, a designation awarded to schools by the State of North Carolina, based on the accountability plan established for all public schools. We can certainly reach this goal this year with all of us working together as a team-students, staff members, and parents. We believe in success for all and that all students can experience success with hard work.
If you should have questions throughout the year, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s teacher. I encourage you to schedule regular conferences with the teacher in order to monitor your child’s progress and stay abreast of all activities occurring in the classroom. The teacher can most always answer any questions you might have and help to solve any problems that may arise. Please do not hesitate to call me if I may be of assistance.
Best wishes for a great school year!
James Aaron Hunt
The purpose of students coming to school each day is for them to learn and prosper as a student and an individual. It is of the utmost importance that all students realize this and that they take their role as a student very seriously. It is also very important that all parents stress to their child the importance of a good, solid education. Students need to know that their parents expect the very best from them as a student and that they will accept no less. Nothing should prevent your child from getting the best education possible if your child comes to school daily prepared to listen and learn.
Discipline problems often interfere with learning and students need to know that as parents, you will not accept poor behavior in school. Students should not be told it is okay to hit others if someone hits them. The school cannot condone fighting and situations always become worse when students begin hitting and fighting. We at school teach students to think first with their head, not their fists. We teach students that if someone is picking on them or hits them, they should go immediately to their teacher or the closest adult and seek their assistance. Much instructional time is lost when students have to be taken to the office for hitting/fighting and this also results in out-of-school suspension. It does not matter “who started it” if both students participate in a fight. Both students have to be suspended at that point and they both will lose valuable time that they should be in the class learning. The other students in the class are also penalized because they miss instructional time from the teacher when she has to be in the office with students who misbehave. In this situation, no one wins.
Academic learning is our top priority at Deep Branch and it is our responsibility to do the very best we can to educate your child. The state of North Carolina requires all schools to meet specific academic standards therefore we will stress this to all students daily. We need all students to come to school daily ready to listen and learn. You as a parent can certainly help us in this important matter by consistently stressing to your child the importance of working hard in school everyday. Please make sure your child does their homework each night and that you monitor this on a nightly basis. Also, make sure that homework gets to school with your child. Students must be taught responsibility at a young age because learning expectations are so much more rigid for them now than they were even ten years ago.
Accountability is becoming more and more an issue in our schools today, as can be witnessed by the state of North Carolina ABC Accountability plan and the federal guidelines of the No Child Left Behind Act. All students in the third through sixth grade must make satisfactory progress (Level 4 or 5) on the End-of-Grade testing in order to be considered for promotion to the next grade. These students have to get a solid foundation of learning by the time they reach the third grade in order to be able to move on successfully through the mandated testing process. This is why, even at the Pre-Kindergarten level, we must begin to stress the importance of students being responsible for their learning. We need all parents to help us in this very important matter by stressing responsibility to their child(ren). Please help your child to be successful as that is what we here at Deep Branch are trying to do everyday of the school year.
We know we have the best and the brightest students here at our school. We want them “to shine” and in turn, our school will “shine”!! Let’s work together this year to show the world that we truly can be a “School of Distinction”! We can do it!!!!
Deep Branch Elementary School
4045 Deep Branch Rd
Lumberton, NC 28360
Phone: 910-738-2514
Fax: 910-738-6811
Vision Statement
The vision of Deep Branch Elementary Schools is to
produce high achieving lifelong learners
able to embrace the challenges of a
21st Century Community.
School Colors: Red and White
School Mascot: Bulldog
School Motto: “Learning Leads to Excellence”
Deep Branch Elementary School
2017-2018 Faculty & Staff
James Aaron Hunt, Principal
Emma Carter, Bookkeeper, Payroll, Secretary Rosa Locklear, Data Manager
Teachers Teacher Assistants Cafeteria
Vickie LocklearDarlene HammondsMicheal Baxley
Shannon DeeseBetty OxendineLinda Clark
Allison LocklearValerie OxendineBrenda Hunt
Julia Nicole BrooksLinda Michelle ThomasVernica Locklear
Lisa LoweryStephanie JacobsAlecia Oxendine
Andrea BrooksAngela Cummings
Diana BakerConnie LocklearBus Drivers
Falisha BrayboyCasandra OxendineAmanda Jacobs
Karen JohnsonKattie Moore
Marie Chavis YDSCarrie Johnson
LaDonna LocklearHarver Jacobs
Lakeshia Revels
Alecia Cherry-SwainGuidance CounselorCustodians
Sandra LewisMary Sampson-BlanksLee Blue
Ashland ClarkNorma Hunt
Aaron LowerySpeech Teacher
Robin WoodellSchnele LocklearNurse
Beth OxendinePaula Jones
Darice OxendineSchool Social Worker
Rae Don HardinAnnette LowryArt
Craig Eaton Anjelica Covington
Diane Hunt Primetime
Peggy Chavis-SubAndella Sampson
Teresa HuntDoris Dial
Felicia Murphy
Sabrina Branch
Travis Jenkins
Cynthia Hayes
Sharon Klingenschmidt
Bell Schedule
7:55 a.m.Breakfast Ends/ Warning Tardy Bell
8:00 a.m. School Begins/ Tardy Bell
2:15 p.m.Intervention
3:00p.m.School Ends (PreK- 2nd Grade Student Dismissal)
3:03 p.m.3rd- 6th Grade Dismissal
Raz KidsReading A-Z
Computer LabHonor Roll
EOG weekly competitionsWaterford Reading Program
Successmaker ProgramJunior Great Books
End-of-the-Year AwardsReading and Math Remediation Tutoring
Please report any change of address or telephone number or child’s health status to your child’s teacher and the office immediately. It is imperative that the school has at least one phone number where we may reach you, in case of emergency. Please keep us informed! We need at least one emergency phone number where you or a close relative can be reached at all times. Please provide several numbers, if possible, including work number(s) and cell number(s).
New kindergarten students must be five (5) years old on or before August 31st the school year in which
they are enrolling. New first grade students must be six (6) years old on or before August 31st. A health
assessment is required when a student enters school for the first time. Ages must be verified by a certified
birth certificate (not the mother’s copy) and immunization records must be complete.
Advisory Council Members are representative of the parents of students attending Deep Branch Elementary and/or community members. Three (3) positions are elected by parent/community members and two (2) positions are appointed by the District School Board Member. Members this year are:
Advisory Council meetings are held at 5:30 p.m., four times a year, before each PTA meeting. Meetings are held in the Conference Room and the public is invited to attend.
Policy Code: 2235 Advisory CouncilsThe board considers input critical to the effective operation of the individual schools and the school system. The board welcomes the opportunity to receive from the public suggestions and concerns which will assist the board in achieving its desired objectives.
Standing citizen advisory councils, organized on the basis of one per school, are designed to provide the board continuing input on school operations and procedures. These advisory councils shall be general in purpose and shall be in addition to any other specific advisory councils or committees whether created under mandate or by voluntary means.
Each advisory council shall have the following duties:
1. to act as a support group for the school and the community in matters pertaining to the development of excellence in the schools;
2. to assist the principal and school personnel by helping interpret school matters to the community and bringing community concerns to the attention of the principal;
3. to submit draft copies of the minutes of each meeting to the superintendent within 10 days following the meeting;
4. to make an annual written summary report of its activities to the board, emphasizing efforts, ideas and concerns related to program and facility improvement;
5. to receive periodic reports from the principal concerning school programs, activities and the financial status of fund raising activities and expenditures;
6. comply with the open meetings law, including notice of meetings;
7. to provide such documentation as may be necessary to the superintendent and board to support any charges, findings or allegations of misconduct, oversight or abuses of laws and policies by school personnel; and
8. to fulfill such specific short-term assignments as may be authorized by the superintendent or the board.
An advisory council shall not assume any responsibilities beyond those delegated to it by the board as set forth above.
An advisory council shall not involve itself in activities that may reflect adversely on the school system. Specifically, it shall not: 1) involve itself in personnel matters or individual student problems; 2) assume, in any way, legal authority for direct action or decision making concerning the school system; 3) involve itself officially in political campaigns; or 4) involve itself in fundraising or related activities.
Advisory councils shall have membership based upon the following criteria: 1) schools with enrollment of 599 pupils or less on the last day of April shall have five members the following school year; and 2) schools with an enrollment of 600 pupils or more on the last day of April shall have seven members the following school year. Terms of office shall be for one year, and individuals may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. No individual shall be elected or appointed to serve on more than one advisory council during a school year.
The school principal shall serve as an ex-officio member and the secretary of the advisory council. In May of each year, the principal shall call a public meeting at which individuals who live within the school attendance zone shall elect a simple majority (three or four) of the members of the advisory council. The principal, board member representing the district of that school and at-large board members will jointly conduct the election. The remaining advisory council members will be appointed by the district and at-large board members who are in attendance at the meeting. If fewer than 25 people attend the meeting, the principal and board members in attendance will prepare a nomination list to present to the full board for final selection of all members of the advisory council. Vacancies on the advisory council shall be filled by the same process as the initial method of selection.
All advisory council members must reside within school attendance lines of the council on which they serve, except that non-resident parents may serve. If a member moves out of said attendance zone, the member is immediately and automatically declared ineligible for further service on that council. The majority of members on an advisory council shall have a child or children enrolled in that school. School employees shall not serve on the advisory council of the school for which they are employed. However, school employees residing in the school attendance zone of the council may vote and make nominations for individuals to serve on the advisory council.
Once seated, the members of the advisory council shall select a chairman and vice-chairman.
Each advisory council shall meet at least on a quarterly basis. Other meetings may be called by the chairperson or the principal as necessary. A yearly calendar of meetings shall be published in September and set at such times and dates as deemed convenient to the council members. An advisory council shall not meet without the principal.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-36, -47, -55; 143-318.9 to -318.14
Cross References: Compliance with the Open Meetings Law (policy 2320), Closed Sessions (policy 2321)
Adopted: December 14, 2010
2017-2018 Advisory Council Calendar:
Meeting One:September 25, 2017 at 5:30 Deep Branch Conference Room
Meeting Two: December 11, 2017 at 5:30 Deep Branch Conference Room
Meeting Three: March 12, 2018 at 5:30 Deep Branch Conference Room
Meeting Four: May 14, 2018 at 5:30 Deep Branch Conference Room
These dates are subject to change.
Advisory Council
Bobbie McLean
Kevin Chavis
Holly Hunt
Vernanda Oxendine
Brien Chavis
Policy Code: 2320 Compliance with the Open Meetings Law
The board affirms the public policy of this State that hearings, deliberations and actions of public
Bodies be conducted openly.
All “public bodies” holding official meetings must comply with requirements of the open
Meetings law in Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the General Statues. The term “public
bodies” includes the board, any committees of board, school improvement teams and, as
defined by law, any other committee of two or more members that exercises or is authorized
to exercise a legislative, policy-making, quasi-judicial, administrative or advisory function,
unless the committee or group is solely comprised of professional staff.
As secretary to the board, the superintendent shall provide required notice and record and
maintain minutes of all official meetings of the board, board committees or committees
appointed by the board. The principal or designee shall be responsible for compliance with
the open meetings law by school improvement teams or any other public bodies at the school
level. The superintendent or designee shall make copies of the open meetings law available
to any public bodies associated with the school system. The board and other public bodies of
the school system are encouraged to consult the school board attorney in accordance with
policy 2610, Board Attorney, to obtain advice on complying with the legal requirments of
the open meetings law.
1. Notice:
Notice will be given in accordance with law for all regularly scheduled meetings,
emergency meetings and any other meetings, such as public hearings, work sessions,
electronic meetings or retreats.
2. Minutes:
For all official meetings, whether held in open or closed session, minutes will be recorded
and maintained in accordance with all legal requirements.
The minutes of the board shall contain in abstract of relevant discussions and the decisions
of the board during all official meetings. A record of all motions made and seconded shall
be recorded in the minutes and the disposition of each motions shall be noted. The names
of the members making and seconding the motions shall be recorded. In the case of a split vote,
the minutes shall record the voted of each member voting and the abstention of any member
present by not voting.
The minutes of board meetings shall be presented for approval as soon as possible at a
succeeding regular board meeting before becoming official. Each board member shall be
sent a copy of the minutes at least four days prior to the meeting at which they are to be
approved. The approved minutes shall be signed by the superintendent and the board
chairperson and filed in the superintendent’s office as a permanent record of official board
proceeding. Minutes of board meetings are public documents and thus are open to
inspection by the public.
3. Closed Sessions:
Closed sessions will be held only when required to permit the board to act in the public
interest and as permitted by law. A motion to go into closed session must be made and
adopted in open session in accordance with the requirements of G.S. 143-318.11(c) and
policy 2321, Closed Sessions.
4. Acting by Reference:
The board may not deliberate, vote or otherwise take action upon any matter by reference
to a letter, number or other designation, or other secret device or method, with the intention
of making it impossible for people attending the board meeting to understand what is being