Telefonica Windows Azure Case Study Video Script BDM07
- VivekDev (Dev), Director Global New Services
- Jose VallesNuñez, Head of BlueVia
- Maria Garaña Corces, General Manager, Microsoft Spain
- Tony Mestres, Vice President, Microsoft Communications Sector
Introduction/Business Situation/Background/Challenges
VivekDev / Telefonica offers fixed and mobile services across 25 countries.
VivekDev / We have about 220 thousand employees but 270 million customers and last publically stated revenues was about 60 billion.
Tony Mestres / When you think about the things that people want to do on their phones; access to sites, use of applications, access to media, it’s really about how software works with mobile innovation and networks and hardware to bring consumers what they want.
VivekDev / The world is changing and we’ve realized in Telefonica that no company is an island. And we want to reach out to all the creative developers out there so that we can work with them in developing great applications for our customers.
VivekDev / BlueVia is a developer portal that will help developers get access to our API’s and they will develop applications for our networks.
VivekDev / With BlueVia we are going to launch application stores in the various countries that we operate in and with those application stores, this will give access or a path to market for the developers to access all the customers in those countries.
VivekDev / BlueVia will let our customers access from the Outlook on their desktop, they can send simple SMS’s, they can Click to Call. The on top of that, from their social networks, they’re able to use location services and of course there’s a whole range of mobile applications.
VivekDev / We will have recommendation engines and personalization service for customers.
VivekDev / So BlueVia is really important to our 270 million customers. it gives them a choice of products and services that will create applications for them that they want to use, and revenue streams for the developers in Telefonica.
Jose VallesNuñez / In order to facilitate the developer to use these API’s, we’re partnered with Microsoft, because Microsoft has a big outreach to developers and has already to tools that developers are using right now to develop software…
Jose VallesNuñez / So it’s not only about, it’s also about Windows Azure so that the developers are going to be able to host their applications within the platform of Microsoft.
Jose VallesNuñez / One of the things we liked here in Telefonica about Windows Azure is first its openness. You’re able to develop in several languages and allocate or host your applications within Windows Azure. And the second thing that we like is also the simplicity. One of the drivers of Microsoft in creating this, this cloud proposition is avoid complexity. That is actually one of the drivers of Telefonica in creating BlueVia. So we really think that they match together very well.
Maria Garaña Corces / To serve the needs of information for consumers and for businesses, this is where Telefonica and Microsoft come together with the BlueVia project. Telefonica’s amazing innovation, amazing leadership and fantastic network, together with Microsoft’s assets on the cloud space, Windows Live, Windows Azure, Kinect, Windows Phone 7, Office 365. Putting those incredible assets together this is where and when project BlueVia comes together.
Jose VallesNuñez / One of the things that BlueVia is going to bring to the developers is a different way to be able to make money.
VivekDev / We will be the first company that will share core revenues with the developers. So for example, we will be the first one to share SMS, or messaging revenue’s with our developers.
Jose VallesNuñez / This is going to provide you recurring revenue, steady on time, and that is going to be very good to be able to improve your numbers, the bottom line of your business.
Jose VallesNuñez / We have tools and processes to get out to the stores and to the payments, to the settlement, in a very easy way.
Maria Garaña Corces / In the end, BlueVia is benefitting both developers and end users. Developers, because it’s providing them a very fast time to market, a very innovative business platform and in the end, having worldwide reach for the different applications. And for end users, or businesses, it’s providing the possibility to access information anytime, anywhere, with any device and benefiting the possibilities that the cloud can provide.
VivekDev / I’m really excited with this partnership that Microsoft and BlueVia have done and I think it’s a great path for success in going forward.
Tony Mestres / Telefonica has taken a very innovative approach with BlueVia.
Tony Mestres / We’re incredibly excited about this partnership and what it brings not only to our two companies, but even more importantly, to end users.
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