Checklist: IC Activity – Entity Method P&Ps (22 September 2016)
IEEE-SA Baseline Policies and Procedures for Industry Connections Activity – Entity Method (version 22 September 2016)
Society / Sponsor:______
/Identification of document (including date of document)
/Red line provided (yes/no)
/Review date
Rev 0
/ / / / /Rev 1
/ / / / /Rev 2
/ / / / /Rev 3
/ / / / /Recommendation: Accept, Return for followup with comments
Reviewers’ additional comments:Rev 0
Rev 1
Rev 2
Rev 3
Modifiable column: YA – yes, all; YIP – Yes, in part; N - No
Section in Baseline ICCom Activity – Entity Method P&Ps / Modifiable? / Modified? / Acceptable? / CommentsYes / No / Yes / No
1.0.Introduction / YIP
Activity Name
2.0Definitions and Abbreviations / YIP
Activity Name
IAM Date
3.0Activity Member / N
3.1.Activity Membership Requirements / Y
Choose membership requirements option
Indicate if subject experts are permitted
3.2.Membership Transfer / N
3.3.Activity Member Contact / N
3.4 Activity Member Representative / N
3.5 Adding and Removing Activity Members / YA
3.6 Voting Privileges / N
4. Initial Activity Meeting / N
5. Executive Committee / YIP
Add/remove responsibilities
5.1 Officers / YIP
Add/Remove office positions and move responsibilities
5.1.1 Selection of Officers / N
5.1.2.Replacement of Officers / N
5.1.3 Responsibilities of
Officers / YIP
Add/Move Responsibilities
5.2Executive Committee Members-At-Large / YA
Delete the section or define members-at-large
5.3Process for Removing Persons and Members / N
6. Subcommittees / N
6.1 Subcommittee Officers / YIP
Add/Remove Secretary Pos.
6.2 Subcommittee Participation / YIP
Add/Remove SE Provision
6.3Subcommittee Deliverables / N
6.4.Subcommittee Termination / N
7. Meetings / YIP
Scheduled meetings can be added
7.1.Meeting Quorum / N
7.2.Guest Entity / YA
7.3. Meeting Procedures / YIP
Add/Remove proxy provision
7.4. Meeting Decisions / YIP
Additional voting actions can be added
8. Electronic Ballots / N
9. Events / N
9.1. Steering Committee Responsibilities / N
9.2.IEEE-SA Responsibilities / N
9.3.Program Committee Responsibilities / N
9.4.Topic and Scope / N
10. Legal Compliance and Other Issues / No Text
10.1.Compliance with Laws / N
10.2.Discussion of Litigation, Patents, and Licensing / N
10.3. Discussion of Relative Cost/
Benefit Analysis / N
11.IPR and Confidentiality Policy / N
12. Activity Termination / N