Supplementary Table A. Demographic and dietary variable distributions across GST and OGG1 genotypesa among control subjects.
GSTM3 (3-b deletion) / GSTP1 (A114V) / OGG1 (S326C) / XRCC3 (T241M)Characteristic / AGG/AGG
n = 191 / AGG/- or -/-
n = 76 / CC
n = 217 / CT or TT
n = 48 / CC
n = 212 / CG or GG
n = 129 / CC or CT
n = 234 / TT
n = 30
Age (y)
<45 y [n (%)] / 24 / (12.6) / 4 / (5.3) / 24 / (11.1) / 3 / (6.2) / 21 / (9.9) / 20 / (15.5) / 26 / (11.1) / 1 / (3.3)
45-64 y [n (%)] / 81 / (42.4) / 34 / (44.7) / 93 / (42.9) / 21 / (43.7) / 87 / (41.0) / 54 / (41.9) / 100 / (42.7) / 14 / (46.7)
65 y [n (%)] / 86 / (45.0) / 38 / (50.0) / 100 / (46.1) / 24 / (50.0) / 104 / (49.1) / 55 / (42.6) / 108 / (46.1) / 15 / (50.0)
Males [n (%)] / 95 / (49.7) / 45 / (59.2) / 114 / (52.5) / 26 / (54.2) / 112 / (52.8) / 63 / (48.8) / 122 / (52.1) / 17 / (56.7)
White [n (%)] / 184 / (96.3) / 75 / (98.7) / 209 / (96.3) / 48 / (100) / 207 / (97.6) / 120 / (93.0) / 226 / (96.6) / 30 / (100)
Other [n (%)] / 6 / (3.7) / 7 / (1.3) / 8 / (3.7) / 0 / 5 / (2.4) / 9 / (7.0) / 8 / (3.4) / 0
Study Center
Detroit [n (%)] / 6 / (3.1) / 7 / (9.2) / 10 / (4.6) / 3 / (6.2) / 15 / (7.1) / 14 / (10.8) / 10 / (4.3) / 3 / (10.0)
Iowa [n (%)] / 87 / (45.6) / 27 / (35.5) / 91 / (41.9) / 22 / (45.8) / 83 / (39.1) / 42 / (32.6) / 99 / (42.3) / 15 / (50.0)
Los Angeles [n (%)] / 36 / (18.8) / 12 / (15.8) / 40 / (18.4) / 7 / (14.6) / 41 / (19.3) / 29 / (22.5) / 41 / (17.5) / 4 / (13.3)
Seattle [n (%)] / 62 / (32.5) / 30 / (39.5) / 76 / (35.0) / 16 / (33.3) / 73 / (34.4) / 44 / (34.1) / 84 / (35.9) / 8 / (26.7)
Tobacco smoking (pack years)
Non-smoker [n (%)] / 81 / (42.4) / 36 / (47.4) / 87 / (40.1) / 28 / (58.3) / 96 / (45.3) / 53 / (41.1) / 103 / (44.0) / 13 / (43.3)
< 17 pack years [n (%)] / 35 / (28.3) / 9 / (11.9) / 41 / (18.9) / 4 / (8.2) / 32 / (15.1) / 28 / (21.7) / 38 / (16.2) / 6 / (20.0)
17-34 pack years [n (%)] / 37 / (19.4) / 12 / (15.8) / 41 / (18.9) / 8 / (16.7) / 46 / (21.7) / 13 / (10.1) / 44 / (18.8) / 5 / (16.7)
35 pack years [n (%)] / 32 / (16.7) / 19 / (25.0) / 43 / (19.8) / 7 / (14.6) / 31 / (14.6) / 31 / (24.0) / 43 / (18.4) / 6 / (20.0)
Physical Activity Index levels (METS/wk)
No exercise [n (%)] / 25 / (13.1) / 8 / (10.5) / 28 / (12.9) / 5 / (10.4) / 26 / (12.3) / 21 / (16.3) / 26 / (11.1) / 6 / (20.0)
30-675 METS/wk [n (%)] / 86 / (45.0) / 40 / (52.6) / 97 / (44.7) / 28 / (58.3) / 101 / (47.6) / 51 / (39.5) / 116 / (49.6) / 11 / (36.7)
≥676 METS/wk [n (%)] / 72 / (37.7) / 27 / (35.5) / 85 / (39.2) / 13 / (27.1) / 77 / (36.3) / 55 / (42.6) / 84 / (35.9) / 12 / (40.0)
BMI kg/m2
< 25 [n (%)] / 73 / (38.2) / 17 / (22.4) / 73 / (33.6) / 17 / (35.4) / 69 / (32.6) / 49 / (38.0) / 79 / (33.8) / 11 / (36.7)
25-29 [n (%)] / 74 / (38.7) / 36 / (47.4) / 90 / (41.5) / 18 / (37.5) / 87 / (41.0) / 44 / (34.1) / 93 / (39.7) / 14 / (46.7)
≥ 30 [n (%)] / 33 / (17.3) / 22 / (28.9) / 44 / (20.3) / 11 / (22.9) / 47 / (22.2) / 27 / (20.9) / 51 / (21.8) / 4 / (13.3)
Alcohol g/d
0 / 101 / (52.9) / 32 / (41.1) / 107 / (49.3) / 24 / (50.0) / 100 / (47.2) / 71 / (55.0) / 112 / (47.9) / 18 / (60.0)
> 0 / 90 / (47.1) / 44 / (57.9) / 110 / (50.7) / 24 / (50.0) / 112 / (52.8) / 58 / (45.0) / 122 / (52.1) / 12 / (40.0)
All vegetablesb svgs/mo
57 / 92 / (48.2) / 46 / (60.5) / 111 / (51.1) / 27 / (56.2) / 103 / (48.6) / 69 / (53.5) / 121 / (51.7) / 17 / (56.7)
> 57 / 99 / (51.8) / 30 / (39.5) / 106 / (48.8) / 21 / (43.7) / 109 / (51.4) / 60 / (46.5) / 113 / (48.3) / 13 / (43.3)
Green leafy vegetablescsvgs/mo
14.6 / 104 / (54.4) / 39 / (51.3) / 112 / (51.6) / 30 / (62.5) / 98 / (46.2) / 75 / (58.1) / 122 / (52.1) / 19 / (63.3)
> 14.6 / 87 / (45.6) / 37 / (48.7) / 105 / (48.4) / 18 / (37.5) / 114 / (53.8) / 54 / (41.9) / 112 / (47.9) / 11 / (36.7)
Cruciferous vegetablesdsvgs/mo
6.25 / 99 / (51.8) / 36 / (47.4) / 105 / (48.4) / 28 / (58.3) / 105 / (49.5) / 65 / (50.4) / 116 / (49.6) / 18 / (60.0)
> 6.25 / 92 / (48.2) / 40 / (52.6) / 112 / (51.6) / 20 / (41.7) / 107 / (50.5) / 64 / (49.6) / 118 / (50.4) / 12 / (40.0)
Dietary lutein/zeaxanthin µg/d
1914 / 99 / (51.8) / 43 / (56.6) / 109 / (50.2) / 32 / (66.7) / 90 / (42.4) / 80 / (62.0) / 122 / (52.1) / 18 / (60.0)
> 1914 / 92 / (48.2) / 33 / (43.4) / 108 / (49.8) / 16 / (33.3) / 122 / (57.6) / 49 / (38.0) / 112 / (47.9) / 12 / (40.0)
Total zinc mg/d
15 / 108 / (56.5) / 39 / (51.3) / 119 / (54.8) / 27 / (56.2) / 104 / (49.1) / 72 / (55.8) / 131 / (56.0) / 15 / (50.0)
> 15 / 83 / (43.5) / 37 / (48.7) / 98 / (45.2) / 21 / (43.7) / 108 / (50.9) / 57 / (44.2) / 103 / (44.0) / 15 / (50.0)
a Based on the sample size of non-Hispanic White subjects for whom we had dietary and genotype data; the sample varies by genotyping success rate for each SNP.
b Includes alfalfa sprouts, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, celery, corn, green beans, mustard greens, green salad, other vegetables, peas, radish, rhubarb, coleslaw, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes/tomato juice.
c Includes mustard greens, green salad and spinach.
d Includes broccoli, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, coleslaw, mustard greens and radish.
Supplementary Table B. Dietary variablea distributions across demographic and related dietary exposure variables among control subjects.
All vegetablesbsvgs/mo / Green leafy vegetablescsvgs/mo / Cruciferous vegetablesd svgs/mo / Dietary lutein/zeaxanthin µg/d / Total zinc mg/d
Characteristic / 57
n = 175 / > 57
n = 175 / 14.6
n = 176 / > 14.6
n = 174 / 6.25
n = 175 / > 6.25
n = 175 / 1914
n = 173 / > 1914
n = 177 / 15
n = 175 / > 15
n = 175
Age (y)
<45 y [n (%)] / 23 / (13.1) / 20 / (11.3) / 23 / (13.1) / 20 / (11.5) / 25 / (14.3) / 18 / (10.3) / 24 / (13.9) / 19 / (10.7) / 29 / (16.1) / 14 / (8.2)
45-64 y [n (%)] / 77 / (44.0) / 67 / (38.3) / 76 / (43.2) / 68 / (39.1) / 82 / (46.9) / 62 / (35.4) / 77 / (44.5) / 67 / (37.8) / 76 / (42.2) / 68 / (40.0)
65 y [n (%)] / 75 / (42.9) / 88 / (50.3) / 77 / (43.7) / 86 / (49.4) / 68 / (38.9) / 95 / (54.3) / 72 / (41.6) / 91 / (51.4) / 75 / (41.7) / 88 / (51.8)
Males [n (%)] / 103 / (58.9) / 77 / (44.0) / 102 / (57.9) / 78 / (44.8) / 98 / (56.0) / 82 / (46.9) / 89 / (51.4) / 91 / (51.4) / 99 / (55.0) / 81 / (47.6)
White [n (%)] / 168 / (96.0) / 168 / (96.0) / 169 / (96.0) / 167 / (96.0) / 171 / (97.7) / 165 / (94.3) / 168 / (97.1) / 168 / (94.9) / 171 / (95.0) / 165 / (97.1)
Other [n (%)] / 7 / (4.0) / 7 / (4.0) / 7 / (4.0) / 7 / (4.0) / 4 / (2.3) / 10 / (5.7) / 5 / (2.9) / 9 / (5.1) / 9 / (5.0) / 5 / (2.9)
Study Center
Detroit [n (%)] / 16 / (9.1) / 16 / (9.1) / 15 / (8.5) / 17 / (9.8) / 17 / (9.7) / 15 / (8.6) / 12 / (6.9) / 20 / (11.3) / 17 / (9.4) / 15 / (8.8)
Iowa [n (%)] / 70 / (40.0) / 55 / (31.4) / 82 / (46.6) / 43 / (24.7) / 69 / (39.4) / 56 / (32.0) / 80 / (46.2) / 45 / (25.4) / 65 / (36.1) / 60 / (35.3)
Los Angeles [n (%)] / 33 / (18.9) / 43 / (24.6) / 26 / (14.8) / 50 / (28.7) / 33 / (18.9) / 43 / (24.0) / 27 / (15.6) / 49 / (27.7) / 35 / (19.4) / 41 / (24.1)
Seattle [n (%)] / 56 / (32.0) / 61 / (34.9) / 53 / (30.1) / 64 / (36.8) / 56 / (32.0) / 61 / (34.9) / 54 / (31.2) / 63 / (35.6) / 63 / (35.0) / 54 / (31.8)
Tobacco smoking (pack years)
Non-smoker [n (%)] / 73 / (41.7) / 80 / (45.7) / 74 / (42.0) / 79 / (45.4) / 69 / (39.4) / 84 / (48.0) / 67 / (38.7) / 86 / (48.6) / 79 / (43.9) / 74 / (43.5)
< 17 pack years [n (%)] / 21 / (12.0) / 40 / (22.8) / 27 / (14.3 / 34 / (19.5) / 25 / (14.3) / 36 / (20.6) / 28 / (16.2) / 33 / (18.6) / 31 / (17.2) / 30 / (17.6)
17-34 pack years [n (%)] / 36 / (20.6) / 25 / (14.3) / 29 / (16.5) / 32 / (18.4) / 37 / (21.1) / 24 / (13.7) / 31 / (17.9) / 30 / (16.9) / 34 / (18.9) / 27 / (15.9)
35 pack years [n (%)] / 41 / (23.4) / 23 / (13.1) / 43 / (24.4) / 21 / (12.1) / 37 / (21.1) / 27 / (15.4) / 44 / (25.4) / 20 / (11.3) / 29 / (16.1) / 35 / (20.6)
Physical Activity Index levels (METS/wk)
No exercise [n (%)] / 33 / (18.9) / 16 / (9.1) / 33 / (18.7) / 16 / (9.2) / 28 / (16.0) / 21 / (12.0) / 30 / (17.3) / 19 / (10.7) / 23 / (12.8) / 26 / (15.3)
30-675 METS/wk [n (%)] / 85 / (48.6) / 67 / (38.3) / 86 / (48.9) / 66 / (37.9) / 83 / (47.3) / 69 / (39.4) / 88 / (50.9) / 64 / (36.2) / 84 / (46.7) / 68 / (40.0)
>676 METS/wk [n (%)] / 53 / (30.3) / 86 / (49.1) / 54 / (30.7) / 85 / (48.8) / 58 / (33.1) / 81 / (46.3) / 52 / (30.1) / 87 / (49.1) / 68 / (37.8) / 71 / (41.8)
BMI kg/m2
< 25 [n (%)] / 52 / (29.7) / 69 / (39.4) / 47 / (26.7) / 74 / (42.5) / 51 / (29.1) / 70 / (40.0) / 44 / (25.4) / 77 / (43.5) / 57 / (31.7) / 64 / (37.6)
25-29 [n (%)] / 69 / (39.4) / 66 / (37.7) / 69 / (39.2) / 66 / (37.9) / 75 / (42.9) / 60 / (34.3) / 71 / (41.0) / 64 / (36.2) / 75 / (41.7) / 60 / (35.3)
≥ 30 [n (%)] / 47 / (26.9) / 29 / (16.6) / 50 / (28.4) / 26 / (14.9) / 40 / (22.9) / 36 / (20.6) / 51 / (29.5) / 25 / (14.1) / 39 / (21.7) / 37 / (21.8)
Alcohol g/d
0 / 91 / (52.0) / 85 / (48.6) / 106 / (60.0) / 70 / (40.2) / 89 / (50.9) / 87 / (49.7) / 101 / (58.4) / 75 / (42.4) / 88 / (48.9) / 88 / (51.8)
> 0 / 84 / (48.0) / 90 / (51.4) / 70 / (40.0) / 104 / (59.8) / 86 / (49.1) / 88 / (50.3) / 72 / (41.6) / 102 / (57.6) / 92 / (51.1) / 82 / (48.2)
All vegetables svgs/mo
57 / 134 / (76.1) / 41 / (23.6) / 126 / (72.0) / 49 / (28.0) / 134 / (77.5) / 41 / (23.2) / 90 / (50.0) / 85 / (50.0)
> 57 / 42 / (23.9) / 133 / (76.4) / 49 / (28.0) / 126 / (72.0) / 39 / (22.5) / 136 / (76.8) / 90 / (50.0) / 85 / (50.0)
Green leafy vegetablessvgs/mo
14.6 / 134 / (76.6) / 42 / (24.0) / 113 / (64.6) / 63 / (36.0) / 150 / (86.7) / 26 / (14.7) / 96 / (53.3) / 80 / (47.1)
> 14.6 / 41 / (23.4) / 133 / (76.0) / 62 / (35.4) / 112 / (64.0) / 23 / (13.3) / 151 / (85.3) / 84 / (46.7) / 90 / (52.9)
Cruciferous vegetablessvgs/mo
6.25 / 126 / (72.0) / 49 / (28.0) / 113 / (64.2) / 62 / (35.6) / 114 / (65.9) / 61 / (34.5) / 102 / (56.7) / 73 / (42.9)
> 6.25 / 49 / (28.0) / 126 / (72.0) / 63 / (35.8) / 112 / (64.4) / 59 / (34.1) / 116 / (65.5) / 78 / (43.3) / 97 / (57.1)
Dietary lutein/zeaxanthin µg/d
1914 / 134 / (76.6) / 39 / (22.3) / 150 / (85.2) / 23 / (13.2) / 114 / (65.1) / 59 / (33.7) / 97 / (53.9) / 76 / (44.7)
> 1914 / 41 / (23.4) / 136 / (77.7) / 26 / (14.8) / 151 / (86.9) / 61 / (34.9) / 116 / (66.3) / 83 / (46.1) / 94 / (55.3)
Total zinc mg/d
15 / 90 / (51.4) / 90 / (51.4) / 96 / (54.6) / 84 / (48.3) / 102 / (58.3) / 78 / (44.6) / 97 / (56.1) / 83 / (46.9)
> 15 / 85 / (48.6) / 85 / (48.6) / 80 / (45.4) / 90 / (51.7) / 73 / (41.7) / 97 / (55.4) / 76 / (43.9) / 94 / (53.1)
a Numbers are frequencies (percentages) and based on the sample size of non-Hispanic White subjects for whom we had dietary and genotype data.
b Includes alfalfa sprouts, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, celery, corn, green beans, mustard greens, green salad, other vegetables, peas, radish, rhubarb, coleslaw, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes/tomato juice.
c Includes mustard greens, green salad and spinach.
d Includes broccoli, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, coleslaw, mustard greens and radish.
Supplementary Table C. Associationsa between NHL and selectedpolymorphisms across categories of dietary exposures among 371 cases and 311 non-Hispanic White controls with available dietary and genotype data.
Gene/SNP / Dietary variable / OR (95% CI) / P interactionGSTM3 3-b deletion / All vegetables svgs/mob
AGG/AGG / 57 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.04
AGG/AGG / > 57 / 0.56 (0.35-0.91)
AGG/- or -/- / 57 / 0.79 (0.47-1.33)
AGG/- or -/- / > 57 / 1.06 (0.58-1.96)
GSTP1 (I105V) / All vegetables svgs/mo
AA / 57 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.05
AA / > 57 / 1.15 (0.64-2.06)
AG or GG / 57 / 1.43 (0.88-2.34)
AG or GG / > 57 / 0.76 (0.45-1.29)
GSTP1 (A114V) / Cruciferous vegetables svgs/moc
CC / 6.25 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.02
CC / > 6.25 / 0.51 (0.33-0.79)
CT or TT / 6.25 / 0.52 (0.27-1.01)
CT or TT / > 6.25 / 0.85 (0.42-1.72)
OGG1 (S326C) / Total zinc mg/d
CC / 15 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.04
CC / > 15 / 0.71(0.47-1.08)
CG or GG / 15 / 0.83 (0.57-1.21)
CG or GG / > 15 / 1.18 (0.79-1.78)
XRCC1 (R194W) / Total zinc mg/d
CC / 15 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.06
CC / > 15 / 1.10 (0.77-1.56)
CT or TT / 15 / 2.13 (1.22-3.71)
CT or TT / > 15 / 0.98 (0.55-1.74)
XRCC3 (T241M) / Green leafy vegetables svgs/mod
CC or CT / 14.6 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.03
CC or CT / > 14.6 / 0.63 (0.41-0.97)
TT / 14.6 / 0.66 (0.35-1.22)
TT / > 14.6 / 1.52 (0.67-3.46)
XRCC4 (N298S) / Total zinc mg/d
GG / 15 / 1.00 (ref.) / 0.08
GG / > 15 / 1.01 (0.66-1.55)
GA or AA / 15 / 0.77 (0.46-1.28)
GA or AA / > 15 / 1.74 (0.95-3.20)
a Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) are adjusted for age in years (<45, 45-64, 65), gender, race (white, other), study site (Detroit, Iowa, Los Angeles, Seattle), smoking in pack years (non-smoker, <7, 7-34, 35), BMI in kg/m2 (<25, 25-29, 30), Physical activity in METS per week (none, 30-675, >676), alcohol intake (none, any).
b Includes alfalfa sprouts, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, celery, corn, green beans, mustard greens, green salad, other vegetables, peas, radish, rhubarb, coleslaw, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes/tomato juice.
c Includes broccoli, cauliflower/Brussels sprouts, coleslaw, mustard greens and radish.
d Includes mustard greens, green salad and spinach.
Supplementary Table D. False positive report probabilities (FPRP) of gene-diet interactions with NHL
Gene-diet interaction / Prior hypotheses* / Observed association† / Function of SNP conclusive? / Epidemiologic evidence of G x D? ‡ / FPRP under various prior probabilities §Gene/
SNP / Dietary variable / OR (95% CI) / p trend / OR (95% CI) / p inter-action / 0.10 (high) / 0.01 (mod-erate) / 0.001 (low)
3-b deletion / All vegetables / 0.58 (0.35-0.95) / 0.04 / 0.56 (0.35-0.92) / 0.03 / No [37] / Yes [51] / 0.309 / 0.831 / 0.980
GSTP1 A114V / Crucif-erous vegetables / 0.62 (0.39-1.0) / 0.05 / 0.52 (0.34-0.81) / 0.02 / No [38] / Yes [39] / 0.136 / 0.635 / 0.946
OGG1 S326C / Total zinc / 0.58 (0.36-0.91) / 0.08 / 0.71 (0.47-1.08) / 0.04 / No (reviewed in [40]) / Yes [7] / 0.544 / 0.929 / 0.992
XRCC3 T241M / Green leafy vegetables / 0.59 (0.36-0.96) / 0.01 / 0.63 (0.41-0.97) / 0.03 / No (reviewed in [52, 53] / Yes [43, 44] / 0.343 / 0.852 / 0.983
* Associations and p trend are from main effects models of NHL risk and the highest quartile of dietary intake [9].
† Associations and p interaction of gene-diet interactions and NHL risk from present analysis.
‡ Evidence for similar gene-diet interactions reported previously in the literature.
§ From Wacholder et al [35].
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