Teacher: Chantel Bennett
Website: westada.org
Course:Mathematical Modeling
Home Room #:306 (I travel on A-Days)
Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare the student for Math in Modern Society or Intro to Math Analysis. It covers some Algebra I review, first degree equations and inequalities, linear functions, systems of linear equations, polynomials, factorization, rational expressions, negative and rational exponents, radicals, quadratic equations, graphing functions, logarithms, and application problems.
You will need:
- Pencil and eraser
Cell phones & Other Electronics-
I don’t want to see them. If I do, you will be asked to set it on my desk and writing your name and date in the 1st offense on the “cell phone violation” roster. If it happens again you be asked to set it on my desk and you will need to have your parent come to the office to retrieve it. The only exception to this rule is if you finish early when taking a quiz or test and have been given permission.
Class Expectations:
*Come prepared; Have your homework ready to turn in the day it is assigned
*Ask questions in class and come see me for help if you don’t “get it”
*Study for quizzes and tests; take good notes and make your 1page “cheat sheet” for tests
Grading Scale:
Homework will be assigned daily. You are expected to work through the assigned problems and ask any questions prior to the beginning of the following class period. Homework will be collected on the due date and will be graded to reflect a combination of completion and correctness.Homework is a valuable part of this class. Any homework I assign is important and should be turned in, even if it is counted as late. I do not assign busy work. Any late/missing/absent work may be turned in up until the chapter test for late points, 70%. After that, the assignment will remain a zero.
- If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to obtain the homework assignment and notes from me or a friend prior to the beginning of the following class period. The homework assignments and notes will also be available on my calendar, if you need helping finding this please ask.
- You will have two class periods from the date of absence to turn in your work to me without penalty. After that your score will reflect that of a late assignment.
- A late grade is given to any assignment turned in after the predetermined due date.
- Late work must be fully completed with the correct answers to receive late points.
Quizzes will be given sporadically throughout the semester. Some quizzes will be announced, while others may be pop quizzes. Always come to class prepared with the anticipation of a quiz; quizzes are usually given after the completion of three or four new topics. If you take a quiz and perform poorly, you have the option of replacing this score with the chapter test. No quizzes can be retaken nor will any be dropped.
Two tests will be given per chapter. The first test will be a practice test, if you get a 90% or above on the practice test then you will not have to take the test the following class period. Another chapter test will be given the following class period after going over any questions or concerns from the practice test. I will also give opportunities for students to regain points that were lost on previous chapters after a sufficient amount of time to reteach and review those concepts. These tests may be a combination of multiple choice and free response. Tests that are missed due to an absences will need to be made up within two class periods of the day missed. If you are absent for a test you will receive an automatic zero until the test is made-up. You will be allowed to use one page, front and back, handwritten for notes on the test. If you fail a test, you have the option a retake.
Your final exam is worth 10% of your overall grade. This final works as a cumulative test. If you score better on your final than any of your chapter tests, it works as a replacement score. This option is only available to those who have retaken every failed test and who have no missing assignments.
Classroom Rules:
- Please show respect to everyone and everything.
- Always bring your materials to class and have homework completed.
- Be on time! If you are late, you might miss valuable information.
- Use your class time wisely; this will help to eliminate/decrease homework.
- Try your hardest to succeed; never give up.
School Rules (Refer to student handbook to clarify any point):
- No electronic devices will be permitted in the classroom. Please make sure to power off all electronic devices.
- No backpacks or oversized purses allowed. This includes string bags. Any student who brings a purse/ backpack to class will be required to take it to their locker and will be given a tardy for that class period.
Consider this your first and last warning.
- Please dress according to dress code polices (no midriffs showing, no tank tops, mid-length shorts/skirts, hats, etc.). Any student who violates the dress code will be sent to Souza or Coll.
- No food/drink in the classroom unless otherwise okayed with me. The only exception is water.
Class Resources:
If you are in need of any extra practice or clarification, please visit the following sites:
- Teacher Websites: Located at beginning of syllabus
- MavTime: Before school daily (except for Wednesdays) 7:15-7:35 in teachers room
- Math tutoring center:after school from 2:45-3:45 in room 321 Tuesday and 320 Thursday
- Interactmath.com: practice for all math classes
- Khanacademy.org: practice/videos for all math classes
- K12.com: practice/videos for all math classes
- Patrickjmt.com: good for all math classes
- Glencoe.com: practice for all math classes
- Desmos.com: downloadable graphing calculator for all math classes
- Geoebra.org: interactive algebra/geometry application
- Yaymath.com: videos for all math classes
Mathematical Modeling
Due to me by: Aug. 25th 2016 B-day/26th A-day
Please either return this paper signed by a parent/guardian or have a parent/guardian email answers to each question so I can ensure that I have accurate contact information.
Student Name: ______Class Period: ______
Parent/Guardian name(s):
1) ______
2) ______
Any phone numbers, type, & for whom:
Will be used for remind app.
1) ______type:______name:______
2) ______type:______name:______
Each year I create an email list that I use to pass on pertinent information as the year progresses. Please let me know if you would like to be included in this list.
Check one: [ ] Yes, include me in this email list [ ] No, keep me off this email list
These email addresses are also used In the event that I have praises/concerns about your student and their academic progress or behaviors.
1) email 1:______
2) email 2:______
3) email 3:______
Please sign below stating that you have read and understand the syllabus for this course. Any questions, comments or concerns can be emailed to ______.
Student Signature:______date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______date: ______
Please include any information below that you think would be beneficial for me to know to help ensure the upcoming school year is a success. Thank you for taking the time to read and fill out this sheet.
Comments: ______