Curriculum Mapping Template

Teacher: H. Noem

Grade: High School

Subject: Technology Applications – Multimedia (8 weeks), Desktop Publishing (6 weeks), VB (4 weeks),

Month / Content / Skills / Assessments / Standards
Software Used: PhotoStory 3.0 Windows Movie Maker / PhotoStory 3.0
*Talking story book
*School Area documentary (rooms determined so no duplicates)
* Wanna Vacation?
*Homecoming Story
Windows Movie Maker
Intro to Video to production
Specific Projects:
1. Special News Bulletin, “We interrupt this program…”
2. 30 second commercial (individual)
3. 60 second commercial (small groups)
4. A Day in the Life Of… (1-3
minutes) - (small groups)
5. Tutorial (subject of choice)
3-5 minutes (small groups)
6. Final Project Video – topics to be determined on a teacher discretion basis / Skills addressed through unit:
  • Importing pictures
  • Selecting appropriate text headings
  • Effective transitions and timing
  • Downloading audio – examine copyright issues
  • Matching audio components to theme of project
  • Burn to a CD
Skills Addressed throughout unit:
  • Recognize the value of multimedia as an educational tool
  • Design a Movie Maker movie to represent a concept
  • Design a Movie Maker movie to replicate a “special bulletin”
  • Design a Movie Maker movie for entertainment purposes
  • Capture pictures, video, and audio from the internet
  • Apply copyright laws to media taken from internet
  • Import video, pictures, and audio into Movie Maker
  • Arrange media appropriately on a timeline
  • Add effects and transitions
  • Add titles and credits
  • Save a movie on a computers
  • Burn a movie on a cd
/ Journal and Discussion board on WebCt
Peer assessments
Journal and Discussion board on WebCt
Peer/Teacher Checksheets
(Quizzes throughout unit) / - The following standards are reached: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 17

Desktop Publishing
Software Used: MS Publisher, MS PhotoDraw, Photoshop Elements 5.0
Textbooks Used:
MS Publisher 2002: Complete Concepts and Techniques, Shelly Cashman Series
MS Publisher 2002, Illustrated Series
NOTE: Many of the desktop publishing lessons will include elementary students; this may not always be mentioned in the lessons (it will depend on how it works with schedules and the topics we are working on) / PhotoShop Elements
*Lesson 1 -Layers
Lesson 2 - Animation with Transparent Background
Lesson 3 – Animations: Object Movement with a Background
Lesson 4 – Text Animation
Lesson 5 – Choice Animation
Lesson 6 – Web Buttons
Lesson 7 – Self-Mailing Card
Lessons 8&9 – Cut-outs & Collages
Lesson 10 – Black & White w/ Color
Lesson 11 – Before and After
Lesson 12 - Panoramas
Lesson 13 – Picture Effects
Lesson 14 – G ift Box
Desktop Publishing Unit (cont.):
Lesson 1: Flyer with Cut-offs (Publisher)
Lesson 2: Designing Newsletters
Lesson 3: Tri-Fold Brochures
Lesson 4: Personalizing and Customizing Publications with Information Sets
Lesson 5: CD Labels and CD Covers (choose own software)
Lesson 6: Bookmarks (choose own software)
Lesson 7: Wedding/Car Dealership Project (choose own software)
Lesson 8: 12 month calendars / Create layers within images
Duplicate shapes and Colors
Analyze News Article
Create an animated graphic with minimum one layer, that rotates or flips
Linking, merging, and animating layers; object movement with a background
Create an animate a text selection
Design and create an animation of choice (utilize skills learned)
Create and design buttons
Create and design a Self-Mailing card
Construct cutouts and collages from various images
Conversion of colors within an image: create original images using black and white with one color
Alter the appearance of an image using Photoshop tools
Analyze news article involving altered images online
Create panoramas using multiple images
Construct 2 images, utilizing at least one filter or effect per image using all features of this software
Practice positioning selections and using shapes, filters, and layer styles to create decorative images
Utilize design gallery features in publisher to create a flyer
Construct a newsletter from a template and from a blank publication
Construct a tri-fold brochure
Create/design an information set for each item: business card, calendar, envelope, and stationery
Design Label and CD cover based on favorite artist(s)
Formatting rules and guidelines to create bookmarks
Using a theme, create a program, invitation, post card RSVP, and thank you cards
Scanning pictures, incorporating appropriate dates, design 12 month calendar for oneself or someone else / Observation
Notes/Step by Step process
Rubric, finished product (pick a teacher in the school)
In the Lab #3 (pg 1.62) - SCS

In the Labs #s 1 & 2 (pg 2.60-2.62)
Creating own brochure based on a travel destination of choice (rubric)
Cases and Places #4 (page PUB 4.61)
Either replicate an existing one they have, OR make one up (rubric)
Personal bookmark (rubric), bookmarks for elementary students
(Quizzes throughout unit) / - The following standards are reached:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, & 13

Microsoft Visual Basic
Texts Used: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Introduction to Programming
Publisher: Sprague/Phillips
Estimated Time Frame: 3 hours / Lesson 1: The Basics
*Intro to MS VB
*Programming Concepts
*VB Integrated Development
*The VB Project
*Getting Help in VB
*Summary / Define MS Visual Basic and ID the common features of Windows applications
Identify and use the basic tools in the VB Integrated Development Environment
Create a form and add objects to it
Explain the meaning of “event driven” and program an event procedure
Understand the Help system / Step by Step 1.1, 1.2 (pgs 4,6)
Quick Check 1.a (pg 7)
Step by Step 1.3-1.7 (pgs 8-13)
Quick Check 1.b (pg 15)
Step by Step 1.8-10 (pgs16-18)
Quick Check 1.c (pg 18)
Step by Step 1.11-12 (pg 19-20)
Lesson 1 Review Questions: (pg 22)
Level One Application Problem: Info Collection Program
Level Two Application Problem: The Congratulations Program
Chapter Test /
- The following standards are reached:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, & 20
Estimated Time Frame: 5 hours / Lesson 2: Forms
*The Form
*The Programming Code
*Creating Simple Forms
*Variables and Constants
*Adding Graphics to a Form
*Summary / Customize the look and feel of a form
Develop standard forms that can be reused in other applications
Create forms that react to user events like clicking a button and pressing a key
Use variables and pass information from one part of the project to another
Import graphics to a form / Step by Step 2.1 (pg 26)
Quick Check 2.a
SBS 2.2-2.4 (pgs28-32)
Quick Check 2.b
SBS 2.5-2.8 (pgs 33-41)
Quick Check 2.c
SBS 2.9-2.10 (pgs 42-43)
Lesson 2 Review Questions: (pgs 44-45)
Level One Application Problem: The Red Circle Program
Level Two Application Problem:
The Choices Program
Chapter Test
Estimated Time Frame: 6 hours / Lesson 3: Forms
*Basic Elements of a Menu
*The Menu Editor
*Adding Code to a Menu
*The Multiple Document
Interface (MDI)
*Summary / Design a menu bar with menus and submenus
Create an operational application
Plan and document an application
Add forms from other projects
Use MDI forms / SBS 3.1-3.2 (pgs 48-50)
Quick Check 3.a (pg 51)
SBS 3.3-3.4 (pgs 51-53)
Quick Check 3.b (pg 54)
SBS 3.5-3.10 (pgs 55-60)
Lesson 3 Review Questions: (pg 61)
Level One Application Problem: The Menu Problem
Level Two Application Problem:
The Copy and Paste Application
Chapter Test
Estimated Time Frame: 10 hours / Lesson 4: Decisions, Looping Arrays, and Subroutines
*Approaching a Problem
*Program Decisions
*Logical Expressions
*The Select Case Statement
*A Lesson in Repetition
*Commonly Used Math
*Messing with Strings
*Summary / Plan the solution to a programming problem
Understand and apply the rules of logic to True/False expressions
Write If..Then..Else..End If statements
Create program loops that depend on logical expressions
Declare and use arrays
Use built-in functions for a variety of tasks / SBS 4.1 (pgs 66-68)
Quick Check 4.a (pg 68-69)
Quick Check 4.b (pg 70)
SBS 4.2 (pgs 72-73)
Quick Check 4.c (pg 74)
SBS 4.3 (pgs 74-76)
Quick Check 4.d (pg 77)
SBS 4.4 (pgs 80-82)
Quick Check 4.e (pg 82)
SBS 4.5 (pgs 84-86)
Quick Check 4.f (pg 86)
SBS 4.6 (pgs 88-90)
Quick Check 4.g (pg 90)
Lesson 4 Review Questions: (pgs 92-93)
Level One Application Problem: 1. The Printer Program
2. The Weigh Too Much Problem
3. The Unit Conversion Program
4. The Cooking a Turkey Program
Level Two Application Problem:
The Untold Wealth Program
Chapter Test