Governor Newsletter
Tuesday 18th July 2017
Dear Parents/Carers
St Roberts has a continual improvement strategy with the objective to ensure that it provides an environment where every child is encouraged to achieve their full potential.
The school has a monitoring system called O- Track where every child’s progress is monitored across the curriculum and class teachers update the data every half-term.
Miss Collins and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) hold progress meetings every half term with your child’s class teacher so they are able to view trends across the school and review individual children’s learning. This allows SLT to monitor pupil progress, identify any areas of concern and put necessary interventions in place.
A presentation of the O Track monitoring system will be delivered to parents/carers in the Autumn Term so that you are aware of how the system works and the information it provides to the school to ensure progress.
The school are also monitoring children’s attendance and if this falls below 90% a letter will be sent to parents. Research has shown the importance of regular attendance and its impact on children’s learning.
Miss Collins is always available to speak to parents and no concern is too small to be discussed with her. St Roberts is committed to working with parents so we can offer support and help if needed to families.
Thank you to all those parents/carers who completed the recent school questionnaire. The overall response was very positive. Following this the school will be addressing: improving communication between school and parents/carers regarding children’s progress; ensuring homework is consistent across the school; ensuring children in school have ample opportunity to take part in local sports events. These will feed into the School Development Plan for next year.
The Governors work closely with the school to ensure we meet our obligation to support the school community. We hold full Governors meetings every half term, scrutinise books, go on learning walks around the school so we are able to see what happens in school during the day We attend meetings with the staff, go on trips with the staff and children and undergo relevant training .
The Governing Body have secured funding through the Diocese & LA to renew the school boiler and the refurbishment of the school roof. These works will be started during the Summer holidays. There will also be a project to enhance the EYFS outdoor area and some refurbishment in school including the library. The PTA will be contributing to both of these projects.
I would like to thank the PTA for all their hard work on behalf of the school and the contribution they make to improve areas within the school by fundraising all which continue to enhance provision .
If anyone wishes to contact me please email .
Yours sincerely
Helen Mills
Chair of Governors
St Robert’s Catholic Primary School
“Everything is possible if you believe.” Mark 9:23