RAC Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2016
Staywell Health Center: 80 Phoenix Ave, Waterbury, CT 06702
Regional Advisory Council Members and Representatives in Attendance
Precious Price- Annie CIntern,Deb Kelleher- Annie C, John Doucette, Parent; Diane Capaldo- Lisa Inc. staff, Julie Calabro- Beacon Health Options, Jill Schoenfuss- Staywell, Laura Cummings- WYSS Inc., Jessica Sachse – VO/CTBHP, Kim Monahan- Center for Youth & Families, Jamal Bonello- Wellmore, Patricia Gaylord- FAVOR, Jennifer Bellamy- CAFAP, Sandy Porteus, FSGW; Cassie Manger, FAVOR; Dawn Zabek, CMHA; Cheranne, Youth; Jannat, Youth;Ninoshka, Youth, Charneil Bush; Community; Colleen Kaplan, DCF; Mark Hygysicion, Beacon Health Options; Jennifer Dewitt, CNVRAC; Jim Mele, CNVRAC; Barbara Howell-Lepri, Wheeler, Parent; Erika Mongrain, DCF; Valerie Ventura-Saadi, FCA; Patty Sghia, Parent; Joseph Dubbins, DYS; Jennifer Bellamy; CAFAP
- Meeting was called to order by Deb
- Agendas and sign-in sheets went around to everyone present
- Welcome to everyone present through the phone conferences
- Jules in Danbury
- Kim in Torrington
- Acceptance of Minutes from January
- Kim made a motion to approve the minutes, Julesseconded the motion. Motion approved.
- Presentation & Meetings
- Debriefed the Sex Trafficking workshop from January Meeting
- Next meeting will be a Care Coordination Presentation
- How to get presentation to all three spaces was discussed
- Tim to be present at Staywell for the presentation
- Tim to send the presentation beforehand
- Deb will email Tim- Structured presentation and they will follow along from offices in Torrington & Danbury
- Potential presentation on trauma in the fall was discussed
- Next Presentation- May Meeting- Disproportionate Minority Contact
- DCF Youth Bill of Rights
- Was distributed by Deb to the youth present from Lisa INC.
- Colleen discussed possible leadership team of social workers (possibly interns) to create a website/newsletter about youth rights
- Bill of Rights can be found on DCF website
- Communication was sent to the SAC informing them that youth are reporting they have not be shown the Bill of Rights
- Some youth not even aware that it exists
- Youth and families were encouraged to watch the youth forums on C-Scan Network
- ISS Update
- Meeting Tomorrow- 2/26
- Colleen explained to group what the ISS is
- ISS & RAC information is now on the Annie C. Courtney Foundation Website
- RAC By-law Update
- Deb explained that per legislature RACs have to all work together to change by-laws
- This was brought to the attention of the SAC
- Possible subcommittee to work on by-laws was discussed
- *Phone Connection was lost*
- Collaborative Updates
- Danbury- Very busy time
- PAWS Program was discussed for schools – Perfect Attendance Wins Stuff
- To encourage attendance
- Build Community with peers
- FELT (Fatherhood Engagement Leadership Team)- Dads Matter Too- Anthony Gay Presentation was discussed
- Transition to Adulthood Panel in high schools
- Creating pamphlet about Collabs aligning goals with Connect and integrating services to expand capacity
- Colleen mentioned the idea of having a presentation on school attendance
- Issues with youth and schools was discussed:
- Frequent moving
- Repeating grades
- More trauma focused interventions needed when they’re younger
- Services to follow children AND families
- Torrington
- Re-evaluating and working on goals & objectives (strategic plans)
- Waterbury
- Upcoming Presentation- IEP- Individualized Education Plan
- Upcoming Presentation- What’s available in the summer for youth in Waterbury
- LIST- Truancy pamphlet, parent involvement
- Next month- (March 16, 1:00-:2:30, WTBY Youth Services) Commissioners Team will be in Waterbury (Fernando Muñiz) - wants to know how families feel about CJTS- all are encouraged to attend
- What will be needed, what’s the alternative, secured facility within the community
- Community Updates
- Substance abuse training on screening- next week (RSVP by March 3rd)
- Waterbury Mayors office- Opioid Forum- 6:00-8:00pm- in April
- Cheshire- Video game & internet addiction- April 26, 6:00pm- Free & open to community
- RAC Newsletter
- Can send Deb information on upcoming events to put on website- must be in final form
- News corner- potential- run by school youth for extra credit
- Jill to work on technology for next meeting
- Per Patricia- Faith Based Community- Training with brunch- April
- Tim Marshall- Connect- CHDI- wanted to know when to come talk to the RAC about Connect Initiative
- Possibly April (3:00-5:00 meeting time discussed)
- Chalkwalk- April 30th 8:00am- collecting shoes
- Let Deb know if you are able to be a collecting site
- Comments/suggestions
- Next meeting Thursday,March 31, 2016 at Staywell Health Center 3-4:30PM
- Meetings will be here with conference calling (1 phone from Danbury & 1 phone from Torrington) from here on out
- Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Barbara at 4:25 PM, motion approved