Domain Description: Personal Health and Wellness in influenced by individual heredity and involves a lifelong process of choices and behaviors that lead to healthful living and disease prevention.
Standard 1: The student will understand the role of personal hygiene practices as related to healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
1.1 evaluate basic personal hygiene habits; / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 54-58, 121.
1.2 analyze the changes in health and hygiene needs related to adolescence. / Pp. 54-63, 69, 121
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· explain basic personal hygiene habits (e.g., hand washing, bathing, shampooing, oral care, and foot care). / Pp. 54-58, 63, 121, 276
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· display personal grooming habits. / Pp. 54-55, 121
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· analyze personal choices of self-expression as they relate to healthful living (e.g., clothing styles, tattoos, and body piercing). / Pp. 191-121, 125-126
Standard 2: The student will understand the role of body systems as related to healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
2.1 describe and analyze the basic body systems and functions of the human body. / Pp. 23-51
2.2 explain the functions of the human body; / Pp. 23-51
2.3 explain the impact of personal health behaviors on the functioning of human body systems. / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 23-51, 55-63, 276.
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· list all human body systems; / Pp. 23-51
· tell how personal choice impacts human body systems (e.g. sleep, food selections, and risk behaviors). / Pp. 23-51, 61-62, 158-174, 216, 276
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· describe the structure and functions of the body systems via models, illustrations, games; / Pp. 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 47-49
· explain repercussions of risk behaviors on body systems (e.g. smoking, drug use, alcohol, sexual activity, and high fat diet). / Pp. 145-146, 190-197, 199-201, 243-251, 255-258, 260-261
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· formulate a lifetime wellness continuum. / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found throughout the textbook.
Standard 3: The student will understand the relationship of physical activity to healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
3.1 identify the necessary components for physical fitness; / Pp. 59-63
3.2 determine the benefits of exercise in relation to improved health during all stages of life; / Pp. 59-63, 121
3.3 assess the relationship of physical activity to other areas of personal health (social, mental, and emotional well-being). / P. 61
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· outline the five components of physical fitness; / P. 60
· explain the benefits of exercise to social, mental, and physical health. / P. 61 and Fitness Tips: pp. 28, 60, 72, 88, 122, 141, 165, 219, 234, 258
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· demonstrate flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, agility, and cardiovascular fitness;
· describe how physical activity relates to stress management, socialization, and mental acuity. / P. 61
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· formulate a physical activity plan for the different stages of life. / Deciding For Yourself: Planning a Fitness Program: p. 78
Nutrition: 6-8
Domain Description: Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Healthful nutrition helps to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Using the Food Guide Pyramid can provide guidelines for healthy eating. It is important to balance food intake and physical activity to promote healthful living.
Standard: 4 The student will understand the relationship of nutrition to healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
4.1 explain the relationship of a balanced nutrition program and essential nutrients to appropriate weight, appearance, energy level and total wellness; / Pp. 139-155, 158-162
4.2 evaluate how individual food choices are influenced by multiple factors; / Pp. 163-166
4.3 describe body composition and eating disorders; / Pp. 112-115, 161-162
4.4 practice principles of food safety. / Pp. 171-174, 363
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· illustrate the food pyramid; / Pp. 151-152
· describe serving sizes; / P. 152
· demonstrate principles of food storage, preparation, and sanitation; / Pp. 171-174, 363
· interpret the statement, “You are what you eat” (e.g., junk foods, calories, fat content, cholesterol, overweight, performance); / Pp. 153-154, 158-162
· identify nutrients and minerals. / Pp. 140-150, 173
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· contrast USDA Dietary Guidelines to personal diet; / Pp. 151-152, 171 and Action For Health: p. 152
· analyze a food label (calories, nutrients, minerals, fat and cholesterol content, serving size, percentage of RDA); / Pp. 169-171
· explain how nutrients and minerals relate to body growth and development; / Pp. 140-150, 173
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· prepare a food diary for one week; / Action For Health: p. 152
· draw conclusions about individual food choices to set nutritional needs; / Pp. 158-162
· judge the need for nutritional supplements (e.g., vitamins, homeopathic supplements, and herbal); / Pp. 147-148
· identify how the media influences unhealthful nutrition decisions that promote eating disorders; / Pp. 165-166
· formulate body mass index (e.g. body composition versus body image). / P. 112
Family Life: 6-8
Domain Description: The dynamic process of growth and development encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and social maturation. Positive personal and family relationships provide a foundation that promotes healthy development. (Refer to TCA 49-6 1303 with regard to children excused from family life instruction by parent or guardian).
Standard 5: The student will understand the contributions of family relationships to healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
5.1 identify family influences in the development of personal values and beliefs and how they will affect future decisions; / Pp. 71-75
5.2 analyze changing roles and responsibilities throughout the life cycle as members of families; / Pp. 66-75
5.3 evaluate the influence of attitudes and behaviors on healthy family relationships. / Pp. 68-70
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· describe family structures, roles, and how they may change; / Pp. 67-68
· understand that character is developed within the family structure (e.g., two parent, single parent, blended, extended, foster and adoptive families).
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· identify how personal values impact gender discrimination, harassment, domestic violence, and abuses. / Pp. 71-75
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· explain roles and influences on personality development. / P. 73
Standard 6: The student will understand the stages of human growth and development.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
6.1 describe and demonstrate understanding of the developmental characteristics of adolescence including physical and emotional changes; / Pp. 68-69, 86-97, 101-111
6.2 exhibit respect for others as physical changes occur during adolescence; / Pp. 122-126
6.3 identify abstinence from sexual activity as the responsible and preferred choice for adolescents. / Pp. 216, 219, 245, 248-250
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· define adolescence and puberty; / Pp. 44-48, 69
· identify the reproductive system; / Pp. 44-51
· describe the need for appropriate clothing as physical changes occur.
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· prepare a chart that lists HIV/STD symptoms, treatments, and complications; / Pp. 242-251
· identify reasons for abstaining from sexual activity; / Pp. 216, 219, 245, 248-250
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· demonstrate decision-making skills that support good personal health (e.g., role playing and refusal skills). / Pp. 108-111, 216, 219 , 248
Standard 7: The student will understand the need and process of setting personal goals and standards for healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
7.1 analyze the effectiveness of personal decision-making as it relates to future health and wellness outcomes; / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 100-115, 125-129, 132.
7.2 describe individual goals and aspirations for healthful living; / Pp. 72, 91, 92, 101-103, 119, 217, 371-372
7.3 determine how setting healthful living goals can promote lifetime wellness. / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 54-63, 100-111, 118-129, 158-175, 190-209, 242-251, 256, 258, 301, 332.
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· describe different kinds of friendships; / Pp. 122-129
· describe how self-worth and confidence is used to build self-reliance. / Pp. 118-121
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· differentiate between long and short-term personal goals; / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 72, 91, 92, 101-103, 119, 217, 371-372.
· explain the influence that peer pressure has on personal decision-making and goal-setting. / Pp. 108-111, 194, 219, 332-333
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· debate realistic vs. unrealistic goals. / The opportunity to explore this concept can be found on pp. 72, 91, 92, 101-103, 119, 217, 371-372.
Domain Description: Emotional, social, and mental health is dependent upon a healthy self-concept and communicating needs, wants, and feelings in a healthy manner. Conflict resolution, anger management, and stress management provide skills for healthful living.
Standard 8: The student will understand the importance of positive self-concept and interpersonal relationships for healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
8.1 demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings; / Pp. 90-96, 100-115, 122-129
8.2 demonstrate respect for individual and cultural differences that help develop healthy relationships. / Pp. 122-126
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· list different emotions (e.g. anger, jealousy, frustration, love, hate, disappointment, and satisfaction); / Pp. 84-97
· identify how manners improve self-worth. / Pp. 118-126
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· assess how communication skills manage emotions and build tolerance. / Pp. 93-96, 125-128, 132, 331-334
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· describe individual differences (e.g. mental, physical, and medical disabilities); / Pp. 122-129, 132
· demonstrate strategies for including individuals who have disabilities.
Standard 9: The student will understand how positive social, emotional, and mental health practices promote healthful living.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
9.1 demonstrate skills to cope with attitudes and behaviors appropriately as related to social health; / Pp. 122-129
9.2 demonstrate strategies for managing pleasant and unpleasant situations; / Pp. 118-129, 322-335
9.3 evaluate attitudes and behaviors as related to personal and mental health. / Pp. 85-115
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· define and discuss signs and symptoms of depressions, stress, abuse, and anger. / Pp. l 87-92, 72-73
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· identify and distinguish between refusal skills, negotiation skills, and coping skills. / Pp. 102-107, 110-111, 216, 219, 248
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· prepare a plan for recovering from and coping with relationships that have changed (e.g. family and peers). / Pp. 47-74, 127-129
Domain Description: Disease prevention is greatly influenced by health enhancing knowledge and behaviors practiced throughout life.
Standard 10: The student will understand attitudes and behaviors for preventing and controlling disease.
Learning Expectation:
The student will:
10.1 describe signs, symptoms, and risk factors related to communicable and non-communicable diseases; / Pp. 231-239, 242-251, 254-273
10.2 evaluate how heredity, environment and lifestyle impact both the wellness and disease process. / Pp. 232-236, 245-250, 256-258, 276
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· list communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, and STD’s; / Pp. 243-251
· define the following non-communicable diseases: heart disease, hypertension, cancer; diabetes, obesity, stroke, and asthma/allergies. / Pp. 254-273
At Level 2, the student will be able to:
· describe the prevention, warning signs, and treatment of heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, obesity, stroke and, asthma/allergies; / Pp. 254-273, 276
· explain the importance of universal precautions; / Pp. 232-235, 370-371
· explain that in terms of the relationship between sexual activity and the risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS or STD’s, abstinence from all general contact is the only sure method of preventing sexual transmission. / Pp. 216, 219, 245, 248-250
At Level 3, the student will be able to:
· assess the impact of environmental pollution, ozone depletion, etc. on one’s health and of ergonomics in preventing health related injuries. / Pp. 283-301, 384-401
Injury Prevention and Safety: 6-8
Domain Description: According to All About Risk Watch, “Every time a child is injured or killed by something that could have been prevented, everyone suffers – the child, his or her family, classmates and friends, and the entire community. For children ages 14 and under, the #1 health risk isn’t drugs or disease: it’s injuries.”
Standard 11: The student will understand attitudes and behaviors for preventing accidents and injuries.
Learning Expectations:
The student will:
11.1 evaluate ways to reduce the risks of accidents and injuries; / Pp. 283-301
11.2 analyze the importance of safety rules. / Pp. 285-301
Performance Indicators:
At Level 1, the student will be able to:
· list safety equipment used for injury prevention (e.g. helmets, pads, harnesses, sunscreen, seatbelts, life preservers, etc.). / Pp. 55, 285-286, 295-296