Veterinary Verified Change (VVC)

Protocol #:
Principal Investigator:
Changes must not be initiated until official notification from the IACUC office.

Submission requires consultation and approval from Attending Veterinarian. Complete all applicable sections below. Place an X in the boxes to indicate the changes being proposed and briefly describe the change. Submit to

Procedures (must be Vet approved) / Briefly describe / Veterinary Verification
Change in procedure that includes change or addition of anesthetic, change in approved non-survival procedure, change from survival to non-survival, changes that decrease duration, frequency, number of procedures performed, changes representing no increased pain/distress not to exceed standard guidelines for a particular procedure
Add new experimental/therapeutic agent that is not within the approve class of agents
Add/change test article: innocuous or substantively similar to test articles already approved in protocol (same class of compound,, same mechanism of action)
Change in euthanasia method
Add an additional anesthetic, analgesic, or euthanasia agent to an already approved regimen as an adjunct (not as an alternate method)
Route of administration to less invasive or less discomfort and not requiring new anesthetic regimen
Guidelines (must be Vet approved) / Briefly describe / Veterinary Verification
Add fasting or food/water restriction within parameters defined in the “Guide”
Add restraint: not exceeding 30 mins
Change in housing (single/size) within the space requirements as outlined in the “Guide”
Additional Comments
Veterinarian Signature / Date
PI Signature / Date
Approval for inclusion of this modification into the referenced protocol has been granted by the IACUC.
IACUC Office / Date / VVC#

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Veterinary Verified Change

Version 1.0 (January 2016) Page 1of 2