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PE and Sport Premium Plan [YEAR]:[INSERT ACADEMY NAME]
AcademyPE and Sport Premium Grant (PEG) DetailsNumber of pupils on roll: / 447
Number of pupils eligible for PEG: / 372
PEG funding rate: / £8,000 + £5
Total amount of PPG received: / £9,860
Academy Context
Battle Primary Academy is a 472 place primary school in a highly populated terraced-style environment in the West of Reading, serving a diverse community of pupils. The school has the smallest footprint per head of all the schools in Reading and as such available internal and external space is limited. We have a small hall and restricted outdoor space which offers no green space. The impact this has on sports provision is significant as there is no provision for grass-based sports or competitive sports, such as rugby, and a lack of opportunity for us to host local events or engage community participation in annual sporting events, such as sports day.
PE and Sport Premium Background and Aims
The Government is providing additional funding for primary schools for academic years 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/16 in order to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. All state-maintained schools, academies, middle schools, special schools and pupil referral units which have primary aged pupils (as reported in the 2013 school census) will receive the funding.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision for PE and sport in schools. We will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils progress and participation in PE and school sport. We are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the additional funding, including details about our sporting provision alongside curriculum details. This will ensure that parents/guardians and others are made fully aware of the PE and sporting provision at Battle Primary Academy.
All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil.
Recent Initiatives and Improvements
Purchase of netball posts and netball bibs – we set up an afterschool netball club for children from across Key Stage 2 to participate in. The posts and bibs are also used during PE sessions taught by our class teachers.
Purchase of PE scheme – in order for high quality teaching and learning to happen during the PE sessions, a new PE scheme was purchased and employed within the school.
Purchase of sports equipment – in order for high quality teaching and learning to happen during the PE sessions, new sports equipment was purchased to meet the aims of our new PE curriculum ‘PE Champions’. All children in Key Stage 1 and 2 are now receiving 2 hours of our PE curriculum per week.
Hire of additional space – As we do not have any grass for children to use for PE we hire a local Scout groups building and field. This enables us to offer our children 2 hours of PE curriculum per week and for us to allow lunchtime sports clubs to happen. The environment also opens up the range of skills and sports we can offer our children.
Sports Day Venue Hire –As we do not have the space to hold a sports day competition we hire alternative provision which enables all children and parents to participate in a competitive sports day.
Competition Days – Rugby, Cricket, Multi Skills and Gifted and Talented days with local school network enabling children to develop skills in a variety of sports and participate in competitive sport.
Measures of Success
Brief outline of how success will be measured, including measures, frequency and recording.
NETAT PE & Sport Premium PlanBattle Primary Academy June 2016
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Summary of Planned Activity [YEAR]
Objective / Initiative / Activity / Lead Staff Member / Cost / Timescale / Expected Outcome / Impact / Impact Measure / EvidenceTo increase pupil participation and confidence in competitive school sports / Cross-school competitive rugby competition for Year 5 / Chantelle Ricketts / £900 / Positive competitive sports between local schools.
Specialised staff provided training sessions and ran the competitive tournaments.
Children exposed to a variety of new sports.
Children worked together as a team.
Children exposed to playing competitive sports and rule based play. / Increased pupil participation in competitive sports both at inter and intra school level.
Improved attitudes towards sport participation and experiences from both pupils and parents.
Improved competitive relationships between pupils at local schools.
Children acquired new skills from specialist coaches
Cross-school competitive cricket competition for Year 3 / Chantelle Ricketts
Cross-school competitive multi-skills competition for Year 2 / Chantelle Ricketts
Cross-school competitive sports competition for pupils identified as ‘gifted and talented’ in Years 5 & 6 / Chantelle Ricketts
To raise the profile of alternative sports activities available to children.
To broaden boys’ interest away from football. / Hiring of facilities/ extended open space including:
The Scout Hut in Kensington Park and the Ibis sports ground for sports day. / Chantelle Ricketts / £5,030 / The hiring of facilities provides more space for quality physical education and sports to take place.
The space also has a suitable floor surface for a range of sports, including rugby. This space is safe and enclosed.
Ibis has a large field allowing athletic events to occur which couldn’t be facilitated within our school grounds. / Positive attitudes to health and well-being.
Enhanced, inclusive curriculum provision offering breadth of experience.
Fitness and participation levels in children increased.
Increased links with the local community
Increased links with parents
Raised profile of athletic sports.
To improve the quality of teaching and learning in curricular P.E. across the school / Purchase of new sports equipment
Purchase of PE scheme
CPD sessions for Years 1-6 from Reading Football Club / Chantelle Ricketts / £3,392 / Teachers are more confident in teaching PE sessions.
Teachers’ wellbeing and workload improved as lessons are planned using the scheme.
Resources available to teach high quality lessons.
Children exposed to various sports and skills through the implementation of the new curriculum. / Increased variety of sports delivered.
Increased level of health and well being
Increased number of children taking part in a variety of sports.
Children exposed to high quality PE by specialist coaches
This report was prepared by: Chantelle Ricketts and Amy Donnelly
Approved by the Governing Body on: Wednesday 15th June 2016
Signed: ______[Ruth Allen], Chair of Governors
NETAT PE & Sport Premium PlanBattle Primary Academy June 2016