28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
Post-Walk Reflection
The flurry of activity preparing and participating in the Walks has passed, and the lull after the storm has set in. Both Dwayne and Sabrina have told me that, although they were FILLED UP by the Walks, the days after the Walks have left them a little “lonely”, a little “blue”, missing their Teams and the fellowship shared. I compare it to the preparation and planning we put into those big family gatherings before Christmas; the shopping for and wrapping of presents, the logistics of transportation to and from airports and the planning of who sleeps where, grocery shopping and preparation of family meals, attending church and FINALLY the delight of opening gifts, the utter exhaustion at the end of the day…sound familiar? My mother called me one time after such a Christmas, crying that the house was empty and so very quiet. She was lonely and missed me and the rest of the family so much because the days that we were all together were so FULL.
So, when Sabrina sent this out in an email, I wanted to share it with you as we go through the post Walk experiences. Fourth Days are about new beginnings; the author of this devotion is David Wilkerson, founder of World Challenge, Inc., now deceased, and he wrote about the New Covenant in THE NEW MAN:
God's New Covenant with us can be summed up in one powerful statement: It is His irrevocable promise to deliver His people from the dominion of sin - through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This New Covenant does away with all our puny efforts to please God through our flesh. It is the end of all our striving to overcome sin, whether through determination, strength, reasoning or any other works of the flesh. In short, God's New Covenant takes the pressure off of us and places it all on Him.
Through this covenant, the Lord says, "I will no longer ask you to bring Me a godly heart. Instead, I will remove your heart of stone and put in you a new heart, one that has a desire for Me. I will cause you to will and to do My good pleasure, through the power of My Spirit" (see Ezekiel 11:19-20).
In simple terms, the New Covenant is the end of the "can do" man in us who says, "I can do it all in my own strength. If I just spend enough time in prayer and Bible study, if I just think through my problems, I'll be able to make changes in my life."
God's New Covenant says goodbye to this old "can do" man and introduces the "new man," who says, "I can't do anything in my own strength but I can do everything through the power of the Holy Spirit."
One of the most important things I have learned from my study of the New Covenant is that it is the secret to having an overcoming life in the last days. As the time of Christ's return draws near, the devil is going to let loose wild, demonic powers against God’s people such as the world has never seen.
We see this happening already within the walls of the church. Satan has infiltrated God's house with subtle lies, false doctrines, demonic teachings. Sadly, undiscerning Christians are swallowing it. Multitudes of deceptions and heresies are swirling through the church and I ask you: How will believers be able to stand in such times?
The Lord answers us by promising to take on the problem Himself. He assures us, "Don't be afraid. I will take this matter into My own hands and empower you against every onslaught of the enemy through My New Covenant with you."
Please continue to keep Dwayne and Sabrina in your prayers and now add Ron Smith and Janaye Bond as they enter into prayer preparing for Spring Walks 126 and 127! And Lori Ott and Derek Hensley as they begin Chrysalis 50, and Mark Ott as he moves forward with YAC in January!
One last thing. Thank you. Thank you all for the blessing of agape love that you pour out into this Community. Thank you for your prayers and for all the many ways you serve. I was so humbled during Candlelight, walking through that line, seeing the love of Christ shining from your beautiful faces. There is nowhere else in my life that I can walk into a room of hundreds of people, have them tell me they love me, and be able to return that love without conditions or reservations. I am blessed; we are blessed. Thank you, God.
De Colores!
Sarah Hart, Walk # 79, Table of Anna
Coffee and Toast with Jesus Reunion Group
2012 E’town Emmaus Community Lay Director
Prayer Time
- 2012 Elizabethtown Emmaus Board and Leadership
- Sponsors and pilgrims for Chrysalis 50, YAC 3, Walk 126, and Walk127
- Deployed Military Service Men and Women
- Those in your Reunion Group and those not in an Emmaus Reunion Group
- The Spiritually Lost
- Nicaraguan and Northpoint REC Community
- Laurie Ott and Derek Hensley, Chrysalis 50
- Leah Riggs and Mark Ott, YAC 3
- Ron Smith, Men’s Walk 126
- Janaye Bond, Women’s Walk 127
Mark Your Calendars
SaturdayNovember 3rd / Chrysalis 50
Sendoff / 9:00 AM / Camp Nikao
November 3rd / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
November 4th / Chrysalis 50
Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
November 5th / Chrysalis 50
Closing / 5:00 PM / Camp Nikao
December 1st / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
January5th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
Memorial UMC
4th – 6th / YAC 3 / Camp Nikao
14th – 17th / Men’s Walk
126 / Camp Nikao
21st – 24th / Women’s Walk
127 / Camp Nikao
Welcome Walk 124 Pilgrims
Marty Basham / Gabriel Brangers / Earnest BrockGreg Calidonna / John Chambers / Josh Cheatham
David Edwards II / Donnie Goatley / Paul Godfrey
Alvin Hilton / Mike Holleran / David Johnson
Alex Juarez / Lloyd King / Mike Langoski
Paul March / Perry Mitchell / David Moore
Jason Motte / Bob Oberg / Danny Payne
Timmy Reynolds / Jamie Snyder / Joey Still
Doug Swartz / Jamie Tabor / Eddie Turner
Greg Wendt
Welcome Walk 125 Pilgrims
Jilleane Archie / Sarah Austin / Debbie BerrowGloria Borders / Trisha Borders / Cathy Calidonna
Stephanie Cheatham / Carrie Compton / Cathy Coolidge
Carolyn Duncan / Kathy Dupin / Eunice Goodman
Diane Gordon / Elaine Grundy / Amy Hamilton
Arlie Hamilton / Edna Hayes / Marina Hicks
Kim Hilton / Christy Holleran / Tammy Johnson
Mearl Keeling / Brandi Kidd / Minerva Kidd
Banda Lile / Shelley Loveall / Mandy Magers
Kim March / Tammy Masters / Carol May
Ramona Mayo / Venita Portman / Charlotte Powers
Donna Revel / Cheryl Scott / Lillian Smallwood
Amiee Snyder / Tara Still / Sara Tabor
Merri Lee Warren / Sherri Whitehead / Deborah Williams
Michelle Wills