Quail Tales

A Publication of Quail Meadows Condominium Owners Association

September 2015

So Much Stuff In Quail Yards

On a recent walk-about,an “extraordinary volume of extraneous decorative items” was seenin yards that should not be there. In other words, there’s way too much stuff in yards. And there can be an overabundance of even allowed items in yards – too much of a good thing.

If everybody puts several objects in their yard, our community will look like #$%#^%# in short order. Imagine 93 flower flags.

And placement does matter. It matters what is placed in a front yard and what can be seen from the court roadway. Some back yards and enclosed yards can be seen in a casual drive through the community.

We all need to do our part to keep Quail Meadows from being a tacky, junked-up neighborhood.

And why aren’t violation letters being sent out on each of the violations? It costs $25 of association money for each violation letter and each delinquency letter sent out by our management company. Nothing is free. Quail Meadows Condominium Association is a regulated community and in case you haven’t read your Community Handbook recently, several excerpts from the Quail Community Handbook are included on the reverse side.


Yard Sale

The date for this year’s yard sale is Saturday, September 12, which will be the first Saturday AFTER Labor Day and the pool closing. The rain date will be Saturday, September 19. The sale is to be held by each court from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Each court is responsible for putting a sign out if a sale is taking place on that court. An ad will be placed in the newspaper by the Association.

Watch the Quail web site at for the date announcement each year regarding a yard sale.

Pool Comments

If a person has a key to the pool gate, we assume they have a right to be there. There are several members who live in the houses on the other side of the hill and may not be known everyone. Residents do not have to confront participants that they think shouldn’t be there. If participants are misbehaving or giving other participants difficulty, call the police. People with keys should not open the gate for people without keys wanting to enter the pool area that they do not know are members. All members have keys.

Excerpts from the Quail Meadows Community Handbook

Page 22 - under Exterior Alterations

3.No banners, signs, canopies or awnings not approved by the Board of Managers, may be displayed on any part of a building or any yard.

4.No objects other than annual or perennial flowers or plants may be placed on any mulched areas. This includes but is not limited to statues; objects of any kind, including rocks; man-made decorations; decorative balls; plastic, wood, cast or carved animals; artificial flowers or plants; water fountains; or any other non-plant material. The purpose of this is to maintain the aesthetic character of the community.

5.No objects (other than tasteful flower containers, wreaths and doormats) may be placed on front stoops. This includes furniture, statues, signs, artificial animal structures, etc.

6.Holiday decorations and lights are permitted if in good taste and may only be attached to doors, interior windows, decks, or shrubs located in an owner’s limited common area. Decorations must be taken down within 2 weeks following the holiday.

8.Curtains, shades, or other window coverings inside any windows, doorways, and/or patio doors shall be white or beige (when seen from the outside). No other colors are allowed. No exterior window coverings are permitted. Window screens must be kept in good repair and in place in keeping with original building design.

9.Nothing shall be placed on the front doors except for seasonal wreaths or decorations.

10.No bird feeders shall be placed in the front of a unitor anywhere on the common areas (see Outside Bird Feeder Policy on Page 43).

Page 26 –under Flags and Signage

  1. Owners shall not cause or permit anything including signs or advertisements to be hung or displayed outside of or from the inside of windows, transparent doors, or placed outside on walls of a building. Illustrated signs of any kind are not permitted.
  2. An American flag may be displayed; however, it must be displayed in accordance to the (federal) policies governing the display of the flag. No other flags are permitted.
  3. No person shall be permitted to display an advertising sign for any reason whatsoever.

Shrubs: Please submit a plan to replace any original bushes/shrubs you request the Association to remove. Please do not leave the foundation of your building without plant greenery. Bare foundations can cause a neighborhood to look like a housing project. .Thanks.

This newsletter is edited by Barb Bush and has been read/approved by the Quail Board & Property Manager.

Quail Web Site:

Innovative Property Management

Contact Information

Phone: 892-8000

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Re: Work Requests Given to Innovative

For scheduling and economy, Innovative accumulates work requests to be done when the pertinent company or person is in Quail.