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Copyright © 2013 Timothy Peers

All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may be used, modified or reproduced without written permission.This material is free for use and distribution by non-profit organizations whose primary goal is to assist the underemployed and unemployed, provided all documentation and branding remains unaltered in both content and format.All material within this guide has been written specifically to ensure that you actually do something.Reading is fundamental, and you don’t beat the competition with fundamentals alone.

It takes more than knowing interview questions and answers to get a job offer.You can read all the tips, guides and lessons you want—but if you want to have a real edge, you will need to know how to practice them.

This structured guide to interviewing allows you to practice with a purpose, complete with lesson plans and printable worksheets.

For example, what should you ask your interviewer before you leave?What do you do while waiting for your name to be called?How many times do you say "but" during an interview?Learn more about yourself while you hone your skills today!

Don't miss your next job opportunity, claim it with confidence!

Step 1: Preparations

Figure out where you’re going

Figure out what to do with what you know

Figure out who already figured this out

Step 2: Practice Saying Hello

The meet-and-greet checklist

Interviewer feedback

Keep your feet on the floor, not in your mouth

Interviewer feedback

Step 3: Practice Answer Structure

Behavioral Questions

Opinion Questions

General Questions

Oddball Questions

Behavioral Question Form

Opinion / Oddball Question Form

Interviewer feedback

Step 4: Practice Saying Goodbye

Wrap up the Q & A

Possible Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Questions NOT to Ask the Interviewer

Questions You Should Ask the Interviewer

Farewell Checklist

Step 1: Preparations

Preparation is an often underutilized tool that never fails to separate the successful from the lucky, even though it may be difficult to tell the difference between the two at a glance.Preparation ensures improvement, it sets you up for growth and it is evidence of both drive and motivation.

You want every interviewer to see evidence of drive and motivation, so let’s bring that evidence to the surface!

Figure out where you’re going

The biggest mistake a lot of interviewees make is simply not taking the time necessary to know the company, role and skills they’re applying to. Take a moment to ensure that you are able to talk to the skills needed for the role. Fullyunderstand how you’re the best candidate.If you don’t know . . . GOOGLE!

In order of importance:

  1. What are the skills required according to the original job posting?
  1. What is the address of your future workplace?
  1. What is the name of the company?
  1. What does the company do?
  1. What is the company’s mission and / or value statement?
  1. Who will be interviewing you and what is their, or the hiring manager’s, work number?
  1. What do you know about where the company’s immediate goals lie?
  1. What is the culture like?
  1. Who is the CEO?
  1. Are you friends with someone at the company?
  1. Are any of your friends connected with someone at the company?(check LinkedIn)
  1. Has the company been in the news recently, and if yes, for what?
  1. What do you know about the history of the company?

Figure out what to do with what you know

Now that you have the details, decide what conversations you want to head toward. Using the questions you already answered, complete this page.Create clear picture of how to communicate that you are the best candidate for the position.

  1. If you are connected (either directly or through a friend) to someone at the company, find out what might they say makes you a good fit for the company.
  1. After reading up on the CEO / company spokespeople and any public statements that they’ve made, what values, direction and goals do you seem to share?
  1. Is your interviewer on LinkedIn?If so, have you ever worked at the same company? (It’s not recommended to message them or try to link up; reconnaissance only!)
  1. Do you have any unique qualities or skills that might appeal to the company?What can you do to help them with challenges they might have?
  1. How do you finish the statement, “Your mission / value statement aligns almost perfectly with how I dealt with—“
  1. What measurable results do you have in your work experiences that meet or exceed the requirements from the original job posting?
  1. Is there a particular skill / experience requirement that you don’t have when compared to the job posting’s requirements?How do you explain that you’re capable of doing the job if it’s brought up?

Figure out who already figured this out

Who beats you for the position?Think over the following questions and take your time in making notes; create a picture of the one person who could take this job from you.

Once you are done analyzing your greatest competition, add notes that outline what you can do to increase the likelihood that it’s you that walks out with the job offer instead.

  1. How are they dressed?
  1. How do they express their motivation to do well in the role?
  1. What is the initial impression they give to the hiring manager, and how?
  1. How would they seem to havemore leadership potential than you?
  1. How would they convince the hiring manager that no one else could be as adaptable to change, or lack thereof, as they are?
  1. What measurable results do you have in your work experiences that match the original job posting and how could they be beaten by someone else?

Step 2: Practice Saying Hello

An integral part of any interview is making sure that you look and act like you think you look and act.Let’s start with some basic activities, and though you can practice this alone in front of a mirror, do your best to find a partner.If you can, hand this guide over to them so that you get an outside window into your behaviors.

The meet-and-greet checklist

Pretendthat you are in the waiting area just before the hiring manager walks in to greet you.Sit comfortably, but professionally.Wear what you plan on wearing for your actual interview.

The exercise is simple, stand up and greet your interviewer.Make sure you complete the checklist below while you do it.Practice until it feels natural.The next page is for either you (or your study partner) to analyze your performance from the vantage point of the interviewer.

  • Keep your lap clear of items so there’s no shuffling when you get up
  • Your phone should be off and put away
  • Make small talk with other candidates, the receptionist, security and / or others
  • Sit patiently, read over your resume or have a career-related book to read
  • Keep your chin parallel to the floor
  • Smile while getting up
  • Keep your back straight as you can while rising and walking
  • Keep eye contact, introduce yourself and shake their hand
  • Be ready for small talk as you’re lead to the interviewing area

If you have enlisted a friend or family member:Ask them to come around the corner playing the role of your interviewer—but not when you call or expect them, just sometime within the next 10 minutes.
After you feel you’ve mastered the checklist have them play the roles of seemingly angry, playful and uninterested interviewers.Can you still maintain your practiced motions without being thrown by an unexpected attitude?

Interviewer feedback

As the interviewer, it’s time to write down some feedback.Be honest, sincere and ultimately objective.

What was the first impression as you walked in the room to greet the candidate? What did you observe them doing?


What was the candidate’s energy like?What gave you that impression?


Looking at the checklist, what did the candidate do well?


Looking at the checklist, what opportunities did the candidate have?


Keep your feet on the floor, not in your mouth

In this exercise you’ll be discovering nuances in your speech; things that may or may not be distracting to your interviewer.Be conscious, not self-conscious. We all have mannerisms.You just want to make sure your communications are clean and devoid of distractions.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Tell me about a time you did something that made you proud
  2. Tell me something about you thatwould makeme more likely to hire you
  3. Tell me about a boss you didn’t get along with

The next three pages are feedback forms to record notes as each question is answered.

Think about how you want to be heard.Are the words you’re using garnering the intended reactions?What do you do when you overanalyze yourself or get stuck for an answer?It’s important that you recognize when you need to breathe and relax.

Ultimately, don’t worry, practice makes everything second nature.Everyone looked and felt similarly nervous and / or awkwardtryingto ride a bike for the first time.

If you have enlisted a friend or family member:Print out the following interviewer feedback sheets so that they can take notes for you while playing the role of your interviewer.
In a real interview the interviewee has to work with an interviewer who will likely be taking notes throughout.It’s important to maintain as much eye contact as possible.

Interviewer feedback

1. Did the interviewee have a clear beginning, middle and end to their story?Most importantly, did it have a positive ending and help you understand why you should hire them for the position they’re applying for?


2. Attempt to count the number of times the interviewee says “um” or uses any other empty filler such as "like", "y'know", "actually", "literally", "basically" or “well.”Also, what was the most commonly used empty filler?


3. How many times does the interviewee say “but,” and are they giving negative statements after or before they say it?Would it sound better the other way around?


4. Did the interviewee maintain eye contact and give detailed answers?For example, did they say something like, “That’s when I explained my point of view and they understood” or something more like, “I explained that it makes it hard for me to do my job when they’re distracting me, and we bounced ideas back and forth until we agreed that I would wear headphones and they would try to keep the noisy parts of their work to times that I wasn’t making calls.”


Interviewer feedback

1. Did the interviewee have a clear beginning, middle and end to their story?Most importantly, did it have a positive ending and help you understand why you should hire them for the position they’re applying for?


2. Attempt to count the number of times the interviewee says “um” or uses any other empty filler such as "like", "y'know", "actually", "literally", "basically" or “well.”Also, what was the most commonly used empty filler?


3. How many times does the interviewee say “but,” and are they giving negative statements after or before they say it?Would it sound better the other way around?


4. Did the interviewee maintain eye contact and give detailed answers?For example, did they say something like, “That’s when I explained my point of view and they understood” or something more like, “I explained that it makes it hard for me to do my job when they’re distracting me, and we bounced ideas back and forth until we agreed that I would wear headphones and they would try to keep the noisy parts of their work to times that I wasn’t making calls.”


Interviewer feedback

1. Did the interviewee have a clear beginning, middle and end to their story?Most importantly, did it have a positive ending and help you understand why you should hire them for the position they’re applying for?


2. Attempt to count the number of times the interviewee says “um” or uses any other empty filler such as "like", "y'know", "actually", "literally", "basically" or “well.”Also, what was the most commonly used empty filler?


3. How many times does the interviewee say “but,” and are they giving negative statements after or before they say it?Would it sound better the other way around?


4. Did the interviewee maintain eye contact and give detailed answers?For example, did they say something like, “That’s when I explained my point of view and they understood” or something more like, “I explained that it makes it hard for me to do my job when they’re distracting me, and we bounced ideas back and forth until we agreed that I would wear headphones and they would try to keep the noisy parts of their work to times that I wasn’t making calls.”


Step 3: Practice Answer Structure

There are several types of interview questions you may encounter.The most common is behavioral, and for good reason.You’re being asked about something you’ve done; fibbing becomes difficult as good interviewers drill down into details.

Past behavior predicts future performance, so how are you going to help them see the value in even the most innocuous events?Go through the following list of questions and pick the two you feel strongest about and the two you feel most challenged by.The 8 pages following the list are for writing out your answers to getting your thoughts organized, then analyzing how well you deliver.

Remember, this is your behavioral checklist:

  1. The story’s beginning
  2. Names
  3. Time frame (i.e. 1 year ago or 2 weeks ago)
  4. The challenge / conflict you had to overcome
  5. How you overcame the challenge
  6. Positive resolution to the story
  7. *Bonus* The lesson learned and how you easily handle that challenge now
  8. *Bonus* How that lesson helped you in seemingly unrelated situations
  9. *Bonus* How your turned that lesson into a philosophy you teach to others

As often as possible, try to turn even non-behavioral questions into behavioral answers.

If you have enlisted a friend or family member:Print out the following interviewer feedback sheets so that they can take notes for you while playing the role of your interviewer.
Have them ask you the questions, take notes, give you feedback and even try answering the questions themselves afterwards.

Behavioral Questions

Can you tell me about a time that you diffused a situation?

Can you tell me about a time that you made a difficult decision?

Can you tell me about a time you operated outside of company policy?

Can you tell me about a time you failed to deliver on an expectation?

Can you tell me about a time you delivered above expectations?

Can you tell me about a time you self-promoted?

Can you tell me about a time you had to deal with an upset customer?

Can you tell me about a time you let someone down?

Opinion Questions

Why do you want to work here?

What is your greatest weakness?

Why should I hire you over the other candidates for this position?

What do you think our company can do better?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Can you give me an example of your best work in this field?

What would your friends / previous employer say about you?

General Questions

What is your availability?

What are your salary requirements?

Why do you want to leave your current company?

Oddball Questions

How many quarters would you need to reach the height of the Empire State building?

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

What song best describes you?

Behavioral Question Form


Beginning (When did it happen, who was involved and what started it?):

Middle (What challenges occurred, what were the initial reactions?):

End (What tactics / conversations did you use to overcome the challenge?How did it end well?):