Commissioning of Stage 1 vapour recovery
- Name and address of petrol service station
Name: ABN:
- Company or person responsible for the operation of the petrol service station (the occupier or franchisee)
Name: Telephone:
- Entity or person that owns the petrol service station and related infrastructure
Name: Telephone:
- Annual petrol throughput of petrol service station for the last 3 years (designed throughput for new stations)
Year / Throughput
- Name and contact details of vapour recovery service technician and tank tester:
Technician name:Telephone:
Tank tester name:Telephone:
- New or modified: Is the service station new, or was it upgraded after 1 July 2010?
Yes No
Note: A ‘modified petrol service station’ means an existing petrol service station on which works requiring development consent are carried out that involve opening the forecourt, opening the petrol product lines, modification of the storage tanks, tank vents, petrol dispensers or tanker connection points.
- Pass date of pre-commissioning tank integrity test// (dd/mm/yy)
Please specify the test method:
Note: The occupier of the petrol station is required to keep a vapour recovery logbook. It must contain copies of the tank integrity test results, the commissioning report, the vapour containment test results, periodic test results, maintenance records and certificates for the installed equipment. For more information, see the Standards and Best Practice Guidelines for Vapour Recovery at Petrol Service Stations.
- Stage 1 vapour recovery date of commissioning// (dd/mm/yy)
- Is automatic pressure monitoring installed?☐Yes☐No
- Have the underground storage tank and vapour recovery pipes and components passed the vapour containment integrity test? ☐Yes ☐No
Attach the vapour containment integrity test results or use the form provided with this report.
Please specify the test method:
It is an offence to supply any information in this report that is false or misleading. The maximum penalty for the offence is currently $11,000 for a corporation or $5500 for an individual.
To be signed by the occupier/owner of the petrol service station:
Signature: Date:Name:
Commissioning reports need to be provided to the responsible local government authority within one month of commissioning.
Send the commissioning report to the responsible local government authority, clearly labelled ‘Service Station Vapour Recovery Commissioning Report’.
The responsible local government authority may be found at the Office of Local Government's Find my council page.
Commissioning VR1 Attachment 1: vapour containment integrity test results
Name of service station:Address of service station:
Phone number of service station:
Owner name:
Phone number:
Number of underground storage tanks:
Tank number / Tank number
Capacity of tank / Capacity of tank
Fuel volume / Fuel volume
Ullage / Ullage
Initial pressure / Initial pressure
Final pressure / Final pressure
Allowable final pressure / Allowable final pressure
Tank number / Tank number
Capacity of tank / Capacity of tank
Fuel volume / Fuel volume
Ullage / Ullage
Initial pressure / Initial pressure
Final pressure / Final pressure
Allowable final pressure / Allowable final pressure
Tank number / Tank number
Capacity of tank / Capacity of tank
Fuel volume / Fuel volume
Ullage / Ullage
Initial pressure / Initial pressure
Final pressure / Final pressure
Allowable final pressure / Allowable final pressure
I certify that the vapour containment integrity test was carried out in accordance with the test procedures as outlined in the Standards and Best Practice Guidelines for Vapour Recovery at Petrol Service Stations, and the results recorded here are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of tester: ______Date: //
Name of tester: ______
Test company name: ______Phone number:
Published by:
Environment Protection Authority
59 Goulburn Street, Sydney South NSW 2000
Phone: 131 555 (environment information and publications requests) [or use1300 361 967 (national parks, general environmental enquiries, and publications requests)]
TTY: +61 2 9211 4723
Email: ; Website:
Report pollution and environmental incidents: Environment Line: 131 555 (NSW only)
EPA 2017/0158; March 2017