I. Call To Order
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Chaney-Monge Board of Education was held on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 in the Chaney-Monge School Office. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Mount at 7:03 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
Present: Lopez, Maves, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Miranda, Santoro, Ward.
Others in Attendance: Superintendent Andy Siegfried, Principal Jackie Hall, Director of Business Services Mary Ann Egizio, Recording Secretary Marilyn Conger, Teacher Representative Brittany McMillin.
III. Communications
Principal’s Report – Principal Jackie Hall reported on the following:
Resignations – Ms. Michelle Bassett submitted her resignation. Dev. Ed. Grades 5-6 Aide Ms. Michelle Tillman may not be returning for the next school year. Dev. Ed. Grades 7-8 Aide Mrs. Emily Harvey will also not be returning as an Aide. Dev. Ed. Grades K-3 Mrs. Deb Skoryi also submitted her resignation.
Financial Reports – She will be getting the PTO and Music financial records to Mary Ann and Andy soon. The new music teacher Ms. Danielle Hayes will be in touch with the music board. New PTO treasurer Nicole Studer and Principal Jackie have met and gone through the gym suits and is working on getting gym suits for this year and getting the financial records. Member Maves offered her help if needed.
Director of Business Services – Director of Business Mary Ann Egizio reported on the following:
Quarterly Report – She provided the quarterly report and pointed out that revenue was at 101% and expenses were 90%, overall we looked good compared to budget. But at the bottom of the page are deductions that bring the fund balance where we really need to be.
State of IL – On July 3, 2013 the state paid us.
Budget Timeline - She will have a budget ready to hand out that the August 6th workshop. And there is a legal notice that will go in the newspaper to be published before the August 18th deadline. The budget will be on display for public viewing. The budget hearing will be held on September 17th prior to the regular meeting.
Treasurer’s and Fund Balance Report – She handed these reports out to the board member.
Transfer of Funds – $30,000 was transferred to the transportation fund. If the state would have paid us before July 3rd this transfer would not have been necessary.
Superintendent’s Report – Superintendent Andy Siegfried reported on the following:
Boiler Room Maintenance – There were some pumps that just got replaced recently.
Air Conditioning Unit – The air conditioning unit in the Tech Lab was serviced as it has not been serviced in a while. There are still problems and he will call them back out to look at it.
Heating Pump – The heating pump in the office failed and started to leak. It needed to be replaced.
Cleaning– There has been a lot of drilling for the new fire system causing extra cleaning.
Construction – We are technically on schedule for construction. We were about a week behind because in the kitchen the asbestos, tar, and glue was so bad it took them an extra 4 days to clean it up. They came in and worked some extra hours so we are no back on schedule. He passed out information as to the cost of the construction. There were a few things added.
Doors – There were 8 doors tested and they did not pass the test. We will have to replace these doors in the future.
Hallway – He obtained a quote from ServiceMaster and if we need to they can come in and clean and wax them in one night. This will be a good option if we need it.
Roof Inspection – He called and scheduled our annual roof inspection for early August.
Member Miranda arrived at 7:31 p.m.
IV. Public Participation – None.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to approve the Consent Agenda items marked: V, VI, and VII as presented. There was no further discussion.
V. Amendments to the Agenda – None.
VI. Minutes
Minutes of the June 25, 2013 Business Meeting.
VII. Financial Reports - June and Interim July bills as presented in the amount of $164,117.98.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
1. LASEC – Board of Director’s Items
Motion was made by Morales and seconded by Lopez to affirm the decisions of the LASEC Board made during the July 10, 2013 meeting as presented. There was no further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
2. Hazardous Traffic Routes
Motion was made by Miranda and seconded by Morales to certify the continued existence of Serious Safety Hazards as described on IDOT Serious Safety Hazard Finding forms with Annual Sequential Numbers 88-89-1 and 88-89-2 as presented. There was no further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
3. Destruction of Closed Session Verbatim Recordings
Motion was made by Lopez and seconded by Miranda to destroy the verbatim recording from the closed session meeting on 1/3/12. There was no further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
4. Closed Session Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Lopez and seconded by Miranda to maintain closed session minutes from 1-15-13 through 6-25-13 in closed status located in Exhibit A as presented. There was no further discussion.
Date / Topic / Action1.15.13 / Personnel/
Performance / Closed
2.5.13 / Personnel / Closed
2.19.13 / Personnel / Closed
3.5.13 / Personnel / Closed
3.19.13 / Personnel / Closed
4.2.13 / Personnel/
Performance / Closed
5.7.13 / Student Disciplinary cases / Closed
5.21.13 / Performance / Closed
6.4.13 / Personnel/Wages and Salaries / Closed
6.25.13 / Personnel/Wages and Salaries / Closed
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
5. Extended Learning Activity Appointments
Motion was made by Miranda and seconded by Lopez to approve the appointment of sponsors and stipends as listed in Table 1 or the 2013-2014 school year. There was no further discussion.
TABLE 1 – FY 12 Rates
Extended Learning Position / Sponsor / Max. StipendElem Newspaper / $816
JH Newspaper / $816
6-8 Student Leadership / Brittany McMillan / $816
El. Div. Liaison / Maria
Gulas / $816
JH Div. Liaison / Deb Thiakos / $816
Yearbook Sponsor / Kit Crawford / $1,630
Music Director / Danielle Hayes / $4,364
JH Science Club / Mike Ufkin / $816
Dance Club / Carol Borysowicz / $790
Technology Associate / Pat Crawford / $10,325 (max.)
Detention Supervision / $22 hour (max $1,320)
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
6. CMMPA & PTO Financial Reports
This item has been tabled until the next meeting.
7. Establish Starting Hourly Rate for ESP
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to approve the hourly rate for new ESP at $9.35 per hour. There was no further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
8. Approve Parent-Student Handbook
Motion was made by Miranda and seconded by Morales to approve the new Parent-Student Handbook as presented, pending legal counsel approval and revisions. There was no further discussion.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
IX. Information/Discussion Items
9. FY14 Budget Proposal & Hearing Timelines: For LASEC and District 88 – These items were already discussed earlier by Director of Business Egizio.
10. Triple “I” Convention – Superintendent Siegfried put information about the convention into each board members packet. If anyone would like to go in November, just let him know.
11. Required Board Training Information – Superintendent Siegfried indicated that he put information in their packets on how to do this online. The handout also included other information regarding required board training.
12. Other - None
X. Committee Reports – The building usage committee meeting will be held on August 6, 2013 at 6:00 pm before the board workshop meeting.
XI. New Business – None.
XII. Closed Session
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to go into Executive Session at 8:04 PM for the reasons of personnel [5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)] as amended by P.A. 93-0057.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to come out of Executive Session at 8:17 PM. A vote also signifies being present.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to approve the minutes of the Executive Session.
Roll Call
Ayes: Lopez, Maves, Miranda, Morales, Mount.
Absent: Santoro, Ward.
There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
XIII. Adjourn
Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 P.M.
Board of Education District #88
Jan Mount, Vice-President
Elizabeth Maves, Secretary
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