Curriculum Map
Course Title: French II
/Academic Year: 2015-2016
STANDARD 1: (Communication) Write and speak in a language other than English.
STANDARD 2: (Communication) Interpret information in a language other than English.
STANDARD 3: (Communication) Present information in a language other than English.
STANDARD 4: (Cultures) Develop an awareness of other cultures.
STANDARD 5: (Connections) Make connections to other content areas
STANDARD 6: (Connections) Access and connect information through various media.
STANDARD 7: (Comparisons) Investigate the nature of language and culture.
STANDARD 8: (Communities) Become an active global citizen by experiencing languages and cultures in multiple settings.
Unit/Time Frame
/Learning Objectives
Chapter 1Ma famille et mes copains / 1-8 / Vocabulary:
- Describing friends and family
- After-school activities
- The verbs avoir and etre
- Adjective agreement
- The adjectives beau, nouveau, and vieux
- -er verbs
- -ir verbs
- -re verbs
- Verbs like dormir
- Sundays
- Family nicknames
- After-school activities
- Cafes
- Describe yourself and ask about others
- Talk about your likes and dislikes
- Inquire
- Tell when you do something
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test / “Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
Chapter 2
On fait la fete
Chapter 3
Faisons les courses
Chapter 4
Au lycee
Chapter 5
Une journee typicque
Chapter 6
Le bon vieux temps
Chapter 7
Un week-end en plein air
Chapter 8
Es-tu en forme? / 1-8
1-8 / Vocabulary:
- Celebrations
- Party preparations
- Direct object pronouns
- Indirect object pronouns
- The verb offrir
- The passe compose with avoir
- The passe compose with etre
- Negative expressions
- Holidays
- Noel
- Fruits, vegetables, and cooking
- Food shopping
- The partitive
- The pronoun y
- Question formation
- The pronoun en
- Placement of object pronouns
- Contractions with a and de
- The metric system
- Shopping
- School events and places
- Computer terms
- Object pronouns with passe compose
- Quelqu’un, quelque chose, ne…personne, ne…rien, ne…que
- The verb recevoir
- School books
- Diplomas in Quebec
- Computer keyboards
- Websites
- Morning routine
- Daily routine
- Reflexive verbs
- Forms of tout
- Verbs s’appeler and se lever
- Reflexive verbs in passe compose
- Imperative with reflexive verbs
- Reflexive verbs with infinitives
- Typical French teen’s day
- The metro in Rennes
- Le gouter
- Shopping
- Childhood activities
- Country life
- The imparfait
- The imparfait and passe compose
- Adverb placement
- The comparative with adjectives and nouns
- The superlative with adjectives
- Irregular comparative and superlatives
- Children’s games
- Comic books
- Living in the country vs. living in the city
- Summer camps
- Camping
- Nature, animals, and activities
- Passe compose and the imparfait
- Etre en train de
- Verbs with etre or avoir in the passe compose
- Camping
- Nautical sports
- Fishing
- The pirogue
- Parts of the body, injuries and illnesses
- Improving one’s health
- The subjunctive of regular verbs
- The subjunctive of irregular verbs
- More expressions with the subjunctive
- The conditional
- Si clauses
- The conditional to make polite requests
- Health care
- Gyms
- Senegalese foods
- Wish someone a good time
- Ask for and give advice
- Ask for help
- Check and see if things have been done
- Ask about food preparation
- Make requests
- Shop for groceries
- Ask where things are in a store
- Ask how something turned out
- Wonder what happened
- Ask for information
- Express frustration
- Talk about your routine
- Express impatience
- Say when you do things
- Make recommendations
- Talk about when you were a child
- Tell about an event in the past
- Compare life in the city and life in the country
- Describe life in the country
- Say what happened
- Describe circumstances
- Tell what you will do
- Wonder what will happen
- Ask and tell how you feel
- Describe symptoms and give advice
- Complain about health and give advice
- Sympathize with someone
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test
Vocabulary quizzes
Grammar quizzes
Listening exercises
Speaking exercises
Unit test / “Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos
“Bien Dit” course videos and listening tracks
Grammavision videos