Call for Proposals

Renewal or NewPilot ProjectAwards for

Facultyat Baccalaureate Colleges in the VGN

Beginning June 1, 2007

Application due by web submission on February 14, 2007

Cover Page hard copy (with required signatures) due by fax on February 16, 2007

Please note that research in Genetics is not required to be eligible for these awards, but must be in biomedical science.

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is supported by a five year, NIH IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Grant. The VGN is a collaboration among the University of Vermont, Castleton State College, Johnson State College, MiddleburyCollege, NorwichUniversityand St. Michael’s College to develop science infrastructure and also the careers and training of faculty and students in science. Information on how you can participate in this program is listed below. You may also visit our web site for more information about our activities.

Pilot Project Support

Castleton State College, Johnson State College, MiddleburyCollege, NorwichUniversityand St. Michael’s College faculty are encouraged to apply for the following:

  • For Pilot Projectsupport,award funds will begin byJune 1, 2007and must be expended by May 31, 2008.
  • Applications must be submitted on our application website, which you can access beginning January 15, 2007 at
  • Web application deadline is February 14, 2007; Cover Page with required signatures must be faxedby February 16, 2007. Note that formatting must adhere to NIH standards as on the website.
  • You may request up to $25,000in Pilot Project support.Small projectsunder $20,000 will not be considered.
  • The funds can be used for salary for release time, supplies or small equipment, and use of the funds must be outlined and justified as part of the application.
  • Salary can be for summer and/or academic year. Work with your BPI Coordinator and institution to consider academic year release time, with salary from the pilot grant.
  • You mustcheck with your BPI Coordinator about the application and budget. In addition, you mustarrange for anadvisor to review your application.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Faculty members who are full-time tenure track at Castleton State College, Johnson State College, MiddleburyCollege, NorwichUniversityor St. Michael’s College.
  • Disciplines include biology, psychology, and chemistry; also mathematics, computer science, and physics if the work ultimately informs biomedical science.
  • All institutional IRB approvals or pending approvals for human or animal research must be included with application.
  • Please note:If you have not complied with reporting and grant submission requirements for previous VGN awards, you will not be considered for funding.

Application Review

  • A committee of faculty members from the four year institutions will review the applications and make their recommendations to the VGN Steering Committee.
  • Notification of the outcomes of the applications should be available by

February 26, 2007.

Obligations that Come with Funding

  • If awarded Pilot Project support your attendance is expected at the Regional IDeA Meeting and 7th Annual VGN Retreat in August of 2007 and 2008. In addition, you are required to present your research at the 2008 Retreat by either a PowerPoint presentation or a poster presentation, even if results are preliminary.
  • Your attendance is expected at the Annual VGN Career Day for students.
  • Award funds will begin by June 1, 2007 and mustbe expended by May 31, 2008.
  • You will be expected to submit a research grant application to VGN for renewal of the Pilot Project or a new full Project award or to a federal or comparable extramural agency by June 1, 2008.
  • You are expected to participate in VGN Networking and Professional Development activities.
  • You are expected to complete the annual VGN Survey and provide data for our Annual Progress Report (APR).
  • You are required to report three times per year on meetings with your research advisor.

Checklist for Faculty Applications for Pilot Project Support


Application cover page must be filled in online, and printed out from the VGN website

at for signatures. Signed cover page must arrive by fax no later thanFebruary 16, 2007. Fax to (802) 656-0242.

  • Abstract (200 words)
  • Budget (1 page) and Justification (1 page)
  • Research Plan

A-D not to exceed 5 pages

A. Specific Aims (usually less than one page)

B. Background and Significance (including relevance to biomedical research)

C. Preliminary Studies

D. Research Design and Methods

E. Human Subjects Research (extra pages as needed)

- Protection of Human Subjects (Required if item 4 on the Face Page is

marked “Yes”

- Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (Required if item 4 on the Face Page is

marked “Yes” and a Phase I, II, or III clinical trial is proposed)

- Inclusion of Women and Minorities (Required if item 4 on the Face Page is

marked “Yes” and is Clinical Research)

- Inclusion of Children (Required if item 4 on the Face Page is marked “Yes”)

F. Vertebrate Animals (extra pages as needed)

G. Literature Cited (extra pages as needed)

  • Biosketch (2 pages)
  • Current and Pending Funding (1 page)
  • IRB approvals (by PDF)

Application Deadlines:

Beginning January 15, 2007 you can access the application site on our VGN website to submit your application online ( by clicking on the Faculty Pilot Project application link.

Your application must be submitted on the VGN website by 4 pm on

February 14, 2007.

Fax the signed cover sheet(with required signatures) by 4 pm onFebruary 16, 2007to:

Vermont Genetics Network

University of Vermont

(802) 656-0242


Call (802) 656-4087

Check the web at

Or E-mail to