Innovation Actions / Research & Innovation Actions/ Coordination and Support Actions
Call for Proposals
Declaration on the participation of any Member of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and/or its affiliated entity in this Proposal
Declaration(s) of Interests
- 25 November 2016 -
Please use this template when preparing your application / proposal. It has been designed to capture the required information in a way that will enable the JU to make an effective assessment of your proposal.You should complete this document and when finished convert it into a PDF file and upload it to the appropriate section of the proposal submission system.
The system will not allow a proposal to be submitted until this document is uploaded.
Please note that by submitting this proposal electronically, all documents and attachments uploaded into the submission system form a legally binding part of your proposal. The documents are submitted under the applicants password controlled access and are time- stamped by the system. Therefore it is not necessary to print documents for hand signature and re-scan them before uploading. Applicants, particularly proposal coordinators, should ensure that proposal content uploaded under their password is correct because they are legally responsible for it and the proposal cannot be updated after the call deadline has passed. It is recommended that documents be converted directly from editable to PDF versions to optimise quality and file size rather than scan printed versions.
The completed declaration will be used as part of the grant preparation process for successful proposal.
Call Identifier
Proposal Number
Proposal Name / Acronym
Declaration on the Participation of any Member of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking and/or its affiliated entity in this Proposal
The applicant(s) declare(s) the following membership(s) and/or affiliation(s)[1]:
Please tick accordingly· / One or more of the applicants, participants or members of any cluster in this proposal is a private Member of the CS2JU[2] in accordance with the definition under Article 3 of Annex I to the Council Regulation (EU) no 558/2014[3]) and/ or an “entity affiliated” to a private Member of the CS2JU in accordance with the definition of affiliated entity under Article 2.1.2 of H2020 Rules for Participation.[4] / ☐
The applicant(s) declare(s) that any Membership to CS2JU as defined in Article 3 of the Annex I to the Council Regulation (EU) no 558/2014 and /or any affiliation to a private Member of the CS2JU as defined under Article 2.1.2 of H2020 Rules for Participation are presented and detailed in Table 1.
Please fill in Table 1. “Declaration of Memberships and/or Affiliations (Applicants / Participants)” on page 3 of the present document. / ☐
· / None of the applicants, participants in this proposal, nor any member of a consortium or cluster in this proposal is a private Member of the CS2JU[5] in accordance with the definition under Article 3 Annex I to the Council Regulation (EU) no 558/2014[6] and/or an entity affiliated to a private Member of the CS2JU in accordance with the definition of affiliated entity under Article 2.1.2 of H2020 Rules for Participation.[7]
[By ticking this box the applicant is declaring that there are no Members nor any affiliated entities to a private Member of the CS2JU participating to this proposal] / ☐
Table 1. Declaration of Membership(s) or Affiliation(s) by the applicant(s) / Cluster(s)*
Applicant/Participant in Proposal / Private Member of CS2JU[8] [9] / Nature of Affiliation[10] [11]Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
*Please expand this table as necessary to ensure that all memberships and/or affiliations are mentioned.
Declaration(s) of Interest(s)
To be filled in by the proposal coordinator on behalf of all applicants and participants in the proposal. The CS2JU will determine the admissibility of the applicants and any participant in the proposal based on the admissibility criteria. The declarations will be treated as confidential and in compliance with the data protection rules under Regulation (EC) 45/2001
The applicant(s) in this proposal declare(s) that:
Please tick accordingly§ None of the applicants[12] and participants in the proposal were involved in the preparation and definition of the Topic for which this application as Partner is submitted.
The applicant(s)[13] in this proposal hereby disclose the following circumstances where a potential conflict of interest could exist and which will be evaluated by the CS2JU in accordance with the admissibility criteria as explained above:
§ Any privileged information regarding the Topic for which this proposal is intended acquired through any other means than the Call as published by the CS2JU and which could prejudice the open and competitive nature of the selection process.
Please specify:
Click here to enter text.§ Any attendance or participation in, or access to material related to the meetings and internal documents and information of the Steering/ Coordination Committee(s) and/or other bodies of the CS2JU where information regarding the Topic was disclosed.
Please specify:
Click here to enter text.§ Any further factual element related to the status of the applicant(s) organization(s) and its / their authorized representative(s) that could give cause to a potential conflict of interest or enable access to any privileged information related to the Topic for which this application is made.
Please specify:
Click here to enter text.Please tick accordingly
By leaving the above fields empty, the applicant(s) declare(s) that no potential conflict(s) of interest exist in relation to the above.
The applicant(s) in this proposal declare(s) on his honor that the information provided is accurate and complete.
PART D of the Partner(s) Application/Proposal Template 4
[1] This declaration should be made on behalf of and for all applicants and participants in this proposal, including members of any consortium (where applicable) and including the members of any cluster (where applicable) and linked third parties whenever a cluster is an applicant as legal entity in this proposal.
[2] The private Members are the 16 Leaders listed in Annex II of Regulation N°558/2014 and the Core Partners. A legal entity is considered to be a Member (Core Partner) in terms of admissibility rules from the notification date of the information letter notifying about its successful selection as a Core Partner.
[3] Council Regulation (EU) no 558/2014, OJ L169/77, 07.06.2014
[4] Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013, OJ L 347/81, 20.12.2013
[5] See footnote n. 2
[6] Council Regulation (EU) no 558/2014, OJ L169/77, 07.06.2014
[7] Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013, OJ L 347/81, 20.12.2013
[8] The nature of membership should be described by identifying a Member’s role (Leader or Core Partner) and ITD/IADP/TA under which membership was acquired
[9] Such information should be provided for all applicants participating in this proposal, including members of any consortium (where applicable) and including the members of any cluster (where applicable) whenever a cluster is an applicant as legal entity in this proposal.
[10] The nature of affiliation should be described in accordance with the definition as provided under Article 2.1.2 and Article 8.2 of H2020 Rules for Participation.
[11] Such information should be provided for all applicants participating in this proposal, including members of any consortium (where applicable) and including the members of any cluster (where applicable) whenever a cluster is an applicant as legal entity in this proposal.
[12] This declaration should be made on behalf of and for all applicants and participants in this proposal, including members of any consortium (where applicable) and including the members of any cluster (where applicable) and linked third parties whenever a cluster is an applicant as legal entity in this proposal.
[13] Such information should be provided for all applicants and participants in this proposal, including members of any consortium (where applicable) and including the members of any cluster (where applicable) and linked third parties whenever a cluster is an applicant as legal entity in this proposal.