Multicultural Affairs Committee OMA Classroom, OMA November 08, 2017; 6:32 PM
- Approval 10/25 Minutes
- Minutes passed without
- Officer Reports
- Zoya Khan, Chair
- The legislation we are looking at tonight has been generated in the subcommittee that got created in MA a couple of weeks ago. Make sure we are asking questions and engaging in it critically.
- We had our second Status of Minorities Committee last night
- Daniel Lee, Vice Chair
- Still doing work on the University Core Curriculum committee and we’re consolidating Core 1 and Core 2. If you guys have applications that you need to sign up for appeals, you guys can always come and talk to me about it. I can’t vote on it so it is not a conflict of interest, but I can always help fabricate it.
- If there is a course that is not currently within the core, but you feel meets an aspect of the core, like if you studied abroad, and you felt that it met the requirements of let’s say Core Goal 2.1. You can apply to have that course count and then the University Core Committee will decide if it counts or not.
- Does the appeal process include exemptions from certain core goals? Our committee doesn’t see as many exemptions of the core, at least not what we’re going through right now
- Jessica Guardiola, Secretary
- Like Zoya said, we need to be engaging critically with the legislation presented her tonight and making sure we’re advocating on behalf of marginalized voices.
- Check your emails for the newsletter containing events happening around campus
- Camila Ordonez, Associate Senator
- Not present
- Rusha Bajpai, Director of Diversity and Inclusion
- I’ve been working on the Multicultural Student Retreat nonstop and the panel that will be there. We’re going to have individual breakout sessions with speakers. Please come out, we’ll have breakfast, lunch, and t-shirts. Please make sure to RSVP to the retreat. We’re going to keep the RSVP open, it’s just that we were only able to have 120 shirts. But we still want to RSVP if you have dietary restrictions and to make sure we order enough food.
- Chiquita Jackson, Multicultural Student Government Senator
- Not Present
- Dr. Joseph, Advisor
- If you need me for anything, I am your advisor so feel free to reach out to me for anything you might need.
- I am in 133 Strong and work from 8 to 5 pm and the best way to contact me is via email. My email is . Just shoot me an email if you want to stop by and I will make some time for you all.
- Regular Agenda
- BILL 2018-067: A Bill to Fund MAPS
- We provide med school visits for people, mock interviews, and have different speakers and provide them tools to have for their premed journey.
- The great thing about MAPS is that it is free and we recognize that it is not possible for people to pay for their events. We are registered through SILC. We are doing a flu shot clinic through Watkins, but funds are tight and we’d appreciate general funding to print off flyers to advertise.
- Bill passes without opposition.
- BILL 2018-068: A Bill to Fund MSA
- I am the president of the Muslim Student Association and this is a bill to start fostering the relationship with senate.
- Bill passes without opposition
- BILL 2018-071: A Bill to Fund the Black Law Students Association
- Asking for $200 to fund Black Law Students Association and our reasoning for asking for more than the $100 of general funding to run our events because we have not asked Senate for money in four years.
- We need the additional funds to help us have materials to carry out our Thanksgiving food drive and in addition we do a Marshal day and invite marginalized high school students from Lawrence to the Law School
- The additional funds would help us run these events and give back to the other charities that help us
- Bill passes without opposition
- BILL 2018-073: A Bill to Fund KU Students for Refugees
- We are a new campus organization and so our objective is to raise funds for refugees relocating in the general Kansas City area. We are just asking for $100 of general funding.
- Bill passes without opposition.
- BILL 2018-075: A Bill to Fund the Persian Student Association’s Yalda Night
- We are having the Yalda Night Celebration and Yalda Night is the longest night in year and Persians have been celebrating it for 5,000 years. There is a specific way to celebrate it, we ready poetry and have activities. This year we have decided to have a presentation night to introduce what Yalda night is to the public, students, staff, and facilities. We are doing to have an actual celebration on December 21st and we’re going to have a DJ and live music.
- We are renting the Lawrence Community building for our activity. Last year we had almost 90, but this year we are expecting at least 120 people to participate. Last year we had the event outside, but we were charging Persian students to attend the event, but this year since we know about the funding we are having it open to the students.
- Bill passes without opposition
- BILL 2018-077: A Bill to Establish Student Senate Rules and Regulations Article I Section 4.20
- SILC is the Student Involvement Leadership and they are now funded under student fees. Everything that is funded by student fees gets a board to see what they are spending their money on and how much money they need. There will be a member from MA and MSG elected to the board.
- Bill passes without opposition
- BILL 2018-081: A Bill to Amend Student Senate Rules and Regulations Article VII Section 3
- Charles failed spectacularly but came back with friends
- Established a start date (beginning of classes) and end date.
- Established the filing deadline:
- Declaration of Candidacy
- Rights Amendment: Signatures stricken and 200-word personal statement
- Rights Amendment: Struck $10 signature exemption for grad senators
- Quiz: 10-question multiple choice quiz, score of 8+ is passing
- Workshops: 4 workshops instead of 3 (Feb. - Mar. vs. Jan. - Feb.)
- Strikes filing deadlines except formation, presidential and vice presidential caucus
- To vote in presidential/vice-presidential caucus
- Independent senator deadlines expanded; eliminated signature requirement
Section 10
- Elections to be potentially exempt on grounds of accessibility burdens
- BILL 2018-083: A Bill to Amend Student Senate Rules and Regulations to Clarify Accommodations Procedures:
- Last year we realized that there weren’t any existing procedures in SSRR and they were piled into the child care services. The American for Disabilities act requires us to accommodate any students. We wanted to fix that because you are required to accommodate it and you cannot revoke it after just two times of not showing up, because you are required to accommodate. It was delegated to the Communication Director which I don’t think it makes sense. It falls under Internal Affairs task, so just clearing up those discrepancies.
- There are parts of the code that go against each other because it contradicts who is supposed to do what in regards to the Internal Affairs positions and the Communications Director.
- You must notify at least seven days, not business days, in advance to schedule accommodations. We’re had issues in the past that a meeting was scheduled three days in advance and we couldn’t get the services that we needed. It also says that this must apply for any senate board meeting. In terms of the 72 hours cancelling, we get charged if it is not cancelled by then. It does contribute to a larger conversation that we’re having with the university about how we can pay for accommodations.
- Right now, each group is expected to pull it out of their own budget and they usually do not allocate for it. We want to create a big pull where groups can get money for accommodations.
- Bill passes without
- RESOLUTION 2018-308: A Resolution in Strong Opposition to Changes in Section 117(d) of the United States Tax Code
- This resolution is going into Section 117(d) of the tax code. A lot of people are focusing that this effects graduates, but it also impacts undergraduate students. Tuition waivers are not taxable income under the current code, but under the new code it is taxable income. It does away with lifetime learning credit. It is just a resolution opposing this specific section of the tax code and encouraging students to contact their local senators.
- Bill passes without opposition.
- Discussion
- A. Timely Matters
- Is there anything that we want to talk about that is happening around us, state, country, county?
- So obviously, Texas happened and that shows the effects of gun policy and the how the United States looks towards women as it adheres to violence. Things that happen around the country and around the world do have real impact on this campus.
- Tamika Mallory is one of the main organizers for the Women’s March in Washington. She is a pretty big person in the national community and it was such a big deal that she could come to the University of Kansas and give us her time. It is our responsibilities as humans to see what could be doing better, while still appreciating the work that is being done. I think we can apply that to every aspect of our lives. Something that stuck with me when you’re showing up to spaces, are you showing up for yourself or other people? During the women’s March, she stood by so many people but those same people don’t always show up when it is about violence in marginalized communities.
- There were a lot of feats for people yesterday in the elections. It was a good election for minorities and multicultural people.
- Did you guys hear about Club Magic that got caught with human trafficking charges in Lawrence?
- I was at the Student Safety Advisory Meeting and one thing that was brought up was that trafficking is huge on KU’s campus. It is a huge problem here and there are two KU employees that actively spend their money on sex trafficking. We tend to forget that things like this happen in our own community. It happens a lot in Kansas.
- Smoking on campus negatively effects international students. Most international Chinese students smoke because it is a social aspect in China. It is not seen the same way it is seen here. Smoking should be a personal choice and the university should not be allowed to dictate that.
- Mattie shares a lot of the concerns that you have. We could write a resolution in senate and kind of further that.
- Legislative Subcommittees
- Community Building- we’re focused on outreach to multicultural organizations and want to finish up our outreach to them by the end of the semester. In the future, ideally we see a large group of organizations promoting each other’s events by supporting them. We are working with MSG. They are doing the bulk of this, it’s a big initiative. We are focusing on helping them with outreach and seeing what each organization wants out of this whole collaboration. I wonder how this could be implemented through the Board of Advisors since it’s an already established committee. It will be continuing onto next semester.
- We spoke with Holly about some of the concerns of internal students and how they feel on campus in general. Unfortunately, some of our concerns were true. They don’t feel as welcome in Student senate. I think as a committee we would still like to reach out to organizations that have international students and give them any help that they need with funding. Even though Holly said there was not much we could do for international students, but that is our game plan. It needs to go into next semester.
- Guns and Student Safety- Our focus was trying to find some concrete date about how people feel on campus. WE talked about possibly drafting a survey and had Dr. Joseph about how to go about getting that sent out. He said we’d have to talk to the Office of the Provost. That is our aim for right now. We talked about getting other people’s input too. It will still be a committee next semester. The survey would still go out next semester.
- Announcements
- Panel for Peace Corps Return Volunteer in the Crossroad Rooms of the Union, it’s an opportunity to learn more about a life of service. They’ll be pizza 6 pm Thursday November 16
- KU Students for Refugees has a winter clothing drive and it’s still on for two more days and if you have any winter coats or
- Tuesday before Thanksgiving we are wanting to hold a potluck event, served at the benefit of LGTBQIA people or anyone who might feel lonely on the holidays
- If you haven’t had a flu shot. MAPS is doing a flu shot clinic. If you bring health insurance or you can also have it charged through your KU account.
- Martin Dorhty wanted me Monday November 20th at 7 pm the Student Code Review committee will be meeting in the English room. We have two elected MA senators.
- Adjournment