BSM Servant Leader Application
(A) Personal Information:
1) Type the following personal information:
Name, Classification (Fr, SO, JR, SR), Address, Email, Phone, Position applying for
(B) Application Components
- First Time Applicants, Acquire from Blakethe leadership assessment tool. This instrument measures four elements (personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, and passions). This is to be completed prior to filling out the application and should be used to inform your ‘best fit’ in a position -print results and return it with your application.
- Print & Sign the “Expectations” statement located in the application doc
- Please type, print, and submit your responses to the following questions:
1)Why do you want to be a servant leader for BSM?
2)Are you a member of a church? What is your current church Involvement? How will serving in BSM leadership impact that involvement?
3)What is your past ministry Experience (on campus, in church, etc)?
4)What is your personal testimony (how you became a Christian)?
5)How has your results from the online assessment informed your choice of position?
6)Why do you want to serve in the position you selected? What personal attributes do you believe make you a good fit for this position? What are the specific skills, talents, abilities and interests that you possess?
7)Where else could you see yourself fitting in?
8)What expectations do you have for your own growth as you serve in a leadership role?
9)Whom else do you think would be a great addition to this ministry team? Why?
Servant Leader Positionsweekly expectations
Fresh Fish Coordinator (2 students)
Have a passion for students who are “fresh” to BSM. This person must be outgoing, friendly and good at mobilizing others to help. The fresh fish coordinator will be responsible for: (1) Contacting all students new to BSM the first 2 weeks of school through; student activities night, cards, phone, facebook, (2) During the semester, meet with newer students individually (1 student/week). Write cards of encouragement during the year. (3) Work with directors to pair up students with upperclassmen in a mentoring relationship. (4) Make sure all new students are contacted with in 1 week of their first attendance at a BSM activity. 5) Know and remember each new students name. 6) Regularly pray for all who are fresh to BSM.
- Meet with director – 1hr/ week
- Meet with new students weekly– 2 hr min
- Contact new students – 1hr/week
- Meet with Freshmen Team – 1hr hr/week
- Leadership team meeting 2hr/Mo
- First two weeks of school, large emphasis (10 hr/ week)
Freshmen Small Group Leader
The Freshmen Small Group Leader must have a passion for befriending and helping freshmen. The person must (1) organize and lead a weekly event for freshmen to get to know each other in Christian fellowship (2) meet with freshmen during the week, developing relationship and making them feel cared for (3) Meet and greet new students the first weeks (4) Help create and attend the fresh fish retreat (5) Create and lead a spring semester freshmen Bible study
- Prep the material to be discussed – 2hr
- First 2 weeks of school contact 10 hr/week
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Small group meeting /weekly event 1-2hr
- Contacting group 1-2hr (notes, calls, emails)
- Pray for group
- Leadership Team meeting 2hr/month
Communication Coordinator
This person must have a passion for others to be informed creatively and timely. The must see the BSM website as the front door of BSM. The communication coordinator is responsible for: (1) Maintain the BSM web site - Regularly updating website with relevant, attractive and appealing content. (2) Creatively lead the Tuesday announcements (3) Create weekly emails using Constant Contact
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Tuesday announcements - 1-2hr (prep and perform)
- Website maintenance – 1-3hr/week
- Leadership team meeting
Prayer Coordinator
Prayer is the foundation of BSM. The prayer coordinator must have a passion for the prayer-life of BSM and a personal daily discipline of prayer. The prayer coordinator is responsible for: (1) conducting a weekly prayer meeting that is characterized by adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. The focus of this meeting is the spiritual wellness of BSM and spiritual awakening on campus. Other prayer requests are welcome, yet secondary. (2) Organize and lead special times of prayer such as prayer walks and prayer retreats. (3) On occasion, lead the Tuesday meeting in prayer testimonies and the prayer points. (4) Involve as many people as possible in prayer. Creatively develop ways to boost the prayer life of BSM. (5) Develop a team to assist.
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Prayer meeting/ prayer walks – 1-2hr minimum
- Preparation/Prayer – 1-2hr
- Leadership team meeting 2hr/month
Social Coordinator
The social coordinator must have a passion for people having fun in groups. This person should enjoy event planning and be detail oriented. They should see their role as creating social opportunities to reach new people. The social coordinator is responsible for: (1) Plan and implement ideas for social events (hangouts, outreach events). (2) Plan and lead an after BSM activity, using an event planning sheet (3) The social coordinator is expected to attend as many of these activities as possible. (4) Maintain storage closet supplies (5) Promotion of all BSM events (6) Develop a team to assist for each event
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Planning activities – 2hr/event
- Contact fresh fish – 1hr (work with FFC)
- Leadership team – 2hr/mont
- The event itself 3-6 hr/event
- Maintain Paper-good supplies
Evangelism Coordinator
The evangelism coordinator must have a passion for seeing and hearing of persons coming to faith in Christ. They must be comfortable talking to others, able to mobilize others to engage their culture with the gospel. They must also be willing to read and learn about evangelism strategies and then equip students with those tools. The evangelism coordinator is responsible for: (1) Coordinate the staffing and sharing of the front table. Generate creative ideas to evangelize. (2) Coordinate a bi-weekly trash evangelism outing (3) Be capable of training and leading students in how to share the gospel effectively. Organize event training where BSMers can learn about evangelism and then go Practice it. (4) Help coordinate the evangelism efforts of mission teams (5) Develop a team to assist.
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Front yard table – 3hr min/week
- Follow up – 1/2hr (work with FFC)
- Training and planning – 1hr/week
- Leadership team meeting 2hr/month
- Trash Take Out 1hr/bi-weekly
Discipleship Coordinator
The discipleship coordinator must have a passion to see others grow spiritually. It is preferred to have been in an effective discipleship relationship that produced fruit in their life. (1) Impress upon the hearts of BSMers the importance of studentsdiscipling students. Encourage everyone in BSM to be discipled by an older believer. Disciple at least 2 students. (2) Encourage matching of discipleship pairs. Regularly check on how things are going with discipleship pairs. (3) Have a good sense of personalities and their role in paring people for relationships. (4) Develop a team to assist. (5) Network with local churches to connect students to mentors.
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Disciple a student – 1hr min/ student
- Meet with disciplers – 1-3 hr/week
- Leadership team meeting 2hr/month
Missions Coordinator
This person must have a passion to see others live biblically through participation in mission experiences. The missions’ coordinator is responsible for: (1) Coordinate mission opportunities with local churches [Parents night out, evangelism, etc]. (2) Organize BSM’s summer mission fund raising effort. (3) Promote the BSM summer mission opportunities. (4) Assist evangelism coordinator with trash evangelism outings
- Meet with director – 1hr/week
- Organize Events – 1-2hr per event
- Leadership team – 2hr/month
- Trash evang – 1-3Hr/ every 2 weeks
Worship Coordinator
The worship coordinator must have: 1) a heart to shepherd the worship ministry participants and lead the gathering in God-ward worship, 2) his own personal worshipping/devotional life, and 3) discern and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading during worship with openness and sensitivity. The worship coordinator is responsible for: (1) assembling a team of roadies to assist in the weekly set up, of equipment and leadership of the music for our Tuesday night meetings. (2) Production of the weekly live worship slides used for displaying lyrics. (3) Coordination with a sound tech (4) Gathering a team of musicians to share the production of music and leading those musicians in effective rehearsals.
- Personal Worship preparation 1-2hr/week
- Rehearsal with team 1-2hr/week
- Tuesday night set up/down & lead 3-4hrs/week
- Meet with director 1hr/week
- Leadership Team meeting 2hr/month
Small Group Leader
The Small group leader must have a passion for genuine Christian fellowship and a passion for people feeling cared for. This leader is responsible for: (1) Facilitating the small group discussion: discussing group material; applying sermons, Tuesday night and quiet time messages; foster accountability among individuals and celebrate their obedience (2) Praying for group regularly (3) Answering questions the group has as they grow. (4) Knowing the needs of persons in the small group. Giving each attendee a regular caring touch (encouraging note, small gift, lunch together etc.) (5) Contacting students who have been absent,
- Prep the material to be discussed – 2-3hr
- Meet with director – 1hr
- Small group meeting 1-2hr
- Contacting group 1-2hr (notes, calls, emails)
- Pray for group
- Leadership Team meeting
Expectations for everyone on Servant Leadership team
- Be a man/woman of deep faith in God who evidences a growing Christ-like life and a ministry permeated by the Word.
- Have an intimate, growing relationship with the Lord
- Display Christ like attitude (Phil 2:3-5)
- Not be a leader in another Christian Group on Campus
- BSM to be your primary extracurricular activity
- Participate in one on one discipleship with a minimum of one other student
- Maintain a GPA of 3.0 (or what is reasonable for your major/family expectations)
- Meet with director 1hr each week
- Participate in a small group when possible
- Seek out and train an assistant for your position
- Create a team of students to assist you in meeting responsibilities
- Be involved in a ministry at your local church
- Write a covenant with the director that will steer your ministry
- Attend the Servant Leader Retreat June 3-5
- Have one conversational English Partner
- Read the assigned summer preparation books
I agree that the above expectations and will seek under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to not only fulfill them but aid my fellow servant leaders in completing them as well.