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Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Local Action Plan:
2010 – 2011
6th May, 2010
Draft Version 0.6



  1. Introduction3
  1. References3
  1. Governance4
  1. Notable Practice in Flintshire 6
  1. Outcomes6
  1. Thematic Actions7

Theme 1: Data and Information Management7

Theme 2: Service Commissioning8

Theme 3:Awareness-Raising, Communication, Knowledge and Skill Development 10

Theme 4: Service-User Participation12

Theme 5: Transitions 13

Theme6: Services for Adults 14

Theme 7: Performance Management 16

Theme 8: Partnership Working 17


Appendix A: Summary of Actions for the Welsh Assembly Government, Commissioners/ Service Providers19

in delivering the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan 2008 – 11


1.1This Action Plan has been prepared by the multi-agencyFlintshire Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Steering Group in response to Welsh Assembly Government’s (WAG) the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan for Wales 2008 - 2011. This Plan’s purpose is to improve, where necessary, the co-ordination, delivery and quality of ASD services in Flintshire. There are already a diverse and well-established range of services provided to those with ASD and their families and carers, as well as effective multi-agency collaborative practice across relevant agencies supporting delivery of these. This Plan has therefore draws on this locally effective practice, whilst at the same time identifying those service-based and organisational gaps requiring future action to ensure that ASD services in Flintshire are both of an excellent quality and meet the expectations set out in the WAG ASD Strategic Action Plan.

  1. References

2.1In preparing this Action Plan the Flintshire ASD Steering Group has drawn on the following publications and research in the field of ASD, namely:

  • The Welsh Assembly Government ASD Strategic Action Plan 2008 - 2011
  • National Services Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (Welsh Assembly Government 2006)
  • Children and Young People: Rights to Action. Welsh Assembly Government (January 2004)
  • “Towards a Stable Life and Brighter Future” Welsh Assembly Government (June 2007)

2.2.There are a number of definitions of ASD, however Flintshire will adopt the definition used in the WAG Strategic Action Plan for Wales:

“The term autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is used to describe the group of pervasive developmental disorders characterised by qualitative abnormalities in reciprocal social interactions and in patterns of communication and by a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive, repertoires, interests and activities”.

  1. Governance

3.1 Role of the Flintshire Autistic Spectrum Disorder Steering Group

Effective governance arrangements will be essential if the actions within this plan are to be achieved. Integral within these arrangements will be Flintshire ASD Steering Group. This group will take the lead role in supporting implementation of the objectives in the ASD Strategic Action Plan for Wales across the authority area. Therefore, it will be the body which will be accountable for improving ASD services across Flintshire.It will, as a key action within this plan, establish and maintain a number of task-specific sub-groups that will lead on the development and implementation of projects and initiatives aimed at improving ASD services locally. Importantly, the group will promote and actively support an agreed cross-agency approach to strategic planning for, and commissioning of, services for people with ASD. As a key part of its role,it will report intothe Children’s and Young People’s Partnership and Health, Social Care and Well Being Partnershipsregarding progress in implementing this plan. Equally, it will seek support from these groups where it perceives it requires assistance in taking forwardany one action, or combination of actions, for example in the commissioning of ASD services. This arrangement is set out in the diagram in 3.3 below. The Steering Group will meet every other month to fulfil its obligations within this plan.

3.2.Terms of Reference of the ASD Steering Group

  1. To sustain and guide the effective delivery and development of services in order to achieve high-quality outcomes for all children, young people and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Flintshire.
  2. To support the planning, decision-making and performance reporting functions of the Children and Young People’s Partnership, Health, Social Care and Well Being Partnership and Local Health Board with timely reports and guidance regarding implementation of relevant actions within the area’s ASD Action Plan.
  3. To achieve representation at appropriate meetings from statutory and voluntary organisations, as well as users of ASD services, so that the full range of stakeholders can contribute to the planning and development of local ASD services.
  4. To take all appropriate steps to ensure that ASD services delivered within Flintshire are inclusive and so do not discriminate on the grounds of ethnic origin, Welsh language, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation.
  5. To prepare update materials for a range of identified audiences in order that key issues and developments within ASD service delivery and development are communicated to appropriate stakeholders where appropriate.
  6. To be responsible for the effective management and allocation of all specific ASD funding and other resources dedicated to improving local ASD services.

3.3Flintshire Autistic Spectrum Disorder Steering Group: Governance Model 2009 - 2011

  1. Identified Notable Practice in ASD Services in Flintshire

4.1 The following have been identified as existing Notable Practice in ASD Services in Flintshire:

  • Excellent multi-disciplinary working through mechanisms such as the Children’s Integrated Disability Service and Child Care Panel in managing complex ASD cases
  • A broad range of expertise across a range of agencies, such as the Youth Offending Service, regarding diagnosis and assessment negating the need for unnecessary cross-agency referrals
  • Learning gained from Action Research projects undertaken in local schools highlighting the need for enhanced training and resource materials for teachers and support staff supporting children with ASD


5.1The Flintshire ASD steering Group have identified the following priority outcomes for improving ASD services over the lifetime of this plan. These are:

  • To deliver demonstrably excellent services to those individuals with ASD and their families in Flintshire.
  • To achieve enhanced collaborative working across responsible agencies in the delivery of ASD services.
  • To meaningfully engage all key stakeholders in the decision-making processes designed to improve ASD services.
  • To effectively monitor and evaluate progress in striving to improve ASD services in order to inform this process

Theme 1 – Data and Information Management
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
1.1Map the prevalence of ASD amongst children, young people and adults, as well as existing service provision, and use the findings to produce a Baseline Survey report for the Welsh Assembly Government. / ASD Lead Officers, in conjunction with colleagues from Education, Health and Social Services and Mental
Health Teams. / Up-to-date ASD database, which will support future planning and commissioningof ASD services / June 2010 / Time to obtain latest data from relevant professionals and complete WAG Baseline Survey table (RJ). / Completed data in WAG Baseline Survey table to be presented to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010 by RJ.
1.2Using the results of the area Baseline Survey as a guide, undertake a “gap analysis” so as to assess the extent to which current services are meeting identified needs in the ASD population in Flintshire / Data Analysis Sub-Groupin conjunction with Consultant research (MT) into statutory and voluntary sector local ASD services. / An understanding of existing gaps in ASD service provision. / October 2010 / Consultant research currently allocated £6,000 from last financial year (2009 – 20109) and £16,000 from this financial year (2010 – 2011). / Report to be presented to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 11th November 2010.
Theme 2 – Service Commissioning
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
2.1 Develop an ASD commissioning framework congruent with the Children and Young People’s (CYPP) and Health, Social Care and Well-Being (HSCWB) Partnerships’ Commissioning Strategies. / ASD Lead Officers (RJ + JT). / A robust framework which is integrated with both the CYPP and HSCWB commissioning strategies / November 2010 (i.e. when 1.2 above is completed). / Within existing resources. / Officers (RJ + JT) to meet with HSCWB rep (JE) + CYPP rep (GH) to identify
1)Process 2) Gaps and 3) How does the ASD Gap Analysis feed into Commissioning Strategies?
Information to be presented to ASD Steering Group on 11th November ’10.
2.2 Using the results of the service mapping and “gap analysis” actions in Theme 1, and feedback from parents / carers, commission new, or re-commission existing, services using existing CYPP or HSCWB processes. / ASD Steering Group / New services are designed or existing services re-designed which are capable of meeting identified need. / January 2011 / Within existing resources. / February 2011
2.3 Explore, together with the LHB and neighbouring Local Authorities, the potential for the regional commissioning of services such as diagnostic and associated support provision / Regional ASD Lead Officers Group, co-ordinated and led by Sharon Walters, Regional ASD Support Officer. / Potential regional commissioning options and collaborative initiatives implemented where there is identified need / January 2011 / Within existing resources. / February 2011
2.4 Undertake a review of current placements for children and adults, both inside and outside of the area, so as to establish the number and cost of these; and thereafter produce recommendations regarding how best to match existing resources to future identified need amongst the ASDpopulation / ASD Steering Group in conjunction with Out of County Placements Review Group.
Use Out of CountyPlacements Action Plan (ED) : 0 – 19 years (RJ)
Use information from Denise Griffiths for Adults out of county placements (JT) / Meaningful information is available regarding residential placements which supports future planning and resourcing of ASD services / June 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group on 1st July, 2010.
Theme 3– Awareness-Raising, Communication, Knowledge and Skill Development
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
3.1 Undertake an audit of ASD training to establish both whether individual agency programmes are meeting practitioner needs, and if gaps exist which require future action. / ASD Training Sub-Group / An awareness of current ASD training and any gaps requiring local action. / December 2010 / £16,000 from 2009 – 2010 budget. / January 2011.
3.2 Using the findings of the ASD training audit, design a multi-disciplinary Training and Awareness-Raising Strategy for practitioners working with people affected by ASD and also to disseminate key messages to specific local audiences regarding ASD. / ASD Training Sub-Group / a) A cohesive multi-agency training programme which meets identified need.
b) Local communities and other key stakeholders have attained a greater awareness of ASD. / March 2011. / As above. / End March 2011.
3.3 Deliver a series of “ASD Awareness” events in the main population centres around the County to raise awareness regarding ASD and its impact in local communities. / ASD Communication Sub-Group, in conjunction with Communications Section, Flintshire County Council and Service-Users. / Local communities and other key stakeholders have attained a greater awareness of ASD / March 2011 / As above. / End March 2011.
3.4 Utilise local media in support of local awareness-raising activity regarding ASD / ASD Communications Sub-Group / Local media are engaged in supporting awareness-raising activity across all responsible agencies. / March 2011. / As above. / End March 2011.
3.5 Produce a Directory of local services to enable those affected by ASD to have access to key information and advice. (N.B. This will need to be updated regularly.) / ASD Consultant (MT). / Information and advice regarding ASD services is readily available to those who need it / October 2010. / WAG ASD Funding – Consultant : £6,000 from 2009 – 2010 and £16,000 from 2010 – 2011.
Production of ASD Services Directory
(printing, etc.) “£2,000 from 2009 – 2010. / ASD Steering Group – 11th November 2010.
Theme 4 – Service-User Participation
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
4.1 Map existing service-user participation and consultation in local services and use the results to design a new framework for this activity in future / ASD Service-User Sub-Group. / Enhanced understanding of existing local participation and consultation which can be used to improve future activity / June 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010.
4.2 Consider the options for service-user / family / carer participation in the ASD Steering Group decision-making structure, and implement the chosen option / ASD Service-User Sub-Group. / Effective mechanisms for ensuring service-users / families / carers have an input into decision-making / June 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010.
4.3 Design a user-friendly version of the Flintshire ASD Action Plan 2009 – 2011. / ASD Service-User Sub-Group. / Accessible version of the ASD Action Plan for all / September 2010. / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering group Meeting on 16th September 2010.
Theme 5 – Transitions
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
5.1 Integrate this plan with the existing multi-agency Transitions Protocol so as to achieve seamlessness in delivering high-quality support at this key stage to service-users. / ASD Steering Group / Disability Services Manager / Transition Co-ordinator. / A protocol and processes which engage all appropriate services in effectively supporting individuals with ASD / September 2010. / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering group Meeting on 16th September 2010.
Theme 6 – Services for Adults
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
6.1 With reference to the findings of the recently concluded WAG Adults Task and Finish Group, amend existing adult assessment and diagnosis services, so that these effectively address identified need. / ASD Lead Officer for Adults (JT), in conjunction with Adults’ Services representatives on the ASD Steering Groupand LD Health Service. / Adult assessment and diagnosis services which are available at the point of need and guide those assessed into appropriate services / September 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering group Meeting on 16th September 2010.
Theme 7 – Performance Management
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
7.1 Agree a framework for monitoring and evaluating progress made by all agencies tasked with taking forward the actions in this plan. / Chair of ASD Steering Group (ED), in conjunction with ASD regional Co-ordinator (SW). / Robust monitoring and evaluation arrangements which aid Steering Group learning in its task of progressing the ASD action plan / June 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010.
7.2 Agree a small number of performance measures which will assist the ASD Steering Group in assessing the nature of progress being made against actions in this plan / Chair of ASD Steering Group (ED), in conjunction with ASD regional Co-ordinator (SW). / A set of measures which enable the Steering Group to gauge whether progress is being made in implementing its action plan / June 2010. / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010.
Theme 8 – Partnership Working
Identified Action / Responsible Group / Officer / Desired Outcome / Completion
Date / Financial and other Resources Required / Progress Report
8.1 Evaluate existing strategic multi-agency arrangements for delivering ASD services so as to identify where these are effective and, where deemed not to be, introduce changes. / ASD Steering Group / Effective multi-agency arrangements which demonstrably support service delivery and improvement / Initially June 2010.
Any changes needing to be introduced will be discussed later. / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 1st July 2010.
8.2 Agree a multi-agency plan for allocating resources to the actions contained in the ASD action plan, including how the WAG grant will be spent in support of this. / ASD Steering Group / Financial and “in kind” resources for this work are identified in support of Steering Group actions / September 2010 / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group on 16th September 2010.
8.3 Hold an ASD Steering Group “partnership development event” to explore the potential for enhancing joint working in delivering ASD services. / ASD Steering Group / An understanding of both the specific factors which have an impact upon multi-agency working within ASD services and the development areas within these / October 2010. / Within existing resources. / Report to ASD Steering Group Meeting on 11th November 2010.


Appendix A: Summary of Actions for the Welsh Assembly Government, Commissioners / Service Providers in delivering the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan 2008 – 11

Responsible for Delivering
Action / Mapping Prevalence, Needs and Services / Commissioning Services / Transitional Arrangements / Services for Adults / Awareness Raising, Information and Training
Welsh Assembly Government /
  • Commission research into the prevalence of ASD amongst older people in the national population
  • Establish and maintain an ASD Strategic Action Plan steering group
  • Issue guidance to Local Education Authorities on the development of the regional provision of goods and services for children and young people with SEN
  • Publish the Quality Standards in Education for Pupils with ASD
  • Produce guidance for Schools and Local Education Authorities on transitional planning
  • Consider how the arrangements for transitional planning for disabled young people, including those with disabilities, might be strengthened in support of the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services
  • Secure funding to enable the appointment of additional Key Transition Workers to provide support to children and young people as they move through school and onto further education or the workplace
  • Establish a Task and Finish Group who will identify specific problematical issues experienced by adults with ASD, and thereafter design a range of service-based interventions to effectively tackle these
  • Develop, together with local Commissioners and Service Providers, web-based, self-instructional awareness-raising and training materials for both families of those with ASD and appropriate practitioners

Local Commissioners / Service Providers /
  • Set up systems to identify and record the number of people with ASD in their area
  • Estimate current and future demand for services on the basis of evidence
  • Map services for children, young people and adults, as well as family and carer support services across all statutory, voluntary and independent provision
  • Identify and ASD champion with sufficient knowledge and seniority to promote this work locally
  • Identify where they will make use of their powers to pool resources to commission services
  • Ensure Children and Young People and Health, Social care and Well-Being strategies include an overview of arrangements for commissioning services for those with ASD
  • Children and Young People’s Partnerships and Health, Social Care and Well-Being Strategic Partnerships should establish and ASD co-ordinating group in their area
  • Individual agency operational plans should support the commissioning, development and delivery of services
  • Health Boards will design arrangements to commission regional provision of diagnostic and treatment services to bring together specialisms to meet need
  • Ensure there are clear arrangements for transition between services for children and young people’s and adult services in line with the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services
  • Health, Social Care and Education providers will develop, in collaboration with the Welsh Assembly Government, ASD awareness-raising and training materials for both families of those with ASD and appropriate practitioners and professionals