4. Sin’s Twin is Death
Romans 5:12
Sin is under our skin.
Sin’s Twin is Death(Module 1 – Beginnings) -1
Children will understand that sin is handed down from Adam to all generations. Everyone has sin, but in Christ they can have forgiveness of their sins.
1.Cans of temporary colored hair spray of your choice
2.Drape or plastic to cover their clothes
3. Male volunteer with a full head of hair
4. Younger Adaptation: YouTube video Paint+Toddlers Without Parental Contro=Biggest Mess in The World (1:25)
5. A PowerPoint is available for this lesson.
We have learned over the last couple weeks about Adam and Eve’s creation, sin entering the garden, and how God has given us grace in the form of Jesus. We saw Adam and Eve choose to disobey and as a result, sin entered our world. Because of sin we now have death. We read in our Bible verse that Adam’s sin was passed on to all men, so we all deserve death.Today we are going to be talking about the consequences of sin.We will learn about Christ and His plan for forgiveness and eternal life.
Younger Adaptation
Choose this adaptation for the introduction for your younger children. Watch video Without Parental Control= Biggest Mess in The World!
Sin’s Twin is Death(Module 1 – Beginnings) -1
Teacher’s Note:Either choose the hair coloring activity or the younger adaptation for the introduction.If you choose the hair coloring adaptation, you will need cans of colored hair spray, a cover to protect clothes, and a male volunteer with a full head of hair.
I ran into [insert volunteers name] this week, and he was talking about how much he wanted to change his hair. He talked about dying it blue, then he talked about changing it to green. He mentioned black, then purple but then he had the best idea ever, changing it to PINK (or if pink is not found, choose the color of your choice). We are going to help him change his hair right here, right now! Do you think that’s a good idea? Do you want to see him with pink hair?
Let’s cheer for our volunteer!
[Start covering his head and only complete half.]
Does that look good? No? Should I color his whole head? YES! I should? Okay, if you say so.
[Completely cover his head, make sure it’s bright enough for everyone to see.]
What do you think? Does this look good? I think it looks awesome!
How cool is that to be able to change his hair. Now he has pink hair forever!
That was so easy to make his hair pink forever, right? No? The pink hair won’t stay pink forever? Why not? [Give time for children to answer.]
Even though we colored his hair pink, he will not have pink hair forever. Why? Because it will wash out and go back to its original color.
Younger Adaptation: I want you to watch a video about two brothers who made a big mess.[Watch video (1:25) Paint+Toddlers Without Parental Control= Biggest Mess in The World! Then ask the class the following questions and allow them to respond.]
Can anyone tell me why they did this?Do you think that the parents of these boys taught them to sin and do this, or did these young boys already know how to disobey? Yes, they knew how to disobey because they were born sinners. [Continue teaching from the body of the lesson.]
How did everyone become sinners? To find out about the first man who sinned, let’s open our Bibles to Romans 5:12. Listen carefully to this verse as I read it out loud. [Read Romans 5:12.] Remember sin means anything you say, do, or think that displeases God. The one man in this verse is referring to Adam. Because of Adam’s sin; the sin nature has been passed on to everyone.
As I look around the room, I see children who look like their parents. [You can point out a couple obvious examples.] The reason you look like your parents is because they passed on their DNA code to you and when you have children, you will pass on your DNA code to them.In a spiritual way, Adam passed down his sin nature to everybody who was born after him. I know this because of what Romans 5:12 says.You can’t help being a sinner; it is part of your spiritual DNA.You became a sinner when you were born.You had no choice because it was passed down to everybody from Adam. I guess you could say, Sin is under our skin.
Now when you were a little child did your parents, family, or friends sit you down and teach you how to lie? Did they have to show you how to disobey? No. Why? Since we are born with sin, we already have the sin nature inside of us. We do not have to teach a child how to sin, they already know how to sin and will sin. Sin is under our skin.
Adam’s sin brought death, and death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Maybe you’re thinking that doesn’t seem fair. If I were living in the Garden of Eden, I wouldn’t have disobeyed.Oh, really.Let me ask you this.Adam lived to be approximately nine hundred years old. Don’t you think that in nine hundred years you would have said, done, or even thought to do something wrong?
You see, God created man with a free will. Everyone likes the idea of being their own boss and doing what they want. Unfortunately, we sometimes use that free will to choose to sin instead of pleasing God.If we honestly look at our hearts, we know this is true. Everyone is born a sinner and has said, done, or thought a bad thing because Sin is under our skin.
I’m sure that you know some really nice people.Maybe you have the sweetest Grandma in the world.She never yells at you, and always buys you whatever you want.How could such a nice person be a sinner? Let me read what Romans 3:23 says [Read Romans 3:23]. Did you hear the word all in the verse?Does that mean just a few people? No! Maybe just half of the people in the world? No! Maybe just your brother or sister? No! ALL have sinned means exactly what it says! There is no sweet little old granny exception. All means the entire world. Absolutely everyone that has ever existed or will ever exist has sinned! Sin is under our skin.
The consequences for Adam and Eve’s sin began the moment when Eve handed the fruit to Adam after she took a bite. God told them, “You will surely die.” Immediately, God tells each one of them the penalties for their sin.Women would have pain in childbirth, the snake would crawl on his belly, and Adam would have to work very hard to get anything to grow on the land. Instantly, Adam and Eve had to leave the beautiful Garden of Eden.
Can you imagine what happened in the garden the moment sin entered the world? Remember everything was perfect! There was no evil, no animals eating each other, no biting bugs, no poisonous snakes. It was perfect. Evil and fear had never existed before. However, everything changed dramatically in the world that day. It was a very sad day for mankind. The once perfect world no longer existed.
Sin brought sadness, evil thoughts, murderers, liars, cheaters, wars, and diseases. Sin also brought broken promises and broken families; and it brought even more sin.
When Adam and Eve sinned, it did not catch God by surprise or shock Him. Never forget that God knows all things and sees all things. He already knew what they would do. God did not leave Adam and Eve alone but offered them hope of a promised Savior. Who is that Savior? Jesus! Jesus would die on the cross for your sins and bear the sins of every person in the world. God’s plan for forgiveness and salvation was in place before Adam and Eve even sinned. We read in Romans 3:23 that, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Romans 6:23, it says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ephesians 2:8,9 says that by grace we are saved through faith. Who knows the verse John 3:16? [Have a child quote it or the class quote it aloud together.] We read that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.
Have you ever placed your faith and trust in Jesus?For those of you who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, His Word says today is the day of salvation. If you would like to have a personal relationship with Christ and have freedom from your sins, please talk to a leader or me afterwards.We would love to tell you more.
For those of you who have trusted Christ as your personal Savior and have a relationship with Him, each day you must make a choice to follow Christ. You need to put aside your desire to sin and replace it with the desire to follow Him. [Close in prayer.]
Goal of this Personal Training Time
Children will understand that sin is handed down from Adam and has been inherited from Adam to all generations. They will understand that everyone has sin, but in Christ they can have forgiveness of their sins.
Discussion Questions
- How did Adam’s sin affect everybody else? (Remind them of their memory verse (Romans 5:12). Because of Adam’s sin, all are born with sin and have inherited the sin nature.)
- Besides death what were the other consequences of sin? (Eve would have pain in childbirth, the snake would crawl on his belly, Adam would have to work hard, they were banished from the garden, and evil and fear came into the world.)
- What is the remedy or solution for sin? (If the children are mostly unsaved, make sure that they understand clearly the plan of salvation.If most of your children are saved, you can discuss how to be dead to sin. Romans 6:11-13.)
Just like you passed on your DNA to your child, Romans 5:12 says that because of Adam’s sin, death and the sin nature became part of everyone’s spiritual DNA. Every person is born a sinner. No matter how good a person may appear to be, they still sin and need Jesus.Share your family tree with your child.Talk with your child about who in your family is a Christian and when they received Jesus as their Savior.Pray for those who do not know Jesus.
Sin’s Twin is Death(Module 1 – Beginnings) -1