Social WorkProgram
Alumni Awards
Email nomination form and supportive material to:
Alumni Awards Committee
The University of Toledo
Social Work Program
Sandy Sieben, MSW, LSW
The University of Toledo, Social Work Program has established two awards to recognize the achievements of its alumni. Through these awards, the Social Work Program, the School of Social Justice, the College of Health and Human Services, and The University of Toledo express pride in and appreciation for these individuals and their service to society and the profession of social work. These awards are the highest honors bestowed by the Social Work Program and reflect the fulfillment of the mission of UT’s Social Work Program:
Through particular attention to the strengths and empowerment perspectives and the promotion of social and economic justice, the social work program is committed to teaching and furthering the development of the knowledge, practice skills, art and science of social work in order to prepare students to hear, understand, include, and effectively respond to all voices, with particular attention to those of the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed.
The alumni awards are presented each year at the program’s Student Recognition Celebration.
- BSW Alumni Award: awarded to one of our BSW graduates
- MSW Alumni Award: awarded to one of our MSW graduates
Award Criteria
In addition to the educational criteria, the nominee:
- must have made a significant contribution to society and/or the profession of social work in at least one of the following areas: social and economic justice, advocacy, community development, education, policy development, research, service delivery, or other areas of importance to the profession.
- must have made their contribution to society and/or the profession of social work after their graduation from The University of Toledo with the BSW or MSW
- must have practiced in a manner that exemplifies social work values
- may not have previously won the same award
Who May Nominate
Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee or a member of their family.
Information to be Submitted
- A completed Alumni Award Nomination Form (below)
- Nominee’s current resume or vita
- One letter of support
- Other relevant supporting documentation, such as news articles or copies of articles authored by the nominee (optional)
Nomination Deadline
Nominations are due by 5 p.m. on March 15th.
After review of all materials, the selected award recipients will be notified by April 1st. Award recipients will be invited and strongly encouraged to attend the annual Student Recognition Celebration Event, in the first week of May, where they will be introduced and presented with their award.
Contact Sandy Sieben at if you have questions regarding the application, selection, and notification process.
The University of Toledo
Social Work Program
Alumni Awards Nomination Form
Nomination category (check one):
BSW Alumni Award
MSW Alumni Award
Please provide as much biographical information as possible to help the screening committee with their decision. Attach a copy of the nominee’s resume or vita.
While nominations may be accepted at any time, only those nominations received by 5 p.m. on March 15thwill be considered for that year’s award.
Information about the Nominee
Nominee’s Name:
University of Toledo BSW or MSW Class Year(s): BSW ______MSW ______
Nominee’s City and State:
Nominee’s Preferred Phone Numbers:
Nominee’s E-mail Address:
Reason for Nomination: Please include detailed information about the individual nominee.
The more information the selection committee has to consider, the better the opportunity for recognition.
(please attach additional pages as needed)
Please attach any supportive material to this nomination form. Examples of supportive material include but are not limited to:
- Nominee’s resume or vita
- One letter of support
- Samples of media coverage (optional)
- Documents authored by the nominee
Information about the Person Making the Nomination
Your Name:
Your Signature: Date:
Your Preferred Telephone Number:
Your E-mail address:
Your Relationship to the Nominee and/or the Social Work Program:
(Individuals may be nominated by anyone except themselves or a member of their family)