Thursday, January 18, 2007

11:00 AM

AsherScienceCenter 112

I.Austin French, Faculty Chair, called the meeting that was held in AsherScienceCenter 112 to order. There was a quorum. He opened the meeting with a scripture and prayer.

A.Mary Brady Remembrances: Dr. Bill Crouch, Dr. Paul Redditt, and Dr. Rosemary Allen presented touching remembrances of Dr. Mary Brady, who passed away on January 9, 2007.

B.Election of Faculty Secretary: After being nominated by Glenn West, the faculty electedAndrea Peach to fill the remainder of Dr. Brady’s term as faculty secretary.

C.Opening of Term Remarks: Dr. Bill Crouch and Dr. Rosemary Allen

D.Minutes of the Previous Faculty Meeting: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes

II.New Business

A.Academic Policy Committee: Ben Oldham, on behalf of the Academic Policy Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website. Motion passed.

B.Curriculum Committee:

1.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve MCLC 360 - Internship. Motion passed.

2.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve GSS280 - Student Development & Leadership Theory. Motion passed.

3.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve SEC450 –Security Studies Seminar. Some faculty were concerned about approving the course before approving the new Interdisciplinary Major – Security Studies. Michael Cairorequested that the motion be rescinded, Dr. Harris agreed, and the motion was rescinded.

4.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve New Interdisciplinary Major and Minor - Security Studies. Dr. Scott Takacs moved to amend the motion to change the name of the major to Global Security. Motion to amend the motion failed. Dr. Ed. Smith called the question on the original motion and the motion passed.

5.Jana Brill moved to extend meeting for 5 additional minutes. Motion passed.

6.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve SEC450 - Security Studies Seminar.Motion passed.

7.Will Harris, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved faculty approve changes to the Mini-Term Course Proposal, as shown on the faculty meeting website. Motion passed.

III.Old Business:

A.Faculty Committee:Norm Wirzba, on behalf of the Faculty Committee, moved to remove from the table the following changes to the Faculty Handbook. Each item was discussed and voted on separately.

1. on page 6, strike out the second sentence:


The By-Laws of the Faculty, Article III, Section 1 (p. 48), define the composition of the Faculty. [Strike out]: The faculty includes those who hold academic rank and teach in graduate and/or undergraduate programs of study, serve as professional librarians, and who may be serving in appointed administrative positions while holding an academic appointment.

Motion Passed.

2. on page 41, replace the existing statement with:


Faculty/Division Meetings

Except when on sabbatical or leave, each member of the voting faculty is expected to attend the monthly Faculty Meetings and Division Meetings.

Motion Passed.

3. on page 48, replace the existing statement with:


Article III: Membership and Quorum

Section 1.The faculty shall consist of the President of the College, the Provost, those who hold academic rank and teach in graduate and/or undergraduate programs of study, the tenured and tenure-track librarians, those who may be serving in appointed administrative positions while holding an academic appointment, and those members of the administrative staff to whom the Trustees (upon the recommendation of the President and Provost) have granted faculty status. If they do not otherwise qualify for membership in the faculty, department chairs, program coordinators of interdisciplinary majors and minors and dual degree programs, the director of the honors program, and the director of the Oxford program are also to be members of the faculty.

Those who hold academic rank and teach in graduate and/or undergraduate programs of study include: tenured and tenure-track undergraduate and graduate faculty (including those on sabbatical or leave), faculty emeriti, visiting faculty, adjunct faculty, and part-time faculty.

Section 2.All faculty may attend faculty meetings and speak on any issue. The faculty chair, president, and provost may also invite guests to attend and speak at faculty meetings when their attendance may be of service to the faculty. Administrative or ex-officio members of regular faculty committees, student members of regular faculty committees, the chair of SEC, and the editor of The Georgetonian may attend faculty meetings. All administrative and student members of a committee presenting a report to the faculty may speak on the matter of that report. This provision does not preclude the right of the faculty to declare executive sessions.

Section 3.The voting faculty consists of the President of the College, the Provost, tenured and tenure-track undergraduate and graduate faculty (including those on sabbatical or leave), the tenured and tenure-track librarians, any full-time personnel with faculty rank who are teaching at least one catalogue course that semester, and—if they do not otherwise qualify—department chairs, program coordinators of interdisciplinary majors and minors and dual degree programs, the director of the honors program, and the director of the Oxford program.

Although they are not considered to be voting faculty, all administrative and student members of a regular faculty committee presenting a report to the faculty may vote on the matter of that report.

Section 4.A quorum consists of a simple majority of the voting faculty, not counting those on sabbatical or leave.

4. on page 83:

Move Kinesiology and Health Studies from the Natural and Life Science Division to the Professional Studies Division.

Scott Takacs moved to postpone discussion on #3 and #4to the February 15, 2007 meeting. Motion passed.

B.Jana Brill moved to postpone all further business to the February 15, 2007 faculty meeting. Motion passed.


Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea Peach, Faculty Secretary