Getting To Know John Zarrella

About John

My Life Philosophy is to Enjoy and Honor God in Everything I do.

Specifically, I know Jesus Christ Died For My Sins.

I Love People and Make Life Fun, Enjoyable & Profitable.

CollectingAntique Books is one of my great joys. With over 1,200 Books, including over 120 Bibles, Motivation, Legal, Real Estate, Medical and many more; gives me lots of joy.


About John’s Family

My wife Nancy & I have been together for 33-Fantastic-Years & Live In Kessler Park. She is my Best friend and Best Confidant. Nancy still laughs at all my wit after all these years!

My 25-year-old daughter Jennifer is Business & Street Smart … an Artist & has an Incredible Loveable Personality … she is extremely witty and builds rapport instantly!

She graduated from the University of Texas in Austinwith a Fine Arts Degree.

Jennifer works in Dallas as one of my Assistantswhile working for her teacher’s degree.


About John’s Work

My God-Given Life Purpose is to …

“Help others do those things that were difficult to achieve by themselves.”

Mentor - Teacher - Motivator probably best describes my work.


John’sReal Estate Experience

I have been Enthusiastically Buying, Selling and Teaching Real Estate for Over 33-Years.

People have called me a “Dealmaker-Extraordinaire” and “Mr. Enthusiologist”

I love to buy and sell real estate & do Real Estate Deals with Other Investors as well.

I was one of the Original Founders of 30 years ago. I served over 18 years as Chairman of the Board & served 4 times as President. I have held every possible volunteer position, includingsitting on the AIREO Board of Directors since its inception.

I am also co-founder of along with Jimmy Reed for the past 9-years.


Something John isProud of myself

My relationships with Jesus, Nancy, Jennifer and a broad range of Individuals and characters.


John’s Special Skills

My God-Given-Life-Mission is to help other people do those things that they otherwise have had a more difficult time doing by themselves. Numerous Successful Investors have proclaimed me Their Teacher, Mentor, Motivator & Entrepreneur Extraordinaire.

My Training Goals are Teach You - Mentor You - Motivate You - Entertain You.

I help beginners get started;I help Intermediate Seasoned Investors Soar to their Next Level.


Teaching Philosophy

Think about something you do really great.

Maybe it is a sport, or a hobby, or your work, or raising kids.

Whatever …

It is a very high likelihood that you learned best how to do those things great by actually

doing them; not magic dust from a Seminar or Video or Book.

That is the way I Teach!

Remember …

“You Learn To Play The Piano By Playing The Piano

And You Learn To Buy Real Estate By Buying Real Estate.” -- John Zarrella


Here is We Can Work Together and a Build Strong Relationship …

□ Give me your Throwaways!

Give me the Leads you are going to throw away. I will do the same for you! Tell me what

you want and I will be on the lookout for you!

I will buy the property & Share the Profits With You!

□ Flip Your Contracts To Me! … I will Buy Your Contracts All Cash!

Typically I Buy, Remodel, and either Sell Owner Finance or Retail or Rent.

□ Invest In A “Result-ations” on Numerous Subjects!

I am available to you for “Result-ations.” Others say consultations. You can benefit from

my knowledge, experience, proven methods and procedures. You DO NOT have to learn

everything through the “School of Hard Knocks.”

□ Attend my Full Day Seminar on Saturday June 11, 2011.

□ Attend Coaching & Mentoring starting September or October, 2011.

□ Invest in one of my Excellent Home Study Courses!

□ Trade With Me! Trade Your Skills and Stuff for mine. Trade Your Products, Services,

Typing, Handyman, Contracting, Painting, Tree Cutting, Fences, Whatever!

Propose something to me.

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