Marine Resources Committee Meeting

January 31, 2007 Meeting

6pm at the West Bath Town Hall

Meeting called to order by Chairman Mark Nelson.

Member Attendance: Mark Nelson – Chair, Paul Mateosian, Roger McNelly, Shawn Schutt, Warren Swanson & Wayne Renshaw

Other Attendance: David Bourget, Jerry Wallace, Brad Stover, Blaine Wallace, Tim Davis, Blaine Wallace, Howard Kenney, Michael Innes, Paul Buonadonna, Darren Mitchell, Jack Castner, Don Card – DMR Area Biologist, Michael Lyford

Approve Minutes – We did not have any minutes from the 12/27/2006 meeting. They will be approved at the February 28, 2007 meeting.

Men’s Club Update – Chet Garrison was supposed to give a presentation, but wasn’t present. Mr Garrison is trying to have a meeting with Lila Percy – State Representative and Amy Fitzpatrick – DMR on opening the Men’s Club area to digging clams. Potentially they will meet in the February 12-26 time frame. There was much discussion of the time line of counting back 30 tests to determine if the Men’s Club is eligible to be opened.

License Allocation – Commercial licenses numbers are 20 for residents and 3 for non-residents. The resources do not indicate that we should have this number of licenses.

The motion was made, seconded, and approved to leave the number of commercial licenses alone.

The motion was made, seconded, and approved to leave the number of peck licenses alone.

The motion was made, seconded, and approved to leave the number of student licenses alone.

Warden Report – Mr Alexander was not present.

Area Biologist Report – Has the following address for web browser:

Next regular meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2007 at 6:00pm and will include leaving boats and canoes in the water, Dam Cove conservation closure, and reseeding schedule.

Moved, seconded and approved to adjourn at 7:30pm.

Minutes taken by Wayne Renshaw.