Changemaker Central @ ASU - Student Leadership Team

2017-2018 Position Descriptions

Service Team Co-Chair – Devils in Disguise Chair:

The Service Team Co-Chairs will work collaboratively to promote a culture of service at ASU. The Co-Chairs will support the execution of monthly service days at all locations and work with the University Wide Programming Chairs to coordinate events and opportunities for students at all locations to become more involved with direct service, service-learning, and potential working opportunities with high-impact career members. The Co-Chairs will maintain and expand partnerships to organize additional opportunities for students through nonprofit organizations, related university departments, student organizations, and other institutions.

The Devils in Disguise (DID) Chair will oversee and manage all aspects of D.I.D., including outreach efforts, meetings, workshops, support of teams, the formation of a committee, and the cultivation of relationships both with agency partners across the valley and with student organizations across all five locations. In addition, the DID Chair will support Changemaker Days of Service, service-related events, the Service Leadership Summit event, and the work of the Changemaker Action Grant Chair/Committee.


  • Plan and execute Devils In Disguise including event logistics, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, nonprofit host organization coordination and recruitment/training of student/organization site-leaders
  • Work collaboratively with the Outreach Team to develop and execute a comprehensive outreach plan to promote Devils in Disguise and other service programs and events
  • Build a committee, train members, and fill critical leadership roles essential to the success of the event (Zone Leaders, Bus Coordinators, After-Party Coordinators, etc.)
  • Conduct training to prepare students to serve as Service Leaders for the event
  • Coordinate outreach to local area nonprofits in order to ensure high-quality service projects
  • Coordinate the distribution of materials to each location including marketing material, shirts, sunglasses/swag, etc.
  • Conduct Pan-Campus Planning Meetings in collaboration with the University Wide Programming Chair Team and identified DID Leads at each location to ensure pan-campus participation
  • Develop and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the Devils in Disguise event (including benefits of participation and community impact) and support evaluation of all service-related activities
  • In collaboration with the Management Intern coordinate, support and attend monthly Changemaker Days of Service


  • 10 hours per week
  • Participate in and actively contribute to weekly SLT meetings
  • Meet weekly with Staff Advisor and Team Leaders
  • Promote Changemaker as a university-wide initiative by ensuring pan-campus representation and inclusive meeting and communication design
  • Form a committee, establish committee roles, and host weekly committee meetings
  • Respond to emails within 24 hours
  • Hold one office hour per week
  • Attend a minimum of one Changemaker event per month
  • Attend all university wide programs (i.e. Startup Summit, Ignite, Devils in Disguise, Storytelling Series, etc.)
  • Attend Fall training, Bus tour, Spring Training, SLT Strategic Planning Session, End of Year Ceremony
  • Participate in Chair performance check-ins at least one time per semester with the Director and Vice Director
  • Submit Chair Report to the Director and Vice Director weekly
  • Create a tool-kit and participate in transition programming with successor
  • Complete all training and paperwork required for ASU Employment