WESD Walk-Through with Student Behavior
Yes - Teacher effectively implements component;No - Teacher does not effectively implement component;
Partial - Teacher makes attempts with some effectiveness, but there are areas to improve;
Not Observed - Evaluator did not observe the component during his or her walk-through.
Domain I: The Learner and Learning
Physical and Emotional Learning Environment
T - Room arrangement conducive to student learning and safety.T - Rules/expectations posted, stated, and modeled.
T - Rules enforced calmly, consistently, and with dignity.
T - Teacher circulates to monitor behavior and support learning.
T - Learning aids accessible (i.e. word wall, anchor charts, thinking maps).
T - Effective routines and procedures.
T - Focus Wall/area of current objectives.
T - Engages consistent mental and physical involvement.
T - Print rich environment that includes authentic student work.
S - Students are; respectful, demonstrating positive interactions, personalizing
the learning, and displaying rapport.
S - Students are focused and engaged in the learning environment,
Domain II - Content Knowledge
T - Uses higher level critical thinking to deliver content.T - Provides real-world application.
T - Collaborates for cross-curricular opportunities.
T - Instruction is appropriate for the level of learners
S - Students are communicating with relevancy and making connections within
the learnings
S - Students use content language and critical thinking to share ideas and explain their learning
Domain III: Instructional Practice
Student Engagement
T - Engagement mandatory for all students ~ Mandatory, Elicited, All Students, Throughout the lessonT - Eliciting student responses throughout the lesson.
T - Structured verbal response (i.e. choral, use of academic vocabulary).
T - Structured physical response (i.e. pointing, thumbs up, acting out).
T - Structured written response (i.e. graphic organizer, sentence frames).
T - Balanced 50/50 Rule (teacher/student talk ratio).
T - Precision partnering.
T - Teacher-led small group instruction.
T - Kagan structures and strategies (i.e. rally coach, mix-pair-share, give one/get one).
T - Use of visuals, manipulatives, and/or technology to engage.
S - Students are involved in activities that promote active learning
S - Students are highly motivated to work on all tasks and function in a shared learning environment
Lesson Planning and Delivery
T - Clear and concise direct instruction.T - I do, We do, You Do.
T - Differentiated instruction/small group/centers.
T - Independent work, centers and small groups aligned to focus skill.
T - Closure (student summarization/reflection of learning).
T - Use data for future instruction.
T - Maximized learning time (bell-to-bell, well-paced, smooth transitions).
T - Sufficient wait time for student processing.
T - Specific, immediate, positive feedback.
T - Higher-order thinking questions or tasks.
T - Sets high expectations.
T - Provides multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning.
S - Students demonstrate a clear understanding of the learning focus and expectations
S - Students engage with the learning task(s) indicating that they understand what they are to do
Area(s) of Strength:
Area(s) of Refinement: