Candidate Information Pack
Non-Executive BoardMember of theOffice of the Public Guardian Board and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Reference number: OPG-NEBMauditChair2015
Closing Date for the Post is noon on:27 February 2015
Applications should be sent to:
If you require an alternative formatted version, please contact: Phil Ramsden on 020 3334 4014 (or at the following e-mail address: ) to discuss your requirements.
Diversity and equality of opportunity...... 3
Background to the Organisation...... 4
Person specification and eligibility criteria
Condition of appointment...... 5
Standards in public life, political activity, disqualification from appointment and conflicts of interest
Indicative timetable and how to apply...... 6
How we will handle your application...... 7
Complaints Process...... 8
Appendix A – Terms and reference of the OPG Board...... 9
Appendix B - Terms of reference for OPG Audit and risk committee...... 9
Appendix C -The seven principles of public life...... 10
Diversity and equality of opportunityDiversity of opportunity is something the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Public Guardian cares passionately about.
Applications are encouraged from all candidates regardless of ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender identity. We particularly welcome applications from women, those with a disability and those from a black or ethnic minority background.
We also welcome applications from those currently working in, or with experience of, the private sector, and those who have not previously held public appointments. We want to explore the widest possible pool of talent for these important appointments.
Arrangements for candidates with a disability
Guaranteed Interview Scheme
The Ministry of Justice operates a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for disabled people. The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Under the GIS a disabled candidate will be selected for interview if they meet the minimum criteria for the role decided by the selection panel at sift. To ensure fairness, the panel will not be informed of who has applied under the GIS until they have set the minimum criteria at the start of the sift meeting. If you wish to be considered under the scheme, please complete the Guaranteed Interview Scheme Declaration on Diversity Monitoring Form in the supporting documents and send it with your application.
If you have a disability and require adjustments to help you attend interview then you may wish to contact:
- Phil Ramsden within the Public Appointments Team (by e-mail or on 020 3334 4014) about your requirements at the interview stage should you proceed in the process;
If you require adjustments to help you in the role then you may wish to contact:
- Sarah Chapman at the Office of the Public Guardian ( on 020 3334 6845) about your requirements to carry out the functions of the post should you be successfully appointed.
Diversity Monitoring Form
The Diversity Monitoring Form is for monitoring purposes only. By collecting and analysing the data of those applying and obtaining an appointment, we can improve our diversity strategy. This form is not part of the selection process and will betreated in confidence. It will be kept separate from your application and not be seen by the selection panel.
Background to the OrganisationThe Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. Its role is to help and support attorneys and deputies in carrying out their duties, and protects people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves.
The OPG supports the Public Guardian in his statutory duties of registering Enduring Powers of Attorney, Lasting Powers of Attorney and supervising deputies appointed by the Court of Protection.
More information is available at the following link
The role will be based in Birmingham with occasional meetings in London or Nottingham.
Person specification and eligibility criteriaJob Description
As a Non-Executive Board Member you are expected to;
- Uphold the highest ethical standards of integrity and honesty, and demonstrate that you have an understanding of, and are committed to, the value and importance of the Seven Principles of Public Life.
- Use personal and professional skills, experience and judgement with integrity and independence to scrutinise the short and long term performance of the agency;
- Play a full part in Chairingthe Audit and Risk Committee to arrive at balanced and objective decisions.
We are looking for an exceptional candidate to be a Non-Executive Board Memberof the Office of the Public Guardian Board and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.
As Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the Committee your function is not to take executive decisions but to provide external advice and expertise in association with independence of thought which informs the decision making process. You will add value by offering independent constructive challenge to the operation of the Board and Committee. The terms of reference for Office of the Public Guardian Board are atAppendix A and for the Risk and AuditCommittee are at Appendix B.
Essential Criteria
- Holds a recognised CCAB qualification, or equivalent;
- Exceptional communication skills, high level of personal impact and the ability to provide constructive and independent challenge and support to the Board;
- Independence of judgment, the capacity to bring a fresh, external view to decision-making, and an outstanding track record of board level career achievement;
- Broad business management experienceat board level in a major delivery organisation in the private, public or third sector, and of building and sustaining relationships with key stakeholders including the ability to respond to and reconcile the differing needs of those stakeholders;
- Ability to analyse complex information, reach practical decisions and to think strategically.
- Sound knowledge and experience of good governance at senior levels in a large organisation in either private or public sector, and/or an understanding of working with government. Knowledge of the justice sector would also be beneficial;
- Experience of working with Audit Committees (either as a member or as an attendee) -either in the justice sector, a large delivery organisation in the public sector, or the private sector; and
- Experience of change and risk management.
Conditions of appointment
Remuneration will be £8,000 for upto 20 days per annum pro rata, which equates to a daily rate of £400. No additional remuneration will be payable for attending away-days or adhoc meetings.
Typically, including preparation time, the time commitment required from the successful candidate is not expected to exceed 20 days per annum although this is subject to the needs of the organisation. It is envisaged that the board will meet 12 times a year and the Audit and Risk Committee four times a year. In addition to Board Meetings, the NEBM will be expected to attend one of the OPG’s stakeholder groups (which meet twice a year) and an annual riskwork shop. There may also be particular ad hoc commitments.
Appointment and tenure of office
Appointment of independent, external members of the Board and Committee is for an initial period of three years, renewable for a further period of up to three years if both parties are in agreement.
Performance appraisal
NEBMs have the opportunity to meet regularly with the Chair/Chief Executive to reflect on theirrole, review performance and evaluate the arrangement between themselves and the Agency.
Standards in public life, political activity, disqualification from appointmentand conflicts of interests
Standards in public life
Candidates must also confirm that they understand the standards of probity required of public appointees outlined in the “Seven Principles of Public Life” drawn up by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (see AppendixC).
Political activity
NEBMsneed to show political impartiality during their time on the Board and must declare any party political activity they undertake in the period of their appointment.
It is not appropriate for Members of the Board to occupy paid party political posts or hold sensitive, senior or prominent positions in any political organisation. Nomination for election to political office, for example the House of Commons, the Northern Ireland Assembly, Scottish Parliament, the European Parliament, is not considered compatible with membership of the Board.
Subject to the foregoing, members are free to engage in political activities, provided that they are conscious of their general responsibilities and standards for public life and exercise proper discretion.
Previous Convictions
If you are selected for appointment, we will need to carry out enquiries into any unspent convictions, as defined in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
There must be no employment restrictions, or time limit on your permitted stay in the
Indicative timetable and how to applyTimetable
Advert date: February
Closing date: Noon 27 February 2015
Inform candidates of the outcome of the sift: w/c 9 March 2015
Interviews held: w/c 23 March 2015
Provisional appointment start date (subject to vetting clearance): end of June 2015
How to apply
To apply, please send:
A copy of your CV.
A supporting letter of no more than two sides, that evidences how you meet all the essential criteria. Please provide examples of where your knowledge and experience matches the essential criteria required for the role. Your supporting letter should provide specific and detailed examples to demonstrate how you meet the essential criteria (including what you did to achieve a specific result).
Please ensure you include preferred daytime, evening and mobile telephone numbers, as well as a preferred e-mail address, which will be used with discretion.
You should also complete the separate supporting documents providing any political activity, conflicts of interest, public appointments currently held and the names and contact details of two referees. Please note referees will be contacted if you are shortlisted for interview.
Applications should be sent to:
The Closing date for applications is: Noon on Friday27 February 2015
Your personal information
We will process your application in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Ministry of Justice’s Information Charter, which can be found at
How we will handle your applicationThe Selection Panel will include:
Ann Beasley(panel Chair)MoJ Director General of Finance
Alan Eccles (Chief Executive of the OPG and Public Guardian)
Professor Anthony Schapira, OPGNon-Executive Board Member
We will deal with your application as quickly as possible (timings below are indicative).
- Once you have submitted your application, its receipt will be acknowledged.
- Your application will be assessed against the essential criteria and experience for the post. It is important that you provide as much detail as possible within the limit constraints of two sides;
- By end of the week commencing 9 March 2015 the panel will aim to have decided the candidates who will be invited for interview, taking account of the evidence provided on your application.
- Where a candidate is unable to attend an interview on the set date then an alternative date will only be offered at the discretion of the panel;
- Interviews are currently intended to take place at 10 Holliday Street, The Axis Building Birmingham. Travel expenses will not be payable for attending interviews.
- If you accept an invitation to interview, recruitment consultants/ we may take two references in advance of the interview;
- If, in the view of the panel you have the skills for the post and are appointable, your name will be amongst those recommended to Ministers who will decide on the appointment;
- If you are successful, you will receive a letter formally appointing you as a NEBM;
- If your application is unsuccessful you will be contacted by e-mail by the Public Appointments Team.
Security Clearance
For the successful candidate, final confirmation will be subject to basic clearance checks, covering confirmation of identity and right to work in the UK plus a criminal record check. This will involve completion of several paper and electronic forms and can take up to five weeks to process following completion of the forms.
Complaints ProcessIf you feel that you have any complaint about any aspect of the way your application has been handled, we would like to hear from you. In the first instance please write, or e-mail, the Public Appointments Team at the address or e-mail address given below quoting the appropriate reference.
Mike Gibbs
Ministry of Justice
Head of the Public Appointments Team
ALB Governance Division
10th Floor, 10.10
102 Petty France
London, SW1H 9AJ
E-mail address:
Complaints must be received by the Public Appointments Team within 12 calendar months of the issue or after the recruitment competition has closed, whichever is the later.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and answered as quickly and clearly as possible; at the most within 20 working days of receipt.If this deadline cannot be met we will inform you why this is the case and when you can expect a reply.
Taking it further
If, after receiving a comprehensive response, you are still concerned, you can write to the address below:
Alison Wedge
Ministry of Justice
Head of ALB Governance Division
10th Floor, 10.10
102 Petty France
London, SW1H 9AJ
Appendix A
OPG Board
Statement of purpose, objectives and role
The board exists to protect and enhance the reputation of OPG. It does so by steering and overseeing the direction of OPG in delivering its aims and objectives. The board plays a pivotal role in shaping the organisation, providing advice and direction as a catalyst for the delivery of high quality and cost effective services to its users.
The board consists of the public guardian and chief executive (chair), four executive members, and four non-executive members. The board:
- monitors performance and manages risk
- approves the allocation of the annual budget and any significant in-year changes to it
- supports the maintenance of a strong working relationship between OPG and its partner organisations
- approves OPG’s corporate governance framework and controls, and monitors the operation quarterly
- ensures the planning, performance and financial management of OPG is carried out efficiently and effectively and with openness and transparency
- contributes to the development of, and approves, the annual business plan for OPG
Appendix B
OPG Audit and risk committee
Statement of purpose, objectives and role
The OPG audit and risk committee (ARC) is a standing committee of the OPG board and advises the OPG accounting officer and the OPG board of:
- the processes for risk management, control and governance as well as the governance statement
- accounting policies and accounts for the OPG
- planned activity and results of both the internal and external audit
- adequacy of management responses to issues identified by audit activity, including internal & external audit management letter
- assurances relating to MoJ and corporate governance requirements
- adequacy of anti fraud policies, whistle blowing processes, and arrangements of special investigation.
Appendix C
The seven principles of public life
All candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to, and an understanding of, the value and importance of the principles of public service. The seven principles of public life are:
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.
Holders of public office should be truthful.
Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.