Detailed Proposal Review Checklist

Proposal Development

  1. Registered in Cayuse/Commons/Other Privates sponsor websites. N/A
  2. NIH Commons UserID is correct. N/A
  3. Complies with sponsor’s guidelines (e.g. page limits, fonts, etc)
  4. Pre-approval is accessible on HJF_CDMRP site. N/A
  5. Budget Review; N/A

Within the cap.N/A

If direct cost > $500K, IC agreement attached (NIH application only).N/A

If direct cost > $500K in any year, HJF CRB approval letter has been received.N/A

All personnel are included even if they are not requesting salaries.N/A

Confirmed with HR about HJF employees including salaries.N/A

HJF personnel not listed as consultant.N/A

Cost included in the right category: N/A

Item $5,000 is under equipment. N/A

Items $5,000 are under supplies. N/A

Vendor/Contract cost included under Other Costs.N/A

Subaward costs included under Consortium Costs.N/A

Separate budget provided for Subaward. N/A

Amount on face page/SF 424 page 2 matches with the budget page (Specific to NIH proposals).

Correct type of budget used- Modular vs. Full Budget (Specific to CDMRP proposals).

Included current salaries +3% merit increase only for Named Personnel or used TBD positions to avoid

mismatch with salary verification.N/A

Appropriate HJF indirect cost rate used.

Included detailed budget justification for all personnel, travel, contracts, consortium and all other costs.

  1. If federal employees are requesting salaries on USU proposals, status verified with USU/OSP.
  2. USU non-billeted or HJF employees@USU have approval from USU/OSP for waiver for PI Eligibility.
  3. Current support on the Other Support page does not exceed 100%.
  4. With Resubmission/Renewal/Revision NIH proposals previously submitted, SF 424 face page Item 4

Federal Identifier number is accurately indicated. N/A

  1. For NIH paper application, a PHS 398 checklistis accurately included.N/A

IRB/IACUC Assurance

  1. Does this proposal have human subjects?Yes No
  2. Does this proposal involve the use of animals? No

Yes the correct assurance number is included on the proposal, and the animal/human subjects indicated on the face page of SF 424 Research Related Documents matches the assurance details in the proposal body.


Other Approvals/Required Documents to HJF

  1. Accurate on-site approval letter and 3208/3209 forms from USUHS are received.
  2. PI certification received (NIH application only).N/A
  3. PI financial disclosure received (NIH application only).N/A
  4. Under-Recovery letter approved by OSP VP and uploaded to Drive H:\Group\OSP\UnderRecoveryLetterN/A

For Cayuse/PureEdge/Adobe Submission only:
Correct Program Announcement has been downloaded.
Attachments are in PDF with no spaces in file name.
CDMRP, on page SF 424 Page , Applicant Identifier # (e.g. PR
134567, PC 12345) is accurate, and used as a pre-fix for Item 11.
For USU proposals, USU/OSP has uploaded 3208 and site
approvalletter under Documents.N/A / For e-SNAP Proposals:
Unobligated balance >25K verified against budget
Human/Animal subjects verified against previous
e-SNAP and/or original application.
All Personnel on the project included in the
budget justification.
New personnel’s bio-sketch included. N/A
Amount: $