- I prefervisitingHagiaSophiaMuseumbecauseit's a fantasticstructure.
- İstanbul is full of historicplaces.
- I wouldrathervisit Eiffel Tower.
- Paris is a fascinatingcity.
- What'sspecialabout it?
- Howtall is theGreatPyramid?
- Why do touristsprefervisitingBlueMosque?
- The Eiffel Tower is more modern thanBig Ben.
- Whataresome popular touristattractions in Turkey?
- Wheredidyougoforyourvacation?
- I wenttoTurkey.
- Whatdidyoulikemostabout it?
- Whodidyougowith?
- Whatwastheweatherlikethere?
- Whichone do youprefer? Historicsitesortheseaside?
- I prefervisitinghistoricbuildings.
- Tometheyaremorebeautifulthan modern ones.
- Inmyopinion, modern buildingsaremoreinteresting.
- Whattype of vacation do youpefer?
- A vacation in thecity, at thebeachor in themountains?
- I prefer a vacation in thecitybecausetomeit'smoreconvenient.
- tarsus is a historicprovince in thesouth of Turkey.
- Tarsus was an important stop fortraders.
- Duringthe Roman Empire,Tarsus wasthecapital of Cilicia.
- Tarsus is also a greatplaceforrecreation.
- Tarsus has manyancientsitesandhistoricbuildingssuch as Cleopatra'sGate
- You can trytrackingandmountainbiking in Tarsus.
- You can enjoytraditionalMediterraneandishes in an all-inclusiveresort.
- Wheredoestheword 'Jamaica' comefrom?
- Whatdoes it mean?
- What can you do there?
- What'stheislandlike?
- Jamaica has a mildtemperature.
- Areyoulookingfor a trueadventure?
- Jamaica is theisland of friendlypeople,sandybeachesandgreenmountains.
- Myfavouritetouristdestination is Bursa.
- Bursa has a richcuisine.
- Youshoulddefinitelytry İskender,İnegöl meatball,Kemalpaşa dessertandcandiedchestnut.
- Youcan easilyfindaccomodation in Bursa.
- Grand MosqueandGreenTombare popular touristattractions in Bursa.
- Ifyoulikewintersports, Uludağ ski resort is thebest in Turkey.
- Where can youstaythere?
- Whataresometraditionaldishes?
- What'stheclimate in Jamaica?
- It has a tropicalclimate.
- Howmanypeoplelive on theisland?
- It has very hot summersandchillyanddampwinters.
- HowmanytouristsvisitNiagaraFallsevery year?