Bay Village Education Foundation
Meeting Minutes January 2014
Date and Time: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Board of Education Office
1)Call to Order: 6:45 pm.
2)Attendance: Cheryl Maude, Scott Best, Dwight Clark, Amy Papp, Ellie Bricmont, Kevin Jakub, Mary Jo Mahall, Meredith Prewitt, Jeani Parr, Bob Piccirilli, Clint Keener, Dan Lunoe, Jacquie Mayer, Maggie Blake, Henry Adams, Ann Mowery, and Bev Walborn
3)Approval of Minutes – November2013: Bev Walborn moved to approve.Mary Jo Mahall seconded. Vote was favorable.
4)Treasurer’s Report – see attached documents.
5)Superintendent’s Report – Clint Keener had no report.
6)President’s Report
- Scott announced that Molly and Tom Mack have offered $500 to be used towards a special needs grant in October 2014.
- Scott announced that he would like to form a committee to start exploring and developing the international travel scholarship offered by Nan Farmer, Bay resident. He asked trustees to let him know if they have interest on being a committee member.
- Thank you to Terry Appell for coordinating the updated trustee bios. The bios were distributed to all trustees present.
- Scott announced that we do not have a Thompson grant award recipient this year. There is $3000 available and we will need to explore options for that money.
7)Committee Reports
- Finance—Dwight Clark: No report.
- Marketing – Dan Lunoe: 1) Marketing is submitting articles to the Observer and Bay Alumni for continued publicity of activities. 2) Bay Ed’s Twitter and Facebook accounts are active and being updated. 3) The previously discussed joint meeting of community Education Foundations will be pushed back to sometime in the spring. 4) Discussion regarding one of the Bay Ed flags in front of BMS is tattered. Bev Walborn will contact the city and ask them to take down the flag.
- Grants—Ellie Bricmont: Ellie has been in contact with several grant recipients: Martha Fisher will be starting the Outdoor Lab project on Wednesday; Devon Gess is planning a performance of the music composition in the fall; Kelley Mitchell has ordered the written materials and they are on the way; the order for Scholastic Magazines for the 5th grade students has been placed for Danielle Harkins; and Dan Sebring has the acting troupe scheduled to perform on 2/13/14 and One School One Book kick-off assembly is scheduled for 3/3/14. Ellie attended the BHS Scholarship night this evening as a representative of the Bay Village Education Foundation.
- Development—Scott Best for Jacquie Mayer: Ten Campaign is complete and the contributions totaled $1560 as of 12/31/13.
8)Fundraiser –Bev Walborn: The event is January 26, 2014 5 P.M. at Arrabiatta’s. As of today, sponsorships are at $12,000. 123 tickets have been sold. Silent auction items total about 30 packages. Jacquie and David Mayer are completing the program. A discussion was held regarding many final details of the event: Trustees will be able to access Arrabiatta’s at 3 p.m on Sunday. The following trustees indicated they will be there at 3 p.m.: Scott Best, Amy Papp, Jeani Parr, Jacquie Mayer, Mary Jo Mahall, Ann Mowery, Meredith Prewitt, Bev Walborn, Henry Adams, Maggie Blake, and Dan Lunoe. Jeani Parr is in charge of name tags and she will work the check-in table with a friend. Dwight and Ellie will hand out door prizes throughout the evening. At the close of silent auction, Amy and Jacquie will collect the bid sheets. Bev and Rhonda will work the check-out table and complete an updated buyer list on the computer. Dwight and Scott will pay the bill at the end of the night. Dwight will take the raffle cash at the end of the evening until it can be deposited at the bank. Bev will coordinate the table decorations and contact trustees for assistance. Dwight stressed the importance of mailing thank you letters to donors and sponsors within two weeks of the event.
9)Student Trustee Report – No report.
10)Old Business: None.
11)New Business: Bob mentioned that it is difficult to find the Foundation’s mailing address on the website. Bev Walborn will facilitate updating the home page of the website with the Foundation’s address.
12)Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, February 18, 2014; 6:30pm at the Board of Education.
13)Meeting Adjourned at 7:44PM.