
Toys and hazardous chemicals: exploring solutions

Thursday 18th November 2010

Pavillon de l’Eau, 75016 Paris – France


9 am –9.30 am / Welcoming of participants
9.30 am -9.45 am / Introduction, WECF’s commitment for safe toys, Sascha Gabizon International Director WECF / Anne Barre President WECF France
9.45 am -1 pm
9.45 am -10.30 am
11 am -11.15 am
11.15 am-1 pm / Hazardous chemicals and their effects on health: state of knowledge, regulation and reality of the exposure in 2010
The impact of hazardous chemicals on children’s health
moderator: Anne-Corinne Zimmer – Journalist specialized in environmental heath
  • Annie J. Sasco,Cancer Epidemiologist, INSERM,Action mechanisms of chemicals / Endocrine disrupters and low doses
  • Christophe Rousselle, ANSES,(French Agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety), Risk assessment of health risks associated with phthalates
  • Yorghos Remvikos,Dr. Biological Sciences, Knowledge of risks and other factors in decision-making process
A-C. Zimmer, conclusion:Effects on child’s health of certain chemicals of concern
Coffee Break – Press conference
EU Chemicals regulationand Toys Safety Directive : regulation of hazardous chemicals in the European Union
moderator: Elisabeth Ruffinengo - Advocacy officer WECF
  • Corinne Lepage, MEP, former Min.,REACH and the substitution principle: application to toys
  • Christian Schaible,EEB (European Environmental Bureau), Implement SVHC substitution and cut-off regime of SVHC / Toys Safety Directive
  • Jakub Kosisnki, DG SANCO,Toys control and RAPEX system
Corinne Lepage, conclusion: The precautionary principle and the political action
1 pm- 2 pm / Lunch Break – show-room with examples of eco-designed toys and good practice manufacturing in the toy industry

2 pm -5.30 pm
2 pm –3.45 pm
3.45 pm- 4 pm
4 pm – 5 pm
5 pm -5.30 pm / Substitution and good practices in the toy industry: illustrations, Ecolabel concept and consumer protection
Substitution of chemicals in the toys industry sector, ecolabels and way towards healthier toys
moderator:Elisabeth Laville – Founder Graines de Changement/Utopies
  • Thomas Tarp, Lego,Substitution of hazardous chemicals and sustainable manufacturing process
  • Jeux Bioviva,Doudous Papili, Poupées Happy to See you,Innovative manufacturing process by medium-sized and small manufacturers
  • Carine Evano,Nature & Découvertes, Experiencing the distribution of eco-friendly and healthier toys
  • Wolfgang Döring, Spiel Gut Label, The success of an independent label
  • Patricia PROÏA, AFNOR, How to give an added-value to environmental-friendly toys with NF Environnement label?
Coffee Break
Tools for consumer information and protection regarding toys safety
moderator: Anne Barre – President WECF France
  • Monika Buening, VzBv (German Federation of Consumer protection associations),Consumer protection in Germany
  • Marie-Jeanne Husset, Directrice 60 Millions de Consommateurs, Tests in laboratory and their publication
Discussion and closing: How to spread good practices and substitution within the toy industry sector?