The C O N S T I T U T I O N and B Y - L A W S of the

L E W - P O R T Y O U T H F O O T B A L L

P A R E N T S ' A S S O C I A T I O N

May 2013

Article 1 - NAME & PURPOSE

1.1.0 This organization shall be known as the "Lewiston-Porter Youth Football Parents' Association", (L.P.Y.F.P.A.).

1.2.0 This association is designed primarily to encourage athletic endeavors, promote the physical, mental and moral development of boys and girls by providing the means through which the individual child shall receive education and instruction in football, cheerleading and dance team activities.

1.2.1 The purpose of setting up such programs is to develop a sense of fair play, honest endeavor, fair competition, true sportsmanship, and team spirit.

1.2.2 This organization shall support these principles for every interested and eligible boy and girl.

1.2.3 Every eligible (**) player will play during every game. (see (**) last page).

Article 2 - MEMBERSHIP

2.1.0 This association shall consist of any parent or adult so wishing to participate in the functions, promotions and welfare of the Lew-Port Youth Football League or Cheerleader.

2.1.1 It shall be automatic that the parents and/or guardians or interested adults become members of the association, and have the right to attend all regular monthly meetings.

2.2.0 The membership year shall commence January 1st and end December 31st.

2.3.0 No consumption of Alcohol, Recreational Drugs, or Tobacco in the presence of children, during or prior to Youth activities.


3.1.0 The Executive Officers (5 members), shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Commissioner.

(Deputy Commissioner, if the Commissioner is absent).

3.1.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of a maximum of 13 members.

3.1.2 Coordinators shall consist of a Football Coordinator, Cheerleading Coordinator, Co- Cheerleading Coordinator, and Equipment Coordinator.

3.1.3 The body of Executive Officers, Board of Directors, and Coordinators shall hereafter be referred to as the "VOTING MEMBERSHIP".

3.2.0 A nominating committee shall be appointed at the October meeting to present a slate of executive officers, board members, and coordinators for the next calendar year.

3.2.1 This slate will be presented at the regular monthly meeting in November.

3.3.0 The annual election of this association shall be at the regular monthly meeting in December. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.

3.3.1 The incoming Executive Officers, Board of Directors and Coordinators shall be elected by the existing VOTING MEMBERSHIP by secret ballot.

3.3.2 The Nominating Committee Chairman shall hold all ballots for 48 hours and have them available for review.

3.4.0 The term of office for each Executive officer and coordinator shall be one (1) year commencing January 1st and ending December 31st following the election.

3.5.0 The term of office for each Director elected shall be two (2) years.

3.5.1 One year a slate of seven (7) directors, and the following year a slate of eight (8) directors will be elected so that the newly elected directors will serve with the directors elected the previous year.

3.6.0 Upon leaving office, each officer, board member and coordinator shall transfer all books, paper, documents, keys and equipment which have been entrusted to his or her care to his or her successor in office by January 1st.

3.7.0 The regular monthly meeting shall be held on the second (2nd) Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m. or as required.

3.7.1  A QUORUM shall consist of one-half of the Executive Board.

3.7.2 The day and time may be changed as deemed necessary.

3.8.0 In the event of failure to fill an office on the executive board at the ANNUAL ELECTION meeting, the officer in office shall be held over until his or her successor has been elected.

3.8.1 A vacancy in any office on the executive board shall be filled by a special election at any regular meeting with a 30 day prior notice.

3.8.2 The term of office for any officer not elected at the annual election meeting shall expire on December 31st following his/her election to office.

3.9.0 A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by an election at a regular meeting to serve the remainder of the one or two year term.

3.10.0 Any elected member missing more than 2 consecutive monthly meetings will receive a letter of intent to be sent out by the Secretary on the first offence. Second offence within one year will result in automatic termination of the Board seat. This will be calculated using a rolling calendar. Any Board member that does not attend 7 monthly meeting will forfeit their right to vote in the Annual Election.

3.10.1 Board meetings begin promptly at 6:00pm. Should a Board member arrive greater than 30 minutes from the start of the meeting he/she shall be deemed absent.

3.11.0 Whenever the Executive Board shall determine that any member of this association is guilty of misconduct or grossly misusing his/her office or position, they shall report such information to the membership, and shall retain the right to dismiss by 2/3 vote.

Article 4 - DUTIES of OFFICERS

4.1.0 The PRESIDENT.

4.1.1 Shall preside at all meetings of the association and executive board, in accordance with recognized parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert's Rules.

4.1.2 Shall call special meetings when in his or her judgment they are necessary or upon written or verbal request of five members of the Board of Directors.

4.1.3 Unless otherwise provided, shall appoint all committees.

4.1.4 Shall enforce the observance of the Constitution and By-Laws.

4.1.5 Shall NOT vote on any motion other than the election of the VOTING MEMBERSHIP except in the case of equal division, when his or her vote shall decide.

4.1.6 May countersign checks or vouchers for bank withdrawals.

4.1.7 The new President shall order an audit before taking over the duties of office.

4.1.8 The auditing committee shall consist of 3 members of the Board of Directors.


4.2.1 Shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties and in the case of the President's absence or disability, or should the office of President become vacant, shall assume the duties of the President for 30 days prior to election of the new President.

4.2.2 May also countersign checks or vouchers for bank withdrawals.

4.2.3 Shall assume the chairmanship of the MEMBERSHIP and REGISTRATION committee.

4.3.0 The SECRETARY.

4.3.1 Shall take attendance and record the minutes of ALL board meetings.

4.3.2 Shall attend to all correspondences, communications and other organizational papers of the Secretary's office.

4.3.3 Shall keep an organized file.

4.3.4 Shall not lend any books, papers, documents, etc. belonging to the association without consent of the Executive Board.

4.3.5 May countersign checks or vouchers for bank withdrawals.

4.4.0 The TREASURER.

4.4.1 Shall receive all monies and give receipts for same in a book provided for that purpose.

4.4.2 Shall keep a true and correct account of all transactions, monies, etc.

4.4.3 Shall deposit all funds of the association in such establishments as the association shall direct, and make payments sanctioned by the Executive Board. Other than incidental expenses incurred by him or herself which may be taken from a petty cash account not to exceed fifty ($50) dollars and a receipt to be had for each item purchased, and to be turned in at each monthly meeting. All other payments shall be made by check, debit card, or electronically on-line with LPYF’s established financial institution.

4.4.4 Shall submit his or her books for audit when called for, to such persons designated by the President.

4.4.5 Shall submit a financial statement at each monthly meeting, and an annual report at the January meeting.

4.4.6 May sign checks or vouchers for any financial business of the association.

4.4.7 Shall appoint his/her own Assistant Treasurer, who must be approved by the VOTING MEMBERSHIP.

4.4.8 Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer must be bondable under the laws of the State of New York.


4.5.1 Will act as liaison and represent the association at all Commissioner meetings and when possible, consult with the association on major issues.

4.5.2 Shall appoint his/her own Deputy Commissioner, who must be approved by the VOTING MEMBERSHIP and shall preside over all problems at games with league rules in mind.


4.6.1 Shall attend Commissioner meetings in the absence of the Commissioner.

4.6.2 Should the Commissioner be absent, shall represent this association with full authority.

4.6.3 Shall attend Executive Board Meetings, in the absence of the Commissioner, with Voting privilege.

4.6.4 Must be a member of the existing Board of Directors.


4.7.1 Shall work with the Executive Board in relationship to league activities, meetings, and functions, and other such duties as the association may direct.

4.7.2 In order for a Board Member to maintain their board position, they must serveACTIVELY on no less than one committee. Inability to do so will result in dismissal by the board.


4.8.1 Shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner (if appointed – refer to 3.1.0)

4.8.2 Shall hold additional meetings when deemed necessary by the President.

4.8.3 Executive Board meetings are open only to Executive Board members and any guest invited by the President.

4.8.5 If an Executive Board member finds that he/she cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall give prior notice to the President.

4.8.6 Under direction of the President, shall have the power of decision making and approve all expenditures between regular meetings of the association.

4.8.7 Has authority to spend one-hundred dollars without prior approval of the VOTING

MEMBERSHIP; a receipt must be had for each item purchased.

4.8.8 If an Executive Board Member is required to cast a vote/decision regarding discipline or removal of a parent and/or coach of a team of which he or she is a coach for, that Executive Board Member must abstain from that vote/decision. If this occurs, the Executive Board will mutually choose a regular Board member that will cast a vote/decision regarding the issue to ensure a five person vote/decision.


4.9.1 Shall attend Executive Board Meetings, in the absence of the Treasurer, with voting privilege.

4.9.2 Must be a member of existing Board of Directors.



5.1.1  Shall consist of three members of the Board of Directors and is responsible for auditing all committees generating funds; including treasurer, registration, fund raising, concession, banquet, etc.


5.2.1  Shall be in charge of the Annual Awards Banquet.

5.2.2  Shall be responsible to the President for all awards as set forth in Article 11 of these by-laws.

5.2.3  Chairperson shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.

5.2.4  Shall submit Annual Banquet Budget to the Board by, no later than the march Board Meeting.


5.3.1  Chairperson of this committee will be appointed by the President.

5.3.2  Chairperson will pick his/her own committee members and schedule work loads.

5.3.3  Concession stand receipts shall be turned in weekly to treasurer.

5.3.4  Chairperson shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.

5.3.5  Chairperson shall submit an Annual Concession Stand Budget to the Board by, no later than the March Board Meeting.


5.4.1  Shall be appointed by the President from the membership and shall be in charge of all fund raising projects.

5.4.2  Shall turn over any deposits to the treasurer at the next monthly meeting or before.

5.4.3  Is not authorized to pay any bills under any circumstances.

5.4.4  No funds will be solicited unless authorized by the association.

5.4.5  Chairperson shall keep an accurate record of all projects for the inspection of the Executive Board and Audit Committee.

5.4.6  Chairperson shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.

5.4.7  Shall submit Annual Fundraising Budget to the Board by, no later than the March Board, no later than the March Board Meeting.

5.4.8  Shall be responsible for the collection of donations.  These donations will be at HOME games only. Al receipts and donations shall be turned in as collected to the treasurer.

5.4.9 Shall be responsible for selling split club tickets at all home games.


5.5.1  The Vice President and the Cheerleading Coordinator will be co-chairs of this committee.

5.5.2  Shall contact members to promote interest and active participation in the association.

5.5.3  Chairperson shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.

5.5.4  Shall deposit all funds collected and turn over deposit slips to treasurer at the next monthly meeting or before.


5.6.1 Shall be responsible for choosing a photographer to take individual and group photos of all participants and teams.

5.6.1  Shall organize and communicate to all a date that photos shall take place.

5.6.2  Chairperson shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.


5.7.1  Shall be responsible for releasing all publicity concerning team and association activities.

5.7.2  Shall perform duties in regard to public relations as the President shall direct.

5.7.3  Shall be responsible for keeping the website up to date with pertinent information regarding the organization including announcements.


5.8.1  Chairperson of this committee will be appointed by the President.

5.8.2  Shall be responsible to the President for all awards as set forth in Article 11 of these by-laws.

5.8.3  Shall submit a written report for the Secretary’s files.

5.8.4  Shall submit and Annual Awards Budget to the Board by, no later than the March Board Meeting.


6.1.0 The VOTING MEMBERSHIP shall have the authority and responsibility to approve all HEAD COACHES and to dismiss any coach year to year.