ENA East Bay Chapter Planning Meeting

Saturday, December 30th 2017


Michele Redlo, President

Nancy Hiteshew, Past President

David Samuelson

Lindsay Lawless, Social Media Chair

Ginelle Rasch, Secretary

Absent: Sarah Wells, President-elect


  1. Information Handoff - Nancy
  2. Setting chapter meeting dates
  3. Discuss community events and potential dates
  4. Reaching members (email, Facebook/social media campaigns)
  5. Surveying our members (Survey Monkey)
  6. Discuss possibility of a one day conference to be held this year


  1. Nancy emailed the previous years’ templates to all of the officers and is passing on all other pertinent documents and information to Michele for the future.
  2. 2018 Chapter meeting dates will be 2/21, 5/2, 9/5 and 12/12. Topics and locations TBD.
  3. Community Education like Sidewalk CPR, blood pressure screenings, Stop the Bleed, etc. are on the table for somebody who would like to take the reins. Potential opportunities include local festivals, fairs, farmers’ markets, etc. No formal date chosen.
  4. There are currently 3 separate Facebook platforms (a page, a “person” and a group). It was agreed that consolidating these accounts would streamline our online presence, making it easier for potential members to find our chapter and for us to disseminate information to our members.
  5. We would like to survey our members - what do they want from their chapter? What kinds of opportunities do they crave? Also, what can they offer in terms of knowledge-sharing and educational opportunities?
  6. We all love the idea of hosting a one-day conference this year. A separate planning meeting will need to be scheduled in the future to discuss details. We will need lots of extra help and volunteers. Potential date for this conference is to coincide with Emergency Nurses’ Week - Friday, 10/12/2018.
  7. We brainstormed additional social events and potential collaborations between ENA and our EMS counterparts. One idea was an “EMS Rodeo” and BBQ - a friendly competition between ED RNs, EMTs, Fire, etc. to reach out to EMS, build camaraderie between us. May 20-26th is EMS week - a potential date for said event.

Action Items

  1. N/A
  2. Topics and locations for our chapter meetings still need to be finalized. For the February meeting, Michele will be reviewing our contact list to secure a speaker. Suggestions for future meeting topics/presenters are welcome. Please contact Michele if you have any ideas. Some ideas discussed were Respiratory Compromise (presented by an RT), a SIM lab, an EMS/ED RN discussion/collaboration.
  3. A date and topic need to be formally chosen, should we decide to move forward with a community outreach project this year.
  4. Lindsay will be taking charge of streamlining and posting to our social media accounts. She will also post our chapter meeting dates and the link to our meeting minutes. We would also like a post reminding our members that they can achieve Delegate status and receive a stipend for the National Conference. Ginellewill post minutes and meetings to the state website.
  5. David will take charge of creating and sending our survey to our members. All officers will be involved in helping to develop the questions for the survey - an email collaboration is sufficient and Michele or David will start the conversation.
  6. A theme and or topic(s) need to be decided upon for the one-day conference. We also will need to brainstorm a location, registration fees, as well as extra volunteers to help organize this event. A planning meeting needs to be scheduled ASAP.
  7. Ginelle will float an email out to a couple of EMS folks to see if they are open to a collaborative event.