World History
Point Loma High School
2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
San Diego, CA92106
Instructor: Mr.Estanol
Phone #: (619)223-3121 Ext.1001
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
The following is the course syllabus for World History. Please take a moment to read and become familiar with this document.
TEXTBOOK: Modern World History, McDougal Littell
Through the study of history, geography and global relationships, students can identify the influences of the past on the present and future. Further, through examination of the histories of other countries, we come to not only have a better appreciation of our own history, but also become more compassionate global citizens. As participants in global events, governments, and the economy, it is important to understand other cultures in developing international relationships. In fact, many careers demand having historical knowledge including: teachers, lawyers, and politicians. It is also important that our citizens be educated in order to preserve and protect our country.
In this course, students explore major turning points that shaped the modern world from the late eighteenth century through the present. They will also explain the causes, effects, and lasting impacts of two world wars. Students will trace the rise of democratic thought and political ideas of world cultures and how they have changed over time. A complete list of the California State Content Standards addressed in this course may be found at the following website:
- Students will become complex thinkers by completing various projects that help them develop solutions to problems.
- Students will give oral presentations to help them communicate ideas effectively.
- Students will learn resolutions of conflict through history and apply those ideas in resolving their own conflicts.
- Students will demonstrate involvement in their community by becoming informed citizens.
- Students will work collaboratively in groups and independently to complete every task and show mastery of their products
This class is student-directed and although there will be some direct instruction daily, students will be expected to participate in and contribute to group work and projects. Citizenship grades will be based on adherence to classroom rules and student expectations from the student planner.
Being a successful student means being prepared and on time. You need to bring a class binder, pencils and textbook every day to class. Please be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to learn. Excessive tardies will lower your citizenship grade and prevent you from participating in some activities. Sharpen pencils before the bell. You will show respect for others by using appropriate language, dressing appropriately, and keeping your hands to yourself. Other classroom expectations will be posted in the classroom.
Class Binder: Students will learn to become self-directed workers and learners. The class binder consists of 6 sections: Homework, Essential Geographic Skills, LOTS to HOTS, Current Events Case Study, Video Case Study, and Tests. The class binder will be due before each 6 week grading period, worth 50% of overall grade.
Homework: Homework will be a crucial part of your grade. You can expect it at least four nights a week. There will be no homework assigned on Friday. No late work will be accepted or partial credit earned. The week’s homework agenda will be updated every Monday on-line.
- Go to .
- Click on Homework
- Click on History (Dept.)
- Click on your child’s World History Period.
All documents will be posted and attached to the week’s homework agenda.
Grades: Grades will be determined based on a standard point system. Students will earn their grades based on the percentage of points they have relative to the total points possible (90% = A, 80% = B, etc.). Every assignment in this class is worth “x” amount of points. The overall class grade consists of Tests = 40%,Class Binder = 50%, and Participation = 10%. This class will require a great deal of self-motivation on the part of the student. Students are responsible for earning their grades, not the instructor.
Citizenship: Respect for each other and the classroom learning environment is expected. If behavior in class becomes a problem, please realize that a parent conference will be required and appropriate action taken. Honesty, maturity, and respect on the part of the student towards the instructor is expected. Deviance from these expectations will not be tolerated.
Tardiness/Absences: Tardiness / absences will affect your citizenship and academic grades. Students are responsiblefor finding out about,as well as making up, all missed work. Students will have one day to make up work for each day of legally excused absence. Keep in contact with your classmates and the instructor to stay current on all assignments.
The instructor will not follow-up on students to make sure they have made up work they were absent for. This is the student’s responsibility.
Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments or opportunities in this class will be announced.
Please be aware that during current events notes, video notes, and DVD notes may require teacher guidance due to subject matter pertaining to the curriculum that may be rated TV 14.
It is the expectation of the instructor (AND THE SCHOOL) that you take an active role in your student’s education. It is expected that you remain aware of your student’s progress and grade in this class at all times. To facilitate this, the instructor will have your student’s grades posted on Power School for both student and parents/guardians to review at any time.
Progress reports are issued every six weeks and semester grades are mailed home. If you wish, you may request weekly progress reports through the counseling office. If Internet access is not available at home it is available on campus and your student can get a copy of his/her grades at any time.
Please use the methods described above to communicate with the teacher and school. The instructor is available by phone, fax, and email.