Lapathon 2012
Dear Parents
It’s time for the students to put on their running shoes for this year’s Lapathon which will be held on Friday 27th Aprilat Tantallon Oval. In the event of rainthe Lapathon will be rescheduled with a date to be advised at a later time as the following week our school Cross Country will be running.A course around the ovalwill be set up for the students to run around as many times as they can. K-2 will be running on a slightly smaller course which will be inside the 3-6 running track.
Students should seek sponsors prior to this event and use the attached form to record their sponsor’s name and the amount pledged. The class teacher will make a note of laps run by each child and will send home a ‘record of laps’ slipto enable students to collect money from his/her sponsors.
All sponsorship money should be collected and returned to school by Friday 4th May. Sponsorship money should be placed in an envelope or snap lock bag with your child’s name and class on the front and ‘Lapathon Money’ clearly marked. Sponsorship money should be returned to the class teacher.
On the day of the Lapathon, students will have lessons as usual until the bell rings for an early lunch. They will eatlunch at school before walking to Tantallon Oval with their class. The Lapathon will startat1:00pm and the students will run for an hour. Children will return to school by 3.00pm. Come along and watch the children run and teachers will appreciate any offers of help. Please ensure your child takes their school bag with them to the Lapathon if they are not returning to school. If you wish to take your child home from Tantallon Oval, you must sign the Early Leaver’s form held by the class teacher.
Students should wear their sport uniform and running shoes. Please ensure studentsalso bring the following items with them to the Lapathon:
- Hat & sunscreen
- Water bottle
- Ventolin or any necessary medication
Certificates will be awarded to students in each class who run the most laps and a pizza party will be awarded to the class who raises the most money on average.
As students will be walking to and from Tantallon Oval we require a signed permission note to enable your child to participate in this event. Please return the completed permission slip to your child’s teacher by Friday 30th March.
Thank you
Abby Brown
Lapathon 2012
I give permission for my child ______in class ______to participate in the Lapathon on Friday 27th April2012. I understand that the children will be walking to and from Tantallon Oval.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Lane Cove West Lapathon 2012
Please return this form with your sponsorship money to
your classroom teacher by Friday 4th May 2012.
Your child does not need to bring this form to the Lapathon.
Name: ______Class: ______
Number of laps run: _____
Sponsor / Contact Details / Amount per lap OR Flat Rate / Laps run / Total due / CollectedTotal money raised: ______