00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe delete -nbu -id vdev01dc_1464234299 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -jobgrpid 1213650 -jobid 1213651 -copy 1 -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,Virtual_machine_backup=2,vmmono=0,file_system_optimization=0,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50336cf7-9a8b-6dfe-d98d-f90a33b77e5f,nip=(
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <2> bpfis main: received FIM as [203] VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,Virtual_machine_backup=2,vmmono=0,file_system_optimization=0,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50336cf7-9a8b-6dfe-d98d-f90a33b77e5f,nip=(
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: Acquiring snapshot lock:retry count [0]
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vdev01dc_1464234299_copy1.lock]
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <2> rw_lock: LockFileEx WRITELOCK
00:08:39.031 [20236.4936] <2> rw_lock: Lock acquired
00:08:39.046 [20236.4936] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
00:08:39.046 [20236.4936] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 576
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: INF - BACKUP START 20236
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <32> bpfis: FTL - cannot open F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.vdev01dc_1464234299.1.0
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> deleteReference: reference not found in the list
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: Delete reference: status [-4]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing type[2] refcount[0]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Flags [0] [0]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last Hostname []
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vdev01dc_1464234299_copy1.lock]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> unlockSnapshot: file[F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vdev01dc_1464234299_copy1.lock] : zero reference count
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: Released snapshot lock: status [0]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> do_post_processing: Deleting snapshot lock files from client for id [vdev01dc_1464234299] and copy_number [1]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vdev01dc_1464234299_copy1.lock]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> deleteSnapshotLockFile: Renamed lock file from [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vdev01dc_1464234299_copy1.lock] to [\sjoc.] for deletion
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <2> deleteSnapshotLockFile: File[\sjoc.] deleted: status[0]
00:08:40.403 [20236.4936] <4> bpfis: INF - EXIT STATUS 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata or state files
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe delete -nbu -id SQL27DC.na.aarp.int_1464222637 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -jobgrpid 1213534 -jobid 1213538 -copy 1 -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,Virtual_machine_backup=2,vmmono=0,file_system_optimization=0,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=501f7485-829f-10a5-a54e-0ee671aa173c,nip=(
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> bpfis main: received FIM as [202] VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,Virtual_machine_backup=2,vmmono=0,file_system_optimization=0,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=501f7485-829f-10a5-a54e-0ee671aa173c,nip=(
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <4> bpfis: Acquiring snapshot lock:retry count [0]
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\SQL27DC.na.aarp.int_1464222637_copy1.lock]
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> rw_lock: LockFileEx WRITELOCK
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> rw_lock: Lock acquired
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read type[0] refcount[1]
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read Flags [0] [0]
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read hostname []
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read jobid[1213538] pid [9340]
01:40:26.263 [4360.7300] <2> bprd_isJobActive: client [bus07dc.na.aarp.int] master[bus03dc]
01:40:26.278 [4360.7300] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
01:40:26.278 [4360.7300] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 572
01:40:26.341 [4360.7300] <2> isJobActive: bprd_isJobActive returned [0] for jobid[1213538]
01:40:26.356 [4360.7300] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
01:40:26.356 [4360.7300] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 616
01:40:27.292 [4360.7300] <4> bpfis: INF - BACKUP START 4360
01:40:27.308 [4360.7300] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
01:40:27.308 [4360.7300] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 632
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN -
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN -
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN -
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
01:40:27.323 [4360.7300] <8> bpfis: WRN -
01:40:27.339 [4360.7300] <4> bpfis: INF - Thawing ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES using snapshot method VMware.
01:40:27.339 [4360.7300] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
01:40:27.339 [4360.7300] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 12
02:00:39.342 [1960.17720] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe create -nbu -owner NBU -id em89dc_1464242437 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -backup_copy 0 -ru root -pt 29 -vm_type 2 -vm_client em89dc -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -st INCR -block_incr -prev_bli_incr 0 -last_bli_full 0 -dt 86699 -rg root -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337ee7-10fd-ffd6-eb76-e30703dc50a0,nip=(,nameuse=1 -class VM_OSB_XML_L06-1 -sched Daily_Diff -fso -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -jobid 1213856 -nbu_version 123797505 -application_consistent 1
02:00:39.342 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis main: received FIM as [239] VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337ee7-10fd-ffd6-eb76-e30703dc50a0,nip=(,nameuse=1
02:00:39.342 [1960.17720] <2> get_vm_blib_ref_change_id_file: checking F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em89dc_0.1.0.changeid.xml existence
02:00:39.342 [1960.17720] <2> get_vm_blib_ref_change_id_file: transferring state files of backup em89dc_0 from master
02:00:39.358 [1960.17720] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:39.358 [1960.17720] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 544
02:00:39.763 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis main: referenced state file is not available
02:00:39.763 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - BACKUP START 1960
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<CONTINUE>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<CONTINUE>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<CONTINUE>
02:00:39.779 [1960.17720] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:39.794 [1960.17720] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 608
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:00:39.810 [1960.17720] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - FIS_ID=em89dc_1464242437
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: parameter client_type 29, fis_accl 0, fis_accl_cksv -1, SNAPSHOT_IS_HERE 1
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: Volume guid list is empty, will not pause and flush NetBackup Change Journal databases
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - Freezing ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES using snapshot method VMware.
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - ACT=em89dc
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - Created mount point F:\Veritas\NetBackup\temp\_vrts_frzn_img_ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES_1960_1
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:39.841 [1960.17720] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 624
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe create -nbu -owner NBU -id em88dc_1464242439 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -backup_copy 0 -ru root -pt 29 -vm_type 2 -vm_client em88dc -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -st INCR -block_incr -prev_bli_incr 0 -last_bli_full 0 -dt 86702 -rg root -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337f38-1f36-f5df-2bf0-8b4f334d4560,nip=(,nameuse=1 -class VM_OSB_XML_L06-1 -sched Daily_Diff -fso -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -jobid 1213857 -nbu_version 123797505 -application_consistent 1
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis main: received FIM as [239] VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337f38-1f36-f5df-2bf0-8b4f334d4560,nip=(,nameuse=1
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> get_vm_blib_ref_change_id_file: checking F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em88dc_0.1.0.changeid.xml existence
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> get_vm_blib_ref_change_id_file: transferring state files of backup em88dc_0 from master
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:41.386 [6324.21064] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 544
02:00:41.776 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis main: referenced state file is not available
02:00:41.776 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:00:41.776 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - BACKUP START 6324
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<NEW_STREAM>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis main: receive filelist:<CONTINUE>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: got path entry as :<CONTINUE>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> check_special_names: after conversion returning :<CONTINUE>
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:41.791 [6324.21064] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 612
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:00:41.822 [6324.21064] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - FIS_ID=em88dc_1464242439
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: parameter client_type 29, fis_accl 0, fis_accl_cksv -1, SNAPSHOT_IS_HERE 1
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: Volume guid list is empty, will not pause and flush NetBackup Change Journal databases
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - Freezing ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES using snapshot method VMware.
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - ACT=em88dc
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - Created mount point F:\Veritas\NetBackup\temp\_vrts_frzn_img_ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES_6324_1
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:41.838 [6324.21064] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 628
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - Deleted mount point F:\Veritas\NetBackup\temp\_vrts_frzn_img_ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES_1960_1
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP NEW_STREAM
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP FIS_VM_BI_ATTRS_FILE=\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em89dc_1464242437.1.0.NBU_DATA.xml
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP \\.\F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em89dc_1464242437.1.0.NBU_DATA.xml USING \\.\C:\ OPTIONS:FITYPE=MIRROR,FSTYPE=NTFS
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\em89dc_1464242437_copy1.lock]
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> rw_lock: LockFileEx WRITELOCK
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> rw_lock: Lock acquired
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> addSnapshotReference: SnapShot Locked <em89dc_1464242437>
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> addReference: Added refferent jobid[1213856] pid[1960]
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing type[0] refcount[1]
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Flags [0] [0]
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last Hostname []
02:00:56.985 [1960.17720] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing jobid[1213856] pid [1960]
02:00:57.001 [1960.17720] <2> addSnapshotReference: SnapShot unlockLocked <em89dc_1464242437>
02:00:57.001 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:00:57.017 [1960.17720] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:57.017 [1960.17720] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 12
02:00:57.500 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
02:00:57.500 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: Callback made to bpbrm.
02:00:57.500 [1960.17720] <2> bpfis Exit: Sent acknowledgement to bpbrm
02:00:57.500 [1960.17720] <4> bpfis: INF - BPFIS ACKNOWLEDGED
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - Deleted mount point F:\Veritas\NetBackup\temp\_vrts_frzn_img_ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES_6324_1
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP NEW_STREAM
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP FIS_VM_BI_ATTRS_FILE=\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em88dc_1464242439.1.0.NBU_DATA.xml
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - REMAP FILE BACKUP \\.\F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em88dc_1464242439.1.0.NBU_DATA.xml USING \\.\C:\ OPTIONS:FITYPE=MIRROR,FSTYPE=NTFS
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\em88dc_1464242439_copy1.lock]
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> rw_lock: LockFileEx WRITELOCK
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> rw_lock: Lock acquired
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> addSnapshotReference: SnapShot Locked <em88dc_1464242439>
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> addReference: Added refferent jobid[1213857] pid[6324]
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing type[0] refcount[1]
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Flags [0] [0]
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last Hostname []
02:00:57.797 [6324.21064] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing jobid[1213857] pid [6324]
02:00:57.843 [6324.21064] <2> addSnapshotReference: SnapShot unlockLocked <em88dc_1464242439>
02:00:57.843 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:00:57.843 [6324.21064] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:00:57.843 [6324.21064] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 12
02:00:58.343 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
02:00:58.343 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: Callback made to bpbrm.
02:00:58.343 [6324.21064] <2> bpfis Exit: Sent acknowledgement to bpbrm
02:00:58.343 [6324.21064] <4> bpfis: INF - BPFIS ACKNOWLEDGED
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe delete -nbu -id em89dc_1464242437 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -jobgrpid 1213844 -jobid 1213856 -copy 1 -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -noserverstate -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337ee7-10fd-ffd6-eb76-e30703dc50a0,nip=(
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> bpfis main: received FIM as [229] VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337ee7-10fd-ffd6-eb76-e30703dc50a0,nip=(
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: Acquiring snapshot lock:retry count [0]
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\em89dc_1464242437_copy1.lock]
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> rw_lock: LockFileEx WRITELOCK
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> rw_lock: Lock acquired
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read type[0] refcount[1]
02:34:20.730 [14788.8156] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read Flags [0] [0]
02:34:20.746 [14788.8156] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
02:34:20.746 [14788.8156] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read hostname []
02:34:20.746 [14788.8156] <2> readSnapshotLockFile: Read jobid[1213856] pid [1960]
02:34:20.746 [14788.8156] <2> bprd_isJobActive: client [bus07dc.na.aarp.int] master[bus03dc]
02:34:20.761 [14788.8156] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:34:20.761 [14788.8156] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 576
02:34:20.839 [14788.8156] <2> isJobActive: bprd_isJobActive returned [0] for jobid[1213856]
02:34:20.839 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: INF - BACKUP START 14788
02:34:20.855 [14788.8156] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:34:20.855 [14788.8156] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 612
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS error 10; see following messages:
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - Non-fatal method error was reported
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN - VfMS method error 0; see following message:
02:34:20.871 [14788.8156] <8> bpfis: WRN -
02:34:20.886 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: INF - Thawing ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES using snapshot method VMware.
02:34:20.886 [14788.8156] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
02:34:20.886 [14788.8156] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 12
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: INF - do_thaw return value: 0
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: INF - Failed to delete mount point F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.em89dc_1464242437.1.0.NBU_DATA.xml; errno=22: Invalid argument
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: Starting keep alive thread.
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: Delete reference: status [0]
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing type[2] refcount[0]
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Flags [0] [0]
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last addReffernt Time [Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> writeSnapshotLockFile: Writing Last Hostname []
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> getFileName: FileName is [F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\em89dc_1464242437_copy1.lock]
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <2> unlockSnapshot: file[F:\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\em89dc_1464242437_copy1.lock] : zero reference count
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: Released snapshot lock: status [0]
02:34:54.239 [14788.8156] <4> bpfis: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
02:38:09.628 [7332.13276] <2> logparams: F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpfis.exe delete -nbu -id em88dc_1464242439 -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -clnt bus07dc.na.aarp.int -jobgrpid 1213844 -jobid 1213857 -copy 1 -S bus03dc.na.aarp.int -noserverstate -fim VMware:trantype=3,snapact=2,nameuse=1,vmmono=0,Virtual_machine_backup=2,file_system_optimization=1,disable_quiesce=0,vsrvr=em15dc.na.aarp.int,uuid=50337f38-1f36-f5df-2bf0-8b4f334d4560,nip=(