Audit Cluster - 4
Student Placement Profile
Community Health Teams Portsmouth - North Locality
Service / Thomas Parr House – Adult CommunityLocation(s) / Medina Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3NH
Key contact details / Shona Anderson Clinical Manager
02392 682982
Heather Davy Community Matron
Nicola Ellis Community Matron
Description of Service / Visiting housebound an vulnerable patients in their own homes (including residential establishments) for a variety of nursing interventions to include: End of Life Care, Wound care/tissue viability, continence including catheter care, bowel care, health promotion including regular injectable medication administration, continuing assessments, vaccinations, IV therapy. The management of Long Term Conditions including COPD, Diabetes, Asthma and Heart Failure.
The aim is to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions. The service supports patients over a 24 hours period.
Other areas of interest and related experience available / Jubilee House, Portsmouth Enablement Rehab Team, Out of Hours nursing service, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dieticians, Speech and Language Therapists. The Victory Unit, Grove Unit, Spinnaker Ward.
Work/Shift pattern / 8:30 – 17:00 1 hour taken for lunch. You will be expected to work at least 1 weekend with your mentor and will be given a day off either side of the weekend you work.
Dress/Uniform code / Uniform to be worn and covered up if travelling on public transport to and from patients. Uniform not to be visible if shopping in the lunch hour.
Staff room / Rest Room facilities / There is a designated room to have lunch and also a kitchen with a microwave.
Library / IT Resources / Solent on-line intranet, University Library, QAH Library
Induction / Orientation Programmes
Welcome Folder / Student induction session for all students within first week of placement. Student induction pack with useful and essential information.
Student Tutorial / Seminar Programme (if available) / Negotiated with mentor and in line with University. Training on how to use the RIO computer system will be organised and you will be expected to attend this training during your placement.
Prior recommended reading / websites / resources / Transforming Primary Care NHS England DOH 2014.
2020 visions focusing on the future of district nursing QNI
Care in Local Communities A New Vision and Model for District Nursing NHS Commissioning Board DOH (2013)
Specific areas of expertise/clinical skills which students can observe / learn from / Practice / Nursing assessment, wound management, medication / nutritional intervention, holistic approach to patient care. End of Life Care, Health Promotion, Immunisation, Continuing Care Assessments, including fast track for end of life patients.
List of inter-professional learning opportunities available during placement / Virtual ward visits with Community Matron, Heart Failure Nurse specialist, MS nurse specialist, Parkinson’s Disease nurse specialist, Tissue viability nurses specialist opportunity to attend discharge planning meetings, palliative care specialist nurse, attend Gold Standards Framework meetings and Primary Care meetings, opportunity to work with a Practice Nurse and Nurse Practitioner, Dementia voice Nurse, Community Mental Health Nurse, Community Pharmacist, Continuing Care Nurse Assessor, Community Podiatrist.
Our expectations of learners whilst on this placement / That they are punctual, professional and adhere to the uniform code. Inform the office or mentor if going to be late or absent. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own off duty and notifying either their mentor or student link at the University if they are unable to make it into work. Students should work at least 40% of their time with a mentor – but preferably more often if able to ensure a more effective working relationship and facilitation of the assessments. A Mentor and a Buddy will be identified for the students prior to commencement of placement, who they can meet prior to starting or on their first day. Students are supernumerary and as such we would ask that if there is anything they feel uncomfortable doing that they please inform their mentor or the shift leader so that this can be dealt with swiftly and effectively.
Most of all we want you to enjoy your placement with us and hope to inspire you to want to come and be part of our workforce in the community.
**Please ensure that you make contact with your placement area and your mentor prior to the start of your placement
Excerpts from student evaluations