Special Interest Group on Aging



Date 29/03/2017 Venue: Lecture Hall , St Mary’s Hospital.

Chair: Aisling Coffey Secretary: Fiachra Mc Cabe


Attendance: Cliona Beaumont, Mater; Anette F O Callaghan, St Columcilles; Fiacra Mc Cabe, Leopardstowen; Margaret Cagney; Rebecca Haughan, St Marys; Gareth Preston, CHB; Deirdre Mc Nally, BellVilla; Geraldine Healy, Meath CNU; Alison Doyle, POA, HSE Dublin north; Michelle Whelan, Cappagh; Mary Walsh, Cappagh; Ann Crawford, Cherry Orchard Hsp; Aisling Coffey, St Marys.


-  Welcomes

-  Explain IASW and Special Interest Group

-  Review previous minutes and matters arising

Agenda Structured Under SIGA Objectives:

Objective1: Provide a Professional Forum for social workers working with older persons to exchange information and support

1.  Presentation from John Brennan, IASW rep on NCPOP, on Interprofessional Interest Group

2.  Presentation from Patrice Reilly, Senior SW Practitioner, on Tallaght Integrated Care Team

3.  Recent Email Communication

§  21.03.17 Care Alliance Spring Newsletter

§  01.03.17 Care Alliance Ireland: Research and Policy Roundup Launched

§  13.02.17 - National Safeguarding Office newsletter

§  07.02.17 - Launch of HSCPs Education and Development Strategy 2016-2019

§  06.02.17 - Laws Can Change Lives Public Meeting

§  03.02.17 - Link to ADM Act Masterclass in UCD

§  02.02.17 - Call for Abstracts Irish Gerontology Society meeting

Objective 2: Influence Policy, Legislation and Service Delivery via IASW Structures

4. Consultation on the ADM Act: Guide for HSCPs March 2017

Objective 3: Professional development of social work practice to examine opportunities for education and involvement in research

5. Update from John Brennan on Research on HCPs

6. National SIGA Conference Fri 10/11/17: Promoting Excellence in Dementia Care.

7. Input sought from IASW on the role of a social worker with older persons

-  Acute hospitals

-  Rehabilitation hospitals / services

-  Safeguarding and Protection Teams

-  HSE nursing homes

-  Mental health services

-  Learning disability services

-  Local authority housing departments

-  Primary care teams

Objective 4: Advocacy / Representation on the Needs of Older Persons from a Social Work Perspective

8. Update from John Brennan on NCPOP

9. Statutory Home Care Consultation

10. Meeting between IASW & SAGE - circulate minutes of meeting between Frank Browne, John Brennan, Mervyn Taylor and Eileen O Callaghan


11. SIGA AGM July 2017

12. Age Action AGM 27.06.17 @ 1pm Croke Park



·  Aisling welcomed all present and introductions given by all attendees. Agenda discussed through and Aisling also explained the function and purpose of SIGA and the many benefits of IASW membership.

·  We also had a review of the Membership and purpose of SIGA.

Previous Minutes

·  No issues arising, accepted as presented.

Current Minutes

1.  John Brennan sent this apologies, unable to present due to other issues arising. Will follow up at next meeting.

2.  Patrice also unable to present due to personal matter. Will again follow up at next meeting.

3.  Discussion had regarding recent email communication as set out in the agenda.

4.  Agreement that Deirdre, Fiachra, Annette and Aisling would review the Guide for HSCP’s for the consultation on the ADM Act. Reviews to be submitted to Aisling who will collate information and submit on behalf of SIGA.

5.  John unavailable to update on research regarding HCP’s.

6.  SIGA conference – will be discussed at next meeting.

7.  Role profiles – a number of attendees gave a commitment to submit a general role profile from their specialities to Aisling.

8.  John Brennan not in attendance.

9.  There was a strong consensus amongst the group that SIGA should make a submission regarding HCP’s as part of the Statutory Home Care Consultation process that is due to commence from Minister Mc Entee’s office. This item is to stay on the agenda until a submission is made.

10.  Minutes of meeting between IASW and SAGE were circulated and discussed in the meeting.

11.  SIGA AGM will be held in July 2017. Please notify chair or secretary of any matters to be included on the agenda.

12.  Chair informed group of Age Action AGM to be held in Croke Park on the 27.6.2017.

Next Meeting: 25/05 /2017, Lecture Hall, St Mary’s Hospital.

Time: 14.00-16.00