for the
Electric Contract, Plumbing Contract, HVAC Contract,
Sprinkler Contract, and Photovoltaic Contract
(Separate Prime Contracts)
- The Project is herein identified as:
Proposed Firehouse for
Nanuet Fire District
29 Old Middletown Road
Town of Clarkstown
County of Rockland, New York
- The Owner is herein identified as:
Board of Fire Commissioners
Nanuet Fire District
7 Prospect Street, PO Box 119
Nanuet, New York 10954
- The Site is located at:
29 Old Middletown Road
Town of Clarkstown (Hamlet of Nanuet)
County of Rockland, New York
(Section 63.12, Block 3, Lot 54)
- Proposals shall be made according to the Form of Proposal provided therefore, and all blank spaces on the form that apply, shall be fully filled in; numbers shall be stated both in writing and in numerical figures; the signatures shall be in long hand, and the completed form shall be without interlineation, alteration, erasure, qualification, or recapitulation of the Work to be done. Proposals shall be in quadruplet.
- Before submitting a Proposal, the Bidder shall procure and carefully examine the Advertisement for Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Prevailing Wage Rates, Form of Proposal, Closeout Paperwork Certification, AIA Document A132-2009 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Document A232-2009 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, Amendments to AIA Document A232-2009 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, Supplementary General Conditions for Concrete Contract, Supplementary General Conditions for Steel Contract, Indemnification and Hold Harmless all Contractors except Demolition and Site Work Contractor, the Specifications, Drawings, Scope of Work,entitled as above, as well as the Building Component Survey, and other documents in the Project Manual, all as modified by issued Addenda, visit the Site of the Work, fully inform himself of the existing conditions under which he shall be required to operate in performing his Work or that shall in any way affect the Work under his Contract, and shall include in the Proposal a sum to cover the cost of all specific and implied items required by the Contract. The Bidder is required to fully review and familiarized himself with the scope, limits and nature of the Work included in the Contract. Same is considered essential to the formation of a responsive bid. All Work shall comply with the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction. No allowances will be made subsequent to the signing of the Contract, on behalf of the Contractor, for any error or negligence on his part.
- APre-Bid Meeting will be held at the Siteon Tuesday, September 17, 2014 at 10 am.
- Insurance in the amounts indicated in the Supplementary General Conditions are to name the Nanuet Fire District, Architect, North Consultants, the Construction Manager, their employees and consultants as additionally insured. Such insurances shall be primary and non-contributory to other insurances that may exist.
- No Proposal shall be considered unless received and on hand at the specified time, date, and address at which Proposals are to be opened, all as set forth in the Advertisement for Bid. Proposals en route by mail or other means, but not so received and on hand, shall not be considered. The Owner’s mailing address is:
Regular Mail Express Mail/Fed Ex
Board of Fire CommissionersBoard of Fire Commissioners
Nanuet Fire DistrictNanuet Fire District
7 Prospect Street, PO Box 11926 Convent Road
Nanuet, New York 10954Nanuet, New York 10954
No oral, telegraphic, facsimile, telephonic, or E-mail Proposals or modifications shall be considered.
- Proposals shall be complete in all respects to the requirements of the Project and Contract Documents. Proposals that contain exceptions, qualifications, exclusions or other deviations from the Project requirements shall be rejected as beingnon-responsive.
- Proposals shall be addressed to the Owner, and shall be delivered to the Owner in an enclosed, opaque, sealed envelope addressed to the Owner, marked “Proposal” and bearing the name of the Project and the specific Prime Contract for which the Proposal has been submitted.
- Any deficiency in the Bidding Documents that would preclude final clearance for theconcrete contract or the steel contractis to be brought to the attention of the Architect and Construction Manager before bidding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Bidding Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall notify the Construction Manager at once, not less than seven days prior to the scheduled bid opening. The Construction Manager, in concert with the Architect, shall send written instructions to all Bidders as required to clarify such discrepancies and / or eliminate such omissions. Neither the Owner, Architect, nor Construction Managershall be responsible for any oral instructions.
Any Addenda issued during the time of Bidding shall be covered and acknowledged in the Form of Proposal, and they shall become an integral part of the Contract.
- Each Proposal shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond or Certified Check in the amount of five percent of the Base Bid payable to the Board of Fire Commissioners, Nanuet Fire District. The Bid Bond or Check, as the case may be, shall insure the Owner of the adherence of the Bidder to his Proposal, the execution of the Contract, and the furnishing of Performance and Payment Bonds for 100% of the Contract if his Proposal is accepted. The surety must be licensed to do business in the State of New York and must be approved by the Owner’s Attorney.
- The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids received.
- Any Bidder whose Proposal is accepted shall be required to execute the Contract within 10-days after notice that the Contract has been awarded to him, and he shall be required to sign the AIA Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor (AIA A132, 2009 edition) as edited for this Project, and to furnish to the Owner before the Contract is effective, Payment and Performance Bonds in the amount of 100% of the Contract Sum. The cost of the Bonds shall be paid for by the successful Bidder.
- All workers are to have OSHA 10 certificates and any other certificates and training as required by the Contract Documents, as well as those required by agencies having jurisdiction.
- The Project listed, being sponsored by public monies, is to be conducted under the full requirements of Federal, State, and County laws pertaining to publicly financed projects, including adherence to prevailing wage rates established by the New York State Department of Labor. A schedule of such rates is included in the Project Manual. Certified payroll reports shall be submitted weekly for all personnel working on the Project.
- Refer to the Supplementary General Conditions regarding temporary electric.
- Refer to the Supplementary General Conditions regarding temporary water.
- Refer to the Supplementary General Conditions regarding temporary heat.
- Owner will provide a temporary toilet facility.
- Unless otherwise noted the Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, certificates, testing, final clearances, etc., and shall submit all documentation and reporting as may be required for the implementation and completion of his Work. The Contractor shall pay such legal taxes on materials, equipment, and labor used in the prosecution of the Work, as may apply. Note that the Nanuet Fire District is exempt from the payment of sales and compensating use taxes of the State of New York and the cities and counties within the State of New York. .
- Acceptance of a Proposal shall be a notice in writing signed by a duly authorized representative of the Owner. The awarding of a Contract, if awarded, shall be made by the Owner within 30 days after the opening of Bids. Work must be started as indicated in Section 011000 of the Specifications, and the Contractor must diligently continue work without unnecessary delays and with sufficient manpower to complete the Work in the shortest possible time while coordinating his Work with the Work of other Prime Contractors. Work must be Substantially Complete by date indicated in Section 011000 of the Specifications. The Contractor shall receive a Notice to Proceed from the Construction Managerprior to starting work. The start of the work shall be coordinated with the Construction Manager 1week prior to the actual date of commencement.