HRR 23
POLICY: Reporting and Responding to Workplace Injuries and, Return to Work PlanningReviewed Date: 05/06/11 / Approved Date: 05/06/11 / Released Date: 05/06/11
Reviewed by: KP/SB/PG / Approved by: PG / Released by: NS
At AdvoCare Health Services, we respond to and report employee’s injuries in a timely manner which is in accordance with Work Safe BC guidelines. Workplace injuries are also reviewed at the OH&S committee at each worksite and, at AdvoCare’s Executive OH&S committee and, every effort is made to accommodate return to work needs of the employee.
- Employees will be advised, at the Employee Information Session and at the onsite orientation of when and how to report injuries which occur while on duty.This includes reporting to the nurse in charge and completion of WSBC Form 6a which is mandatory for all staff. To ensure compliance with completion of this form, a copy is given to each employee @ time of hire and, supplies are maintained for easy access in each work area.
- The Worker’s Compensation Act requires the following incidents to be reported immediately:
a.) any accident that results in serious injury or death of a worker,
b.)any accident which involves a major structural failure,
c.)any accident which involves release of or exposure to a hazardous substance,
d.)any accident required by regulation to be reported.
- Completed Form 6a is to be relayed to the Injury Claims Manager at Kelowna home office within 48 hours of the incident/ accident.
- The injured worker should also report their injury directly to the TeleClaim Centre at WorkSafeBC 1-888-WORKERS (1-888-967-5377 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm).
- The nurse, who serves as the First Aide Attendant in accordance with her core competency as a nurse will provide first aide treatment and/or provide direction and support as required. “Further Support” may include organizing additional intervention such as sending staff to a primary physician, walk in clinic or emergency department.
- Per Section 53 (1) of the WSBC code, workers must notify their employers “as soon as practicable” after the occurrence of their injury, section 55 (2) allows the worker one year from the date of injury to make an application for compensation, though we encourage reporting at time of incident.
- The HR Director/CEO, VP of Operations and President are to be notified by email if an employee has sustained a significant injury but, STAT by phone if a catastrophic injury occurs.
- WSBCForm 7 is completed by the employer’s Injury Claims Manager.
- Return to work programs are supported (refer to forms HRRf23a Doctor’s Report; HRRf23e Modified Duties for RTW plans/Physician’s Authorization; HRRf23f, HRRf23g, HRRf23h Modified Duties List forms for various departments; and HRRf23i, HRRf23j and HRRf23k for specific RTW plans Physician’s Authorizationas samples of supporting documents to be utilized to obtain physician’s support and direction for successful return to work plans). AdvoCare must ensure the employee consents to us obtaining such data from the physician. Where an employee is unable to sign the release, AdvoCare accepts capturing of consent verbally from the employee who then records same on document for physician and, dated in staff log.
- Copies of all WorkSafe BC forms and communication will be kept in the employee’s file as well as with the Claims Manager who manages Return to Work documentation.
- A semi-annual summary of work related injuries is compiled and reported to the Chief Operating Officer.
- The Workers Compensation Act, (3.11 Emerging Circumstances) states that “if emergency action is required to correct a condition which constitutes an immediate threat to workers only those qualified and properly instructed workers necessary to correct the unsafe condition may be exposed to the hazard, and every possible effort must be made to control the hazard while this is being done.”
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