Lesson Wise ProcesstoAccessing Grade-Level Content Standards and Curriculum

  1. Identify the standard(s)

Content Area: Social Studies / Unit: Maps and Globes
a) List instructional unit andrelated standards / Geography 1a: Students will understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geo-graphics.
b) List activities currently implemented in the classroom and related skills
c) Liststandards to be addressed by their corresponding essence or GBEs / 1.1-Identify the different ways maps and globes model the world.
Essence: Maps and globes
E1: Distinguish between different types of maps and the regions they represent.
E2: Identify a map and a globe.
E3: Identify a map or globe.
1.2-Explain how maps and globes use symbols to represent distance and direction.
Essence: Symbols of maps and globes
E1: Match a compass rose and scale with their purpose (e.g., compass rose to direction and scale to distance).
E2: Use the compass rose to identify a direction.
E3: Identify the compass rose or scale on a map.
3.3-Construct and interpret maps to find natural and human-made features.
Essence: Features on maps
E1: Identify a natural and a human-made feature on a map.
E2: Identify the locations of given features on a map.
E3: Match specified symbols with the features they indicate.
3.4-Identify different types of maps that can be used to answer real-world questions.
Essence: Types of maps
E1: Given a map, determine what information is included (e.g., regions, features, symbols).
E2: Use a map to answer a given real-world question.
E3: Identify the area/region depicted on a map (e.g., school, park, state)
3.5-Understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geo-graphics.
Essence: Maps and globes
E1: Demonstrate the use of a map by navigating to a specified location.
E2: Locate a specific point or feature on a map.
E3: Match specified symbols with features they indicate.
  1. Define the learning outcomes

Level of support / Least support / Moderate support / Most support
List the desired outcomes for students / Students will use words and graphics to learn about their world.
Students will use positional vocabulary words to describe spatial relationships.
Students will be able to interpret information from a globe or map. / Students will use words or graphics to Identify places on a map.
When given a spatial relationship students will identify the corresponding positional vocabulary.
Students will be able to identify places on a map or globe. / Students will match words or graphics to corresponding places on a map.
Students will match a given spatial relationship to its corresponding position.
Students will be able to identify a map or globe.
List the formative assessments
  1. Identify the instructional activities to be used within the unit

List the instructional activities planned for all students / List the barriers that may prevent students from accessing instruction, participating in activities, or demonstrating learning / List supports that can be implemented to reduce barriers
Lesson 1: Positional words
Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins, Rosie on the map, “Rosie Says” game
Lesson 2: Cardinal directions and symbols
Compass Slide, Follow the compass rose directions, Symbols in the school and community
Lesson 3: Maps and globes
There is a Map on my Lap by Dr. Suess, Globe and map Venn Diagram, Continent (Land) and Oceans (Water)

ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education

  1. Target specific IEP goals and/or skills that could be addressed during the unit

IEP Goal/Skill

ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education

Use this form in addition to Step 1 if working across multiple grade bands
1. Identify the standard(s) that do/ do not overlap across grade bands
Content area: / Unit:
List grade-level standards covered in the first grade band / List grade-level standards covered in the second grade band / Identify(or mark) standards that overlap between grade bands / Identify (or mark) standards thatdo not overlap between grade bands

ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education