The regular meeting of the Campbell City Schools’ Board of Education was held at 7:00 PM in Room 310 at Memorial High School. President Tony Kelly presided and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members were present to roll call:

Mr. Gary Bednarik, Mrs. Beth Donofrio, Mr. Richard Gozur Sr., Mr. Bill Valentino, and

Mr. Tony Kelly.

The treasurer presented the minutes of the regular meeting held July 15, 2014 and the special meeting held July 21, 2014, subject to any corrections or omissions.

I.Motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 15, 2014 and the special meeting held July 21, 2014.

Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

II.RESOLUTION #2014-152: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the financial reports, payment of bills, Then and Now Certificates, as presented in the treasurer’s report.

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

III.RESOLUTION #2014-153: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it accept a grant from Pioneering Healthy Communities in the amount of $5,000.00.

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

IV.RESOLUTION #2014-154: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the following repayments to General Fund:


Early Childhood Education (Fund 439)$ 27,674.76

Early Literacy Reading Readiness (Fund 499)$ 32,111.88

$ 59,786.64

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Gozur Sr.

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)

V.RESOLUTION #2014-155: : It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the Purpose and Policy Statements and Budgets for the various Student Activity accounts for the 2014-2015 school year.

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

VI.RESOLUTION #2014-156: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the addition of a new Student Activity Fund #200-967K for the income and activities of the Class of 2018.

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

VII.RESOLUTION #2014-157: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it accept the following donations:


$1,000.00Campbell Gridiron ClubFootball Program / New Helmets

$1,000.00Campbell Little Red DevilsCampbell Athletic Program

$ 200.00Campbell Gridiron ClubMHS Cheerleaders

$ 103.60Michael V. Sciortino (Cash for Cans)Elementary Principal Fund

$ 100.00Think Pink – Sink for PinkFreshman Cheerleaders

$ 50.00Lencyk Masonry Co., Inc.MHS Cheerleaders

$ 30.00Mr. and Mrs. Michael KindinisMHS Cheerleaders

$ 30.00Mr. and Mrs. Thomas RepaskyMHS Cheerleaders

$ 30.00Various DonationsMHS Cheerleaders

$ 20.00Maria RohanFreshman Cheerleaders

$ 10.00Drew RauzanFreshman Cheerleaders

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly


  1. ODE Correspondence – Revision of 2012 Report Card


  1. Third Grade Reading Guarantee Student Reassessed – Update by Ryan Stowell
  2. New District Website –Mr. Bowen highlighted the alumni spotlight.


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)


  1. CEA – No questions or comments.
  2. OAPSE - Present were Mark Smith, Michelle Miranda, Sandra Bilchik, and Mari Ellen Bevak.
  3. General Public –Michelle Miranda expressed thanks for the alumni spotlight on the new website; Cathy Berry thanked the Board for approving “khakis” in the students’ dress code, and passed out cookies.

VIII.RESOLUTION #2014-158: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it accept the resignation of MARY JIBOTIAN, Registered Nurse at Memorial High School, effective July 30, 2014.

Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

IX.RESOLUTION #2014-159: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the disability retirement of CONSTANTINOS RAPTIS, Fieldhouse Head Custodian at Memorial High School, effective August 6, 2014.

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

X.RESOLUTION #2014-160: It is recommended by the superintendent and administrative team to the Board of Education that it approve the appointment of the following certified personnel for the 2014-2015 school year. Salary per negotiated agreement.


Andrew TimkoSocial Studies Teacher – HSAugust 25, 2014

Katelynn WardLanguage Arts Teacher – HSAugust 25, 2014

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XI.RESOLUTION #2014-161: It is recommended by the superintendent and administrative team to the Board of Education that it appoint the following part-time Reading/Math tutors at an hourly rate of $14.00 per hour, effective August 25, 2014. All costs shall be covered by State, Federal, or other grants as appropriate. These part-time positions are not part of any bargaining unit.

John ChildersMegan HarwellShirley Willich

Dominique GallettaJessica Stacy

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)

XII.RESOLUTION #2014-162: : It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the employment of student workers at Memorial High School for the 2014-2015 school year. These students will work 2 hours per day, 5 days per week, at a rate of $5.50 per hour.

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XIII.RESOLUTION #2014-163: It is recommended by the superintendent and administrative team to the Board of Education that it approve the appointment of the following individuals to the supplemental positions so indicated for the 2014-2015 school year. Salary per negotiated agreement.

Sports TrainerMARK RASETA

Assistant Varsity Soccer CoachALEX SUDACOV

Volunteer / Middle School FootballCHRISTOPHER COPELAND

Volunteer / Middle School FootballJERMAINE VENABLE

Volunteer / Cheerleading ProgramCATHERINE BERRY

Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XIV.RESOLUTION #2014-164: : It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the following home instruction tutors and/or classified substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year:


Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XV.RESOLUTION #2014-165: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve professional leave for the following individuals for the reasons so indicated:

ANNA BEECH8/28-29/14 Training for new testing – KAASP Workshop – Akron, OH

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)

XVI.RESOLUTION #2014-166: : It is recommended by the superintendent and administrative team to the Board of Education that it approve student handbooks for Campbell K-7 and Memorial High School, effective with the 2014-2015 school year.

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XVII.RESOLUTION #2014-167: Consideration of the Board of Education to appoint a delegate and alternate to attend the Fall OSBA Capital Conference on November 9, 10, 11, and 12, 2014 in Columbus, OH.


ALTERNATE:Beth Donofrio

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XVIII.RESOLUTION #2014-168: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the Campbell Gridiron Club permission to display the following business banners in the football stadium:

Austintown Fence

Beyond Reflections

Bryan Tedesco


Campbell Hardware

Huntington Bank

Ianazone’s Pizza

Little Red Devils

Precision Property Maintenance

Soup City Design


Team Source

Valentino Realty

Valentino’s Construction

Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., and Kelly

Abstain: Valentino


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)

XIX.RESOLUTION #2014-169: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it amend Resolution #2014-151 to reflect the revision of the following policy numbers:


#5460#5460.02Credit Recovery Program

#5460.1#5460.03Participation in Commencement Ceremony

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XX.RESOLUTION #2014-170: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the forfeit of the previous IRN of Campbell Middle School, 031237, and maintain the previous IRN of Campbell Elementary School, 029579, to now be assigned to the K-7 building whereas one (1) principal will oversee all duties and responsibilities.

Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XXI.RESOLUTION #2014-171: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve an agreement between the Mahoning County Educational Service Center (MCESC) and the Campbell City School District to provide services to Campbell City Schools from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 at a cost of $511,810.42. (The agreement is on file in the treasurer’s office.)

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XXII.RESOLUTION #2014-172: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve an agreement between Community Development Institute Head Start (CDI HS) and the Campbell City School District to operate a Head Start / Early Head Start program in the Campbell City School District as an interim grantee and as approved by the Mahoning County Educational Service Center (MCESC) from August 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015. (The agreement is on file in the treasurer’s office.)

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly


Building principals provided reports on updates and events in their respective buildings. Mr. Yeager was not in attendance. Curt Brown provided a maintenance report. Cathy Berry reported that buses are ready, as Thomas Mesaros was absent from the meeting.


MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 8/19/14 (Continued)


  1. Mid-year Promotion Concerning Third Grade Reading Guarantee
  2. HB 264 Energy Conservation Project Lighting Update
  3. Mr. Bowen read a letter from Constellation Energy

Mr. Bednarik updated the Board on the pile of debris in the parking lot that was left there since last year. Working with the prosecutor to resolve.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM at Memorial High School in Room 310.

XXIII.Motion to recess to executive session at 8:32 PM for:

Consideration of employment of an employee or official of the School District;

Consideration of discipline of an employee or official of the School District.

Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XXIV.Motion to return to regular session at 10:15 PM.

Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

XXV.Motion to adjourn at 10:15PM.

Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio

Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly

The foregoing is a correct record of the proceedings of the Board of Education regular meeting held August 19, 2014.


President Treasurer